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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. If that were the case then your situation does not apply to it, and I don't recall that even being mention unless you get unhosted and have that -13000 credit amount then maybe, but since you only have -8 days or less now since your posting, then the admin don't need to reset your credits to zero.
  2. Well thanks to that name I think I found a workable solution that makes the most sense to me, in a technical aspect: I knew before searching the topic that you would have to be working in safe mode in order to get this out, of course if your ready for some hardcore computing then check out this site as this person like so many others with this type of trojan has a good success rate. Also here is some more info and another solution from the McAfee group. So when your ready to try one of these methods either have another computer going with this info so you can read as you go through the steps, or have a print out of it.
  3. Could you post a screen shot and give exact details as to what the trojan name is because your not giving the relevant information to help fix this problem. It also seems that the anti-viruses are not working for some reason or you haven't configured them properly or updated the virus list as well. Also try scanning for the trojan in safe mode and see if anything happens during that scan. I have to agree with shadowx that it seems that this program could be the cause of your files not getting uploaded properly, and you might have to look for something else to edit your files.So if you can post more information on what this error says maybe we can find a solution to how to remove this trojan or file thats infecting everything.
  4. All I have to say is ouch, I wasn't expecting something like this to happen, especially on her end to act like this. Of course I agree your feelings of what she was right, and I doubt you will ever get a straight answer as to why she did it. Although I say its a rough call on it being minor just because a small thing like a relationship that you two were having before this ugly incident usually can be taking the wrong way and thus you would have a real big problem and thus the beginnings of he siad/she said and the she said being more damaging.I would admit though that you shouldn't have made that offer just because of the situation and the fact that you could have tried again developing something, but of course she was wrong in saying something like that, all she had to say was no thank you and end it. I am not to clear on the phone thing but either way you should have stopped yourself from even thinking about getting a gift as personal as a phone to many things can be thought of as to why you want to give a person a phone. I will say this though that you handle this situation maturely, unlike the protagonist of the situation; nonetheless, she will know that your gone after a week or so, don't be surprise if she contacts you, unlikely that maybe. Let me make a small correction to what I said earlier yeah the whole situation was only minor because the problem that was created out of this was stopped before it got any worse, especially for you. Live and learn I guess from the situation of course lets not forget regardless how old you are people can still be immature about some things such as this.Bummer about the car as well.
  5. Of course blame alex for making a cool idea an illegal toy to have , of course thos EMP bombs are not cheap either, and I won't even try guessing because I could be way off on that. Although Dagoth Nereviar has something on the min black holes, but in order to sustain a black you would literally need to suck out the power to the whole power grid in some large country or rather several large countries. Of course who would be stupid enough to generate something that cannot be contain, that I am aware of, of course an episode of Spider-Man about mini worm holes does come ot mind as a way to transport a person, and of course at the end create a very unstable black hole in return.
  6. Well there is one problem I see with it though and that is ajax doesn't have a installation package that I am aware, meaning that all a person has to do is click a link in its admin panel and BAM your done. I would say to make things easier would be to have the Frameworks come with a hosting package i.e. prototype, MOOtools, JQuery to name a couple of frameworks to have in. But like I said AJAX doesn't require a database to be used unless you are using PHP that needs the use of a database. Now if you can design a 100% AJAX website, meaning everything is controlled by AJAX and has a admin panel to edit the changes you could create a AJAX package that way. I have seen a couple of AJAX scripts that have layout type look to it. Again you would need to develop a installation package that has some integration into a person's website that works like a php include in someway. As for the back button I haven't seen to much but I google and I came up with these two links about how to work with it, surprisingly enough. Link #1 Link #2
  7. Although I am not not sure how a forum would work in a RPG, seem websites like that but never looked, but I would say start off with a free forum like SMF, AEF, PHPBB and then build around that. Especially using a mod that helps display ads in topics. However, I do see a small problem and that is content because if you are just using a forum to do an RPG your not going to make much out of it since it wouldn't be content based. But...Since there is like a billion harry potter fans in the world you would have to design very deep RPG and lots of advertising with like every harry potter website in the world.
