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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. it was the few multi player games that i actually enjoyed, unlike halo when i was used a crash test dummy.grenades where my best friend i wait for them and then toss away to bait them in a sniper shot. but alas the only two way to play that game now are the legal way having the actual game and system and the illegal way in which i cannot mention.
  2. im not all to worried its only a game its not like im going to win 10 million dollars from winning it. XP
  3. well it could be a number of things, best thing to do is check the following that i will list-check your ram-close programs through ctrl+alt+delete (sometimes alot of programs running might slow it down)-to run a server smoothly you need a nice big hard drive, to run al lthose players-connections this is a biggy since most people use different isp's/firewalls and the way they connect but dial-up/broad band/cable-also make sure everyone has updated patches for the game, somtimes different version can screw around with gameplay.that should help you out a bit, since i lack in the online gaming.
  4. hmm learning something new every day, might have to try that on top of everything else that i forgot ;)well i did do it if you all remember one of my first sigs with cloud in it, i pulled it off of yahoo XP but now im can render with the best of them.
  5. its the render i got cocky with the motion blur, the font meh maybe....
  6. this was a request sig, can to please the fans of my work XP***gasp*** johnny has never heard of "Interface design" well neither did I but since he has the more experiance he might have picked something up on the way.
  7. you know how i did that color for flour i just lowered the fill percentage that what happen there.
  8. its not trasparent the render is below the layers with the brushes/filter in it and then he did looks like overlay as well.***making kube my protoge , he shall learn from the master XP ***
  9. i will take the second oneok since i helped you just bit the reason why the second one works a better cuz of the brush/filter you use the scanlines make the font look well a font.6.5/10 for the first one the scanlines not needt font some more work7.5/10 just the font Notice from KuBi: Merged.
  10. hey snlil after doing all your brushes and render and colors make a new laer then ctrl+athen go to edit>stroke and then use these setting 3px blakc 2px white 1px blackthat shout hel you out
  11. well guess what anyone can become a terrorist you just have to brainwash them good enough to believe waht they are doing is for the good of mankind.anyways i here 2 people got arrested, hopefully it is them so people can beat the snot out of them.
  12. ::SAINT-MICHAEL:: VS ::SENOR MANIAC:: good luck Notice from KuBi: Edited as requested
  13. ok this is for all you sig makers out here, by now most everyone knows about my big liste of render downloads in a easy downloadable zip fashion. well im going to be using this thread as update when i add a new pack to my filefront account. going to list the link one last time and then i will update any new stuff on this thread. Render Downloads
  14. no i found a skate board pic best part about it thier was little cutting of the pic which was a relief.
  15. no problem yeah the skateboard is what made this look not 100% but hey i do waht they recommend.
  16. you already know what i told you to do 9/10 for starting out.
  17. on a personal note for this render i felt it was doomed from the beginning, but the brushing came out good though
  18. well the only problem with is you only can tell so many stories about harry potter, i would say stop it before it gets lame.
  19. actually last couple of weeks Xisto been have problems from server going down to the cpanel and other stuff. it may be do to weather but some people are not having any problems at all so its not your browser.
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