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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. yeah its a genetics thing can't really go into detail but yeah cells and time helped it pop out
  2. be yourself and take intrest in what she does, unless she does something crazy.
  3. he just made the computer better thats all he did, nothing more and then started buying out softwear companies as well, to monopolize the industry.
  4. spam his forums and take his account away MUHAHAHAHA
  5. interesting tutorial it should help those starting out in the forum making to install a shoutbox for quicker communication.
  6. how i like to start my day is after hours of being on the internet i go to sleep and then wake up eat watch tv play some games and then the internet.
  7. well i just don't do it, it save me the time and space on my computer of people trying to get into my computer.
  8. i couldn't really get into the series but i could whipped out some nasty combos though.
  9. because you suck at hard grunge especially the choice of colors eew.
  10. its not that hard to not use the bevel try using gothic fonts and drop shadow in your text.
  11. i would have blend the bottom part of the render in the last one since the feet are cut off.
  12. yeah i would lose the board and make the white part transparent and use different soldier renders i do have some good ones in my render packages.
  13. everything looks good except for the text placement i would have put the text on the left side to stand out just a bit, the brushing looks good but could use some more depth in it, the arm could blend in just a bit.
  14. yeah the text could stand out just a bit more, brushing is ok but could be better.
  15. i think the use of scanlines would have tone down the color just a bit, but yeah psp is very limited on what you can do.
  16. the text can defeniately be better though, brushing as well render looks good though.
  17. the all look good esepecially the third one i have lowered the render with the top part chopped off it fill to make it look better, but nice use of the colors though.
  18. i agree with ralphie, looks like you just slapped it together in 5 minutes and then posted.but anyway the text doesn't work with the monotone color you used, the render would look good in a pop out sig.
  19. i would have to say it is one of the best one the little squares makes it even look better i would have pixel strectch the render and use those colors for the background though.
  20. not bad at all wonder what your next ones will look like.
  21. looks ok not vector like snlil said but good use of colors.
  22. johnny its your worsed sig ever 0/10 cuz it looks like you posted a image of the forum.oh wait you took it off darn you johnny darn you to heck.
  23. frozen what happen the brushing is noobish the font blows something bad, the render is the better of the whole sig but could use some work.
  24. text is pixelated, the tekken render it to transparent, brushing ok but could be better.
  25. i would have usea combination of white red and black grunge brushing to make it stand out just a bit. but ok for starting out.
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