  8. Well I thought I kick in one more package of add-ons for the firefox browser for 2007; although some of these should have been in my last topic since most of them are google related, or rather google search engine related. Before we go into this last batch of add-ons here are the links to my previous topics on the different dream packages worth of google add-ons for you firefox users to use. Dream Package #1 Dream Package #2 Dream Package #3 Dream Package #4 ImageCounter WOW!! I wonder what this does, if you remember the link counter in Dream Package #3. its the same concept but this time you count images and stuff. So if you like stats and looking to see how many images websites use when designing those ultra-mega websites with the cool graphics, then this is an extension for you. Download Link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Update Notifier Well to take a break from google a bit, this simple plug in just lets you know that your add-on's have an update and you can do a insta download and then restart your firefox without hte need to close and open it again. Download Link https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/update-notifier/ Cache Status Well ok this may not be the most useful plug-in but who knows you can get a more understanding on how your firefox works for you. Basically you can change the cache sizes on the fly with this add on without the need to do the about:config method, and so now you can actually get your firefox to take up half your hard drive if you wanted to . Download Link https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/cache-status/ This utility extension monitors your cache statistics for both memory and disk devices, pulling the numbers straight from the same place that 'about:cache' does. RSS Ticker Now this is a useful extension to have, especially for our trappers here, this extension basically load a new ticker at the bottom of the firefox browser of the lates "live bookmarks" you have on RSS feed's you have save, very customizable, and easy to figure to set up as well. So if there is a post you like you just click on one of the topics and you are there, but a warning it will be in lo-fi so you will have to scroll down to the bottom and then click to see the full version. Yeah it sounds like it is a bit more work then it needs to be, but it still is useful if don't have time to post and see a for topics you might want to post in quickly. Firefox Version 2.x-3b4 Download Link https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/rss-ticker/ Although I did have one more that displayed RSS but couldn't get it work, and although this dream package is short and sweet but it seems I have found the best of the best in firefox extension for firefox 2, and so hopefully when Firefox 3 comes out we will see a new crop of extensions and maybe improvements to the old ones in 2008. UPDATE: I move the stuff from Dream Package 4 to here just to match everything up with the google extensions that I posted about. Added in a RSS News ticker should be very useful for the trappers.
  9. Just to let you know that when your account goes negative your hosting credit rate goes up quite a bit, and so 3-4 good posts will get you back up to the positive again. Like Carson said the admin are not going to reset your credits because you know what needs to be done to keep your credits in the positive, and so just follow my advice and make 3-4 great, long posts, or maybe more to get yourself in th positive again.
  10. Another Trapmas has gone by, more trap presents open by the trappers; with me opening them all up and taking all the cash . So as Your Spam Santa my gift to you all is more spam BWAHAHAHA!!!Well Merry Xmas and of a Trap New Year.
  11. Well I been here for quite awhile I would stake my post count reputation on it, just make sure not to creep around while I am sleeping that way you won't disturb my sleep . Of course the best thing is though you can have as many credits as you want but to get the most out of the credit system is that your posts are insanely long, and have lots of content in them. Since your already hosted you already know about the length of the posts of course if you get the $40 hosting credit package share the wealth with us .
  12. Heck although I am entering I might already pick the winner, which is me of course Yeah right , should be a very interesting voting for this one indeed.
  13. I have to go with the Simpsons just because they have been running longer and the material they present doesn't cross the line like Family Guy does. don't get me wrong Family guy is a great show and its built around dirty humor but the Simpsons franchise is more well establish then Family Guy is.
