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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. not bad but i would have chosen a better colors to go with the render, the green doesn't work with it. brushing is good though. the text fits perfectly with it as well.sousaphone, now that kubi you be smoking something good to do something like that.
  2. these are the games i will be waiting forGhost recon 3Rainbow 6 FF12GT 5MG 4
  3. a good idea is go to website that uses the credit system and people will use credits to get them.
  4. you should now fix that render snlil or else something evil will happen tp you.to late ***tosses eggs at your house***
  5. well i no time doing them when im collecting hundred and hundreds of them to be downloaded by you johnny .
  6. again they do look good try mixing up the brushes.and don't fear johnny i own him
  7. at what exactly cuz im pretty universal at alot of stuff
  8. nice cut, a few areas of pixelation but still good.
  9. well i guess i don't have to say anything about it, but then you have p.s.s or something like that for a additional message. which doesn't really make sense, but then again i don't really use it.
  10. all i have to say is stop using religion as a scapegoat.
  11. looks flat, plain, and to dark for a sig render, but nice cut.
  12. i just laugh and point at him and tell him/her/it that they screwed up bad and then walk off and keep on laughing.
  13. hmm interesting all the firefox mods are coming out users beware a hacker can be knocking on your door.
  14. interesting that strawberries can be the expensive world wide, but they are good and have many ways to use them yum yum.
  15. yeah the total spam to get credits, try talking about your views of the quote.
  16. hmm interesting, but i just not think about the people being thier whenn i talk to big groups.
  17. well i would have to say anywebsite that are still around that have not updated to today's standards.but of course POP-ups and add are the worse them thing as well, if you need money get a job.plus i hate websites that don't work busted links, broen images, and slow load up time.
  18. are these progrmas that you did yourself, that would be the thing to do is try them out and then let people know if they work or not.
  19. interesting that this topic is still going but again he would have to have something go wrong with his body in order for that to happen.
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