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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. i would put a 1px green stroke around the text and the default settings for drop shadow to stand out just a bit. but good for starting out.
  2. its a nice cut but the arm with the hammer looks off a bit like it was cut to much.
  3. plus its a little slugglish when loading up, but the colors good though, layout is also good with the tables that you used.
  4. well the render is obvious that it was a horrible cut from the original source thats why i suggested getting a different one.
  5. well i did get back in the game so i need to shake some rust off.
  6. well its good we are getting some fresh faces around here, but time to destroy rookie mistakes.Sig 1: good lookingn tech background, nice choice of colors, but since you made your render the focus of your sig, it is a terrible job, never save it as a gif file cuz it will ruin the sigs completely look at all the choppy parts to it, save it as a png file from now on regaurdless if you have IE or not, not everyone is using ie here so just save it as a png.6/10Sig 2: the color looks good, the background could be better though, again save it as a png, and use the blur tool to smooth of the rough edges, but i think saving it as a gif, chopped it up.6/10Sig 3: i see where you where going with this one a big suggestion would be to use the mostion blur to get rid of the block looking wind blasts, background could be better.4.5/10Sig 4: yeah the sig itself is good enough the best one of the group the render ruins it due to the fact that its cut off at the end, so just get rid of the render altogether.7/10good job just need some more work, again save it as a png file when you do pop ups, and start getting away from pop ups as well.
  7. hmm i should have slapped another line of text like Hells wheels or something like that.
  8. thats the regular pheonix, going to be uploading a imaage package with that image in it later tonight (my time).
  9. cool looking sig but the background is an eye sore though, what happen to your simple yet elegent looking sigs.
  10. yeah the stairway to heaven is a well known urban legend, but the amityville horror is the most famous of the urban legends as well. and quess what our own admin have a urban legend about them so opa you telling us that you are a ghosts, no wonder you here and then a few minutes later you disappear.
  11. I VOTE BISCUTS cuz it is easy on the eyes and the colors work well together6-1
  12. whos heard of the coffecup mod for this game, its a bonus where you get to score with a lady, but in order to do this you have to have the first versions of the game since they edited it out due to the graphic images of sex and nudity.
  13. i feel for you HP was my first computer and it sucked to the lowest level of hell.
  14. i invest in the money under a different name and let it grow then take it and spend it on useless stuff.that is some expensive stuff, but for the fbi just send a letter with flour in it with your name and address and that will get their attention.
  15. well i would have used a better render the square thing not worknig well, the text is a little pixelated, but ok for what seen here, i would have drop shadowed the holy hedgehog to give it some depth, like you did with the other text, brushing is simple and best could be better, and slap a 1px black stroke on the boarder too.3.5/10
  16. thats radical thinking right there, so wheres osama bin hiding.but to say more on this topic IRAQ has become another vietnam, just without the draft, well not yet.
  17. well here is a hole for you the creation of animals, dinosaurs where not mention why because they have not been discovered yet.another hole in the bible is that the age its scientifically impossible to live 900 years like adam did.also where did the other people come from if adam and eve gave birth to alot of children and they get freaky with each other then, the human world is really screwed up. i could go on and on about the exploits in the bible but i destroyed the religion enough.OH one more thing every religion has the same stories different characters but same stories, the great flood, birth of mankind, armegeddon, the god(s), its all the same.yeah i love destroying peoples beliefs.
  18. yeah kiss that hard drive good bye ****takes it out back and puts a bulllet into it***.
  19. i have to agree with alot that has been said, the Generation X is learning from the Mistakes from the WWII error, but then again the Veitnam era is coming back to rely on the youth to fix their mistakes again.my niece for example is 3 she has master a computer to the point when she can navigate websites like nothing and has a strong vocabulary as well, I blame it on me her smart uncle.but then the youth are stupid they know right from wrong they just want to rebel against their parents, by smoking the weed, drinking the beer, cheating and or skipping school getting pregnant at 13 and so on and so on.to me i just feel sorry for the new generation of kids that will be coming.
  20. yeah everyone has disappeared i didn't know i had such a great effect, oh wait school is starting that why so not to many people will be here.
  21. people still use the term hacker, i still use that term, but anyways i read some of your posts and yeah you are talking about hacking into computer which is against the TOS, even if it is your own computer reguardless, you can't talk about it.
  22. maybe but im not really into the gladitor type games, to many button crunching, to be a effective games or popular one in fact.
  23. thats alot of info funny how this topic has been discuss several times, i know i posted a topic about it.
  24. aaah game hacking tools, but that is interesting i didn't read anything about a ff title, for the psp, maybe they will do something with the ff12 games when it comes out next year.
  25. well i got some news for you xbox owners, xbox 360 is having compatibilty progrmas with all its older games they do not work hahahahahaha, it would takea patch for each game to work and since they rely on the harddrive so much it will be useless if you have hundreds of games at your disposal, but PS# will work across the board in all its games. .of course everyone is saying how bad the controller looks, but the guys at sony say that its not the final design, but will look something like it.
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