  14. Yes Xisto - Web Hosting will be able to transfer your fils from a trap account to a Xisto - Web Hosting account. No your Xisto domain won't be going along with hte transfer unless you add on the domain through your Xisto - Web Hosting account. There is a purchase credits plans which you can find here, the payment options are in increments of 6 months. However, if you plan to go to a Xisto - Web Hosting account it wouldn't make much sense to purchase credits unless of course you have a trap account and a paid hosting account as well. Of course more money that go towards xisto websites odds are that money could be allocated into more space for members who are hosted here. Well there are three modes for your hosting account, online, suspended, and terminated; online is where your website can be seen and that you ca access the website, suspended means your site will be off line and your access blocked, and terminate is when your credits hit -30 in which everything will get deleted. of course to stay out of the other two modes your credits need to stay in the positive, and if your credits do go into the negative you need to bring your account up to 4+ credits and then a couple of hours later your website will be online again. Note: Since you have someone else helping you with your site it could be possible that you two split up the posting on the forums, and that way you two could build up credits based on the different forums you both have interests in.
  15. Didn't anwii post the same domain??. anyways it seems buff had a solution in a similar topic made, and so get a hold of him and let him know so he can quickly fix it.
  16. Simplicity in itself, of course thats the wonders of making a version 2, 3, 4 of the websites as time goes by. So I go gentle and start from the top and work my way down to the footer. Banner - As a gfx person I look at the banners right away just to see what kind of work has been done, I would say simple as it maybe you have a lot of open space and I would think having a background designed using vector brushes would add a bit of style to the site and also a bit of color to it as well. Nav - Although its fine as it is but iff you add that same rollover you have for your drop down menu you add a bit more to it. The next part I would say designing a contact form within the website (another link to add to the nav menu) it saves people the time to opening another window to the their email client and then writing the email. Footer - Although not neccessary but in the footer wher you have your copyright info you ususally have a link of you domain and have your name with a clickable email link as well. Copyright Š 2007 <a href-"keegonguyen.com/;. All Rights Reserved. Designed By <a href="mailto:info@keegonguyen.com">Your Name</a> Bio Page - On this page it isn't neccessary to have that within a frame since your background is white and you have nothing fancy you could let that expand and that way people who visit the site don't have to scroll. Gallery - When you have images its good to get use to using the alt tag or alt="" within the image code: <img src="yourimage.jpg" alt="your title"> Since your using the lightbox script you have some room for creativity such as putting info about the picture itself when the user clicks on it for the picture to enlarge. To do this all you do is add this to your images title="my caption"and then fill in the info such as year it was taken, the name of the shot maybe even the photographers name. The next part of the lightbox script is something that is more of a convenience for the users then anything else is by grouping your photos within the source code by adding this rel="lightbox[roadtrip] right after the image. Then within the brackets you just use a name for that gallery such bridal and that when the user will be able to move on to the next picture by clicking the next or previous button which is (hide) hoverable link and that way they don't have to close the picture each time they want to see the next one. Broken Pages - Just a small tip regardless if you have nothing on a page such as your links page its always good to have something up so not to deal with broken pages such as the one you have right now. Other then those comments and adding a bit of color to the site your off to a good start.
  17. Well If I got the two right board heres EVGA ASUS It would seem both boards have there problems from the reviews I have read on these boards that they are not worth the price nor the features that come with these. So I would recommend that you keep on searching because the most common problems people jad was it DOA the moment they installed it to BIOS not being current. I would look at the following boards as they seems to have less problems with better stuff Board #1 RAID Board #2 non RAID
  18. csp4.0 is half correct, the acid test also see how current the browser is in terms of web standards or more importantly CSS 1, CSS 2, and CSS 3. If the browser cannot renders the coding correctly you get the messed up face as you would see in any of the old browsers. As for the Acid Test being outdated I highly doubt it since it contains CSS 3 elements that only Opera 9 can handle and until firefox and internet explorer are 100% across all three levels then the test will be quite current, now don't get me wrong CSS 4 could start coming out and then the test would change again.
  19. cangor your not paying attention to your history, does the black plague of the 12th-13th century ring a bell? On top of that rats are known to carry some nasty diseases, but I would die of a heart attack if I woke up to see that crawling on me. Of course Giant rabbits are here as well Now that is freaking scary right there , but still a giant bunny is cuter then a giant rat thats for sure.
