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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. i don't recollect seeing him in the game, been awhile since i played though, but i think its coming from Jade empire for the xbox, but it s choppy in som parts, like around the head the right arm and such. but still good.
  2. not bad a motion blur would work great with the sig since you have the room to use it, try it out and see what happens. everything else looks good.
  3. yeah this is the 3rd time trpa17.com has hit 5000 member we almost hit 10k before filtering out the dead user list.but yeah if 5000 people posted daily here BW would be sky rocketing like it was nothing.
  4. i dunno been modding all day, but now i delete the wrong db, so everything is ruined unless i can recover it.hopefully.
  5. well right now i got 7 mods installed so far, still plan on fully decking out the forums as well so i can show case my forum skills here is my website and if you would like to help install mods on the forum or want to polish your forum skills pm me and i will help you out.mind you there are some bugs in the system still trying to work ok. like the password security number (still havn't been able to fix t hat)saint-michael.trap17.com/forumenjoy
  6. if this is your first one yeah but if it is not well its look pretty bad.-render is pixelated-brushing is falt no depth-colors ok but need more work to them-needs a border around the sig-text is ok but work with the anti alias a little bitneed some work, if your just starting out don't rsuh your sigsm the elit siggers spend sweet time with them but they can also whip out something good in the matter of minutes if they know what they are going to design.still good effort though.
  7. so the timeline of the movies would go like this thenAmittyville HorrorThe New Amittyville HorroII3-Dfill in the blanks if im missing anything but it should only be four movies that i know of.
  8. to make sunny happy NO i did not make them, i tell you your like those people at gamerenders.com talking about whos ripping who, im just doing something to help other people out. just to make you happy sunny, i will edit the post saying saying that i did not make these. BUT I QUOTE no where in my post does it say that you have to buy them, or give me something in return. if you don't want to use them don't download them, all i am doing helping other people out.
  9. well from what i know about the true story to amittyville horror is that the son went crazy and butcherd the family, i know number 3 was the 3-D, but i never really got into that series due to it being so old (70's old).
  10. well since im a bgi movie buff i have to let you all no a little history about vdieo game movies they have been bombni since super mario came out back in the 90's, video games movies have a hard time making any money due to the fact, that directors barely stay with their ruoots in the game, so who knows halo could become a western with cowboyus and and indians (thats an example.)
  11. Sig 1: the text is unique for at least i never seen it, brushing could be a lot better though, i would have just stuck with one render because, i seen the curse halo around that one one on the left side, and the one one the right that is in full color is blurry/pizelated, needs more work IMO.SIG 2: nice pop out sig, but background need color, should have went with a tech border on this one and the tech brushes that where use are a little blurry and pixelated, needa just a little more work.good effort either way.
  12. i wolhd have used a a different brush set but other then that good job on your first pop-out sig.
  13. well the had the trial and from what i read on the true story it is pretty accurate except for names why they never went with the original names who knows, it follows the story pretty well in some aspects, but remember how directors like to add seom stuff to it, but still it is a pretty good movie none the less.also i hear rumors about the amityville horror being remade or it already hasa been made.
  14. hmmm this is a very interesting and unique tutorial, im glad you actually posted this, changes the atmosphere a little bit. good job unicorn hoepfully we can see more of your unqiue tutorials that put some new ideas on the forum, but remember watch the language we do have kids on this forum.
  15. did this happen today or this past weekendm it it happen this pass weekend that was fate i guess, but alli can say is, post when you can and try to stay above 10 hosting credits so just in case seomthing happens then you will be protected.
  16. i just user the eraser tool to get into the lines forget hte pen tool and magnetic tool.
  17. Well i just got from one of the greatest suspense movies i have seen in a long time, well since i saw skeleton key which was sweet as well. Just to give you an idea of what the movie is based off of here is an excerpt of the true story of Emily Rose ( Real Name Anneliese Michel) To read the rest of the True Story of Emily Rose [+}Click Here [+] well not to ruin the movie and the awesome suspense that was used alot of well known actors that i have the guy who played the biritsh ambassador in Rush hour was in it, the guy who played tom cruises boss in mission im possible one (ok so i don't remember their names but once you see it you know who they are.) EDITORS NOTESAW A PREVIEW TO SAW II and its more sick and twisted then the first one . On to the review, being somewhat of a lengends and myth bust and seeing movies on the darker side of religion, i would have to say this is in the top movies to the likes of STIGMATA, the exorcist (which in fact came out during the timeline of events of this movie), anyways, i was actually nervouse waiting for something to happen to the cast of characters and it does, the best of all was special effects that where used on some of the actors as well, they were sicked and twisted as well. but the one thing that blew mind was the way the actress the played emily rose and to constrict here body in different positions, you would actually thing the girl was possessed. I even jumped at a few scenes, thats how scared i was, which made the movie even cooler. but the movies was also informative as well, like the fact that in order to succed in the exorcism you must get the demon(s) to say their name and the fact that i guess up to 6 demons including the man himself lucifer maybe in the body. but what i will tell you from the movie the demons that posses her, also possesed Judas Iscariot, Nero, Cain, Hitler, and Fleischmann, and the big man himelf lucifer, talk about some sick and twisted evil right their most of these names, you may remeber but for those who don't well i will you a brief histroy lesson Judas Iscariot-christian religion was the one to betray jesus Nero-went crazy and burned down ancient Rome Cain- Killed his brother able making that the second sin of man. Hitler- need i same more...nope Fleischmann-disgraced Frankish Priest from the 16th century Lucifer-do i really need to explain him? anyways i give this the ULTIMATE RATING 5/5 in seeing the movie more then once and buying the dvd as well. these are my words thus should not be taking liklyu for who knows i might possess YOU!!! Notice from cmatcmextra: Moved from General Talk
  18. no its another way to reduce suicide car bombs thats why they have plenty of feul to go around, its not like the iraqi's are stealing it anyways. if they wanted to they could stop producing oil for all the countries and keep it for themselves, oh wait they are, thus they blow up their own oil refineries so no one can fix them to get oil outside iraq.
  19. tisk tisk snlil should have posted in the discussion but guess what no one is going to touch men with this sig.
  20. well besides the text being pixelated due to that size, and somewhat blended in render this one rocks you like a hurricane.what did it llok like with the background color in it.8.8/10
  21. aaaaw thanks snlil, maybe next time. well that is one tab for me can't wait to add to my collection.
  22. you should now the rules by now, so remember discuss about the entries, but no bashing or flaming of any kind or you will be reported to the mod/admin.
  23. We got the the Voting for 5 starting so we are going to set up the entries for SOTW #6. Now we are going to try out some new rules, this week we are going to be render specific, meaning that you have to use the same render everyone else is. EXAMPLE metriod: you must use a render from the metroid game i will post and example of the render you could use in your sig. EXAMPLE RENDER NOTE IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BEEN THE SAME IMAGE, JUST THE SAME CHARACTER. THIS WEEK'S RULES: Sig size min: 175x75 max: 400x150 Brushing: Grunge Text: Must have at least your name. Render: Metriod Render (any other renders and your entry will not be accepted) Theme: you the colors of your render. Entry due date: Entries will be closed for voting on Friday September 16th.
  24. Here hare this weeks entries in Sig of the Week #5, also use the poll to cast your vote, so it will be easier to count the votes by next week, so good luck and let the voting BEGIN!!! Trufusion Snlildude87 Saint-Michael Cool Freaker Avalon wassie samma ciroxyz Blue0016 Damann
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