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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. several topics have been posted about the new msn, next time use the search option to find this topic.
  2. yeah like its that easy to carry out that much money, well since the fact that they dig this tunnel means that a vehicle of some sorts was waiting at the other end.But this also tells you the bank vault is way to easy to break in, but the bank is insured (hopefully).
  3. we know you still exsist, g-man, you have been a influential member here at Xisto.com for the longest, their is always a ray of light at the end of a dark tunnel, believe me i been there and done that, you can get out of this slumpGO GUANGDIAN GO GUANGDIAN :Pand to quote some famous words "or we will beat the inspiration back into." and we got the weapons of inspiration too use.(points to a ucket of bats and chains)
  4. yeah i should add first conquer css before attemption xhtml its alot harder then it looks, due to alot of changes in the coding and with xhtml2 on the way expect even more changes then that.
  5. welcome about to the old people forum we should start a topic for old people only .but yeah welcome aboard maube your experiance will help some of the members out.
  6. im a good swimmer glad i had the training when i was younger who new i would had to use it for military stuff, but yeah i prefer exercising then doing it as a sport, but i had to admit watching it at the olympics is actually pretty exciting to see.
  7. well the good news is that gas prices are starting go down, its less then $3.00 where i live, and thats a good sign, so hopefully it keeps on going down to a $1.
  8. oh yeah used the pre-installed portals that come with the hosted account it has mambo, phpnuke and some others.
  9. again not bad, now only if i could actually remember coding and do it by scratch myself instead of copy and pasting every thing . but this should help those wanted to get a good idea on how it works out, good job Spectre.
  10. that script doesn't exsist the creater of the script took it down while they upgarde their newer version but you could try invisionize.com, but its not their just add ons and all that stuff. Notice from cmatcmextra: Edited as requested
  11. 522 day(s), 22 hour(s) and 34 minute(s) looks like i will be here a little longer then you bis . can't wait to hit the 2 year mark.
  12. well to answer you question no you have to make a individual class name to each table set you have, otherwise it will just be the same tables.but yeah change those colors yuck.
  13. well it is a trick question due to fact that fish is never mentioned in the first place regardless who would have been the last person to have the fish.But the fact that it is Albert Einstein's mind we are talking about, would you thinking people like Stephen Hawking would have figured it out, i know his IQ is like 212 or something like that, but i odn't know if his IQ is higher then Albert Einstein. I think the standard IQ test is like 6-8 hours long or something like that, which i wouldn't mind taken mind you i would have to study like 100 years worth of subjects in like all areas or something like that.but i think that 98% would still stand lack of the internet being the source of all information of the world.but the next question would be how about the list of the greatest thinkers of the roman era, would they have had figured it out if they where giving that question back in their day.
  14. i thought i join in on the fun , so here is mine name fear me now!!
  15. Welcome back we were wondering about you and now we know, like snlil said can't wait to see you in the graphics forum.
  16. i don't bother with them due to the fact that you have to pay for it to be sent, recieve and all that stuff, im not going to spend .25 cents just to say hi to a complete stranger.
  17. well thats not the only reason why, it limits the travel of people that could use their bombs as explosives, thats why they are saying that, plus the government doesn't really control the oil/gas i seen hundreds of kids selling gas and oil on the street so its not US.
  18. well of course the best technology is the warm people to get out, that is the best technology.
  19. im sorry but that was funny though . now what with this and the mermaid and the extra apendages?
  20. nope the problem you should be having would be why you still can use that domain since it has been used already that is the question.but other then that regaurdless if the www is in or not it would still go to the same website.but again this is interesting though.
  21. nice cut but i got enough spider man to last me the life which reminds me i havn't done a spider man sig for awhile thanks for the reminder.
  22. welcome to the club, yeah we hae many many many topics of intrest, let me guess your college degree is in some sort of computer field? if not that i must be off.but anyways welcome enojy the people, topics, and hosting.
  23. thats is well saint-michael is the name of the archangel michael and its also my first name so BAM!!! thats how i use it.
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