  20. Although this would go to the other forum I have to say this is shocking news in the browser wars since right now only Opera can render the Acid test successfully. Right now firefox hasn't been able to meet that success yet nor has IE 6 or IE 7, and so if the IE 8 teams claims are true then in 2008 IE could make a comeback in the web standards war and the browsers wars. I watch the video briefly and I have a funny feeling though they have set up the code in such a way that it cheats the acid test because they broke down the code to the acid test and then they mentioned they fix the problems that create it. So now that I covered both sides of the I love IE and I hate IE clubs lets talk about the fact that IE has one problem security holes up the butt odds are that while they are making the browser work for web standards that they are not leaving themselves open for some nasty stuff when the beta comes out next year? Also to clarify this is not I hate or love IE topic so if you want to do that go find one of the "my favorite browsers" topics that are in the forums. So Check out their video here and see what you think. SOURCES

    **does the spam dance**

  22. I will say this though that the best script is a secured script, meaning that the less security holes there are the less chance that a script kiddie will get in and start messing around with your site. Of course though in today's programming languages such as PHP, ASP, AJAX, XML, XHTML those are the most structured and currently used languages. I don't here to much in CGI and perl these days, although they are still being used in some applications.
  23. I would like to point out that Internet explorer does have plug-ins but the only problem is though the good ones you have to pay money for and some of start at a nice $20 and up. thus the reason why plug-ins for firefox are better because they are free.rayzoredge what plug in do you have installed on FF3B2 because most of the plug-ins that are installed have not even been pushed to FF3 yet, now granted you could be using ones that I don't use. Right now I have 5 tabs open myself and I am hovering around 65,000L right now with like 5 active plug-ins, and of course I tweaked the memory as well to help lower it, and I know several posts have mentioned how to tweak it including the one I made on the FF3 topic.I am surprise no one mention why it so speedy is that it is more web standards compliant then IE 6 and 7.Again though as my teacher will say IE is still better in the database implementation, and on top of that IE will always be there until Microsoft goes out of business . Although I wouldn't use IE7 just yet because many people still use IE6 and if you don't get your coding right you will never know like I just found that a website could look wrong in IE6.
  24. Surprise they didn't make a larger list by a few thousands anyways here we go. 20. DriveSpace For you experienced Windows 95 users might remember this device as it was used as a compression agent, but if you like me and barely remember windows 95 then yeah this is meaningless feature. 19. Windows Movie Maker I seen it maybe open it once or twice but I never really use it, but from the description it was just as worthless as well. A phrase comes to mind companies build something they think we want but in reality we don't and want something else. 18. Web TV for Windows Again if you remember this thumbs up to you. 17. Shut Down Finally something I can talk about as the stories about the shutdown of windows is legendary in the tech world, and I have run though this problem on various computer systems with the need to do a hard reset to fix it. Of course I have laugh at the fact if you read the article on the different ways to shutdown windows you would want to actually smack the guy who thought this would be convenient to the users. However, since I been on this computer (Dell XPS) I haven't had any problems with the shutdown, of course I put it into standby mode every time, it only gets shutdown when my niece uses it. Although its all about the memory that has to be dumped and the processes that have to be closed in order for you computer to be shutdown, and so before you even close down your computer close the processes that you never use, clean up your RAM and then shut down. Of course thats like one of about a few million ways to fix that problem. 16. Paint I wouldn't call it the worse feature I call it the most pointless feature, and yeah like they mention in the article the last time they update this program was when it first came out , thank god for companies such as a adobe and macromedia that make great graphics software or we be in some serious trouble here. 15. Windows Aero Yeah I let you know how it works out once I get a graphics card that can run the aero GUI even though the motherboard is vista compatible, I think they meant that vista could run on it with no problems. Well hopefully somewhere they talk about the resource hog known as vista, and the compatibility issues, and other wonderful stuff; however, I have no big problems with Vista since I don't spend enough time to screw it up. 14. Active Desktop Heck I never really knew how to get that working right, and so again if you got this to work for you thumbs up again. 13. Windows XP Search Lets just say Vista Search engine came at a price and eating your hard drive up to make it 100 times better then XP, and of course it gets bad if you have like millions of files that have the same file type. I rarely used I created so many folders on my desktop over time, that if I didn't delete anything I would have no room. 12. The Microsoft Network I never used MSN 1.0 although I used there ISP for like 3-4 months while in the army. Thank the computer gods for making ISP's and the internet better. 11. Windows Explorer I Think I used this maybe a handful of times just to learn what was in a computer and thats it. 10. Windows 95 USB Yeah you let us know how that worked out, and from the description in the article it would be a close tie with Windows ME. 9. Windows Genuine Advantage I can verify that one as I got a Professional edition Word 2003 and they are saying my is bad, although I do have it installed on another computer and so yeah dumb me for not removing it. Although it still works I just can't update and patch it which yeah is a bad thing, somewhat. 8. End Task If people claim they never had this experience they are lying to you and right in your face because everyone experience this little problem or rather big problem depending how long it takes for this screen to disappear and the process or program that came with it is finally close. 7. User Access Control Vista UAC need I say more I had a a few run in when trying to figure things out and had to turn it off, but will Microsoft fix this problem in SP1? Didn't see anything so I doubt it. 6. Windows Update For the most part they are referring to the pop up that comes every few seconds asking to restart your computer after a critical update has been installed, worst feature not really, annoying as hell? yes. 5. Messenger Service No not the IM client, although I find it rather annoying that when they started producing new versions of MSN IM that getting rid of the old was horrible and completely getting rid of it would screw your system so bad that regret ever doing it in the first place. Although I think MSN 8. whatever finally fix that and actually completely updated the old msn 5.0. Well at least for the vista world we never EVER!! have to do deal with that again, but as pertaining to the service they are talking about never heard of it till now. 4. Notifications Its more of an annoyance but I rather have that annoyance then spending hours trying to figure out whats wrong, although these get rather bad when trying to install hardware or USB devices and these come up ever 2 seconds. 3. Internet Explorer 6 Where to begin, hackers, coding standards, patches, security holes etc etc IE7 fix some of those problems and I say that very loosely. 2. The Registry We all know the consequences of screwing with the registry and so its spot as number 2 is just right, of course if you looked ahead to see what number 1 was you disagree as I just did and put this at number 1. I think the problem is they didn't make it user friendly and unless your a computer god who knows what your doing most advanced users never touch this. Finally the number worst window feature, and sadly it isn't Windows ME and we all know it should be in this list, and I can claim I really hate ME as I had to install it for my class had had a problem allocated hard drive space to get it going. Lets just the group I was in tried two different ideas to fix the problem that should have work but they didn't, and so 45 minutes later, I think, we installed windows 2000 instead. Ok lets get to number 1 1. ActiveX Controls Any horror story you heard about activeX is most likely true, but as for its position I put it in the bottom 20 not top 5. Like I said this list would be about 10 times as long if everyone picked something they hate as a feature on Windows, Disk cleaner comes to mind, and so if you got a something that is a worse feature post it up and lets see what we get. SOURCE
  25. OH NO Hell must be freezing over or I wouldn't believe this if it were not true or not, and it is. It would seem the power house known as google has got a nasty little flaw in its google toolbar and from the looks of this flaw phishers can get into your computer. Alas for this to affect you so many things would have to go wrong: But it seems this is not hte first time this guy has found something wrong with google as he was able to find a way to produce a cross-site scripting attack through google's own search engine, and I find that funny that I only new about this and nothing was made public about it that I am aware of. So if you haven't updated the tool bar or no pop up showed up about updating the google tool bar then make sure to install the current one. SOURCE
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