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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. wow I would have like to have know the rules to this battle, i don't know where to start, all i can really say Both of you can do better then that.But Im voting true for his sig, sprites colors are um yeah .1-0 truefusion.
  2. wrong border go to edit then stroke and slap a 1px black border on that.
  3. yep .com is a year and some change and .net about a month.
  4. i say it pretty good use of filters, i would have done something else with the text, do a little cursive to it and then outer glow it as well. good start in blending images as well. Don't forget your border as well.Also i think a nice Light blue as a overlay color would have good with this or or a bright color just cuz of the serentiy of the images that you used.7/10
  5. yeah well can't be a SOTWE without me . but i say its toss up between reaver and mareck.
  6. and this topic will be moved to general forum since you did not provide any sources to this info you have gotten.
  7. a little better, but yeah most tutorials are universal from Adobe PS7 and up so you won't have a problem I suggest going to gamerenders.com and read up on their tutorials you will get alot of information on what to do.
  8. on top of the scanlines being lighter you have the option of putting the scanlines behind the render, but then you would have to do more with the backgroud, like adding some tech or vector brushes to it.to work the anti-alias in text click on the text button like you are goign to put text on your sig, up top look for a drop down menu that says Non your anti alias stuff is their or highlight the text then right click you will find it their as well.yeah putting the text in the middle would fill it in a little bit.i do have other suggestions but more a advance techniques but I stink at directionss but just keep working at it.
  9. This is how you do it. CSS CODE#navcontainer ul { list-style-type: none; }HTML CODE<div id="navcontainer"><ul><li><a href="#">Milk</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Goat</a></li> <li><a href="#">Cow</a></li> </ul></li><li><a href="#">Eggs</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Free-range</a></li> <li><a href="#">Other</a></li> </ul></li><li><a href="#">Cheese</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Smelly</a></li> <li><a href="#">Extra smelly</a></li> </ul></li></ul></div> it surprised me when i googled it and it came up. but that should help you out.
  10. Standards are that you have 30 days to be reevaluated by mod or admin to having your warning reduced, by looking at posts, topics, and anything else that you have participated on this forum.
  11. with brushes you start with one style I recommend the following order to learn them from hardest to easiest.Grunge/techVectorAbstractfractalgrunge and tech are one of the hardest to work due to grunge being fuzzy, but to work out grunge you want to start off with at least 3 different sets that good well with each other if you go to H-j set you got some good grunge brushes in their, theirs also some others but you have to trail and error what you like.Now with tech that one of the most difficult to work with due to the fact that you can to match them and put enough in a background without making it look bad, That goes with doing tech borders as well you have to take you time and pay attention to itVector is like tech just have to find the right combinations to use and layer properties as well to make them work well.now with abstract its not as difficult you just have to mix and match them,with fractals it easy its mostly a bunch of lines goign all over the place but coloring can be difficult with that.But read tutorials and you will get the hang of brushes, but also read tutorials on filters as well and you can pull of some good stuff.
  12. well OpaQue picked the second one due to it being cleaner, just check out his sig block and you will see.
  13. nightfox is right the only open source part of invisionboard are mods, but the actual board is not open source, but through illegal means people make it open source.Also their are several point system mods that you can install on your board that could work like that somewhat but you would have to edit it yourself to work like that.
  14. game is awesome I am the mosted wanted driver for all the cop cars I destroyed while getting away from them, they took out some stuff like drifting and drafting from the game, also they got rid of the drifting races to make room for the bouty mode, design aspects they got rid of some stuff like instead of full customizing the body of the car with different parts you get the complete kit, also layering decals is out as well. Let's The city is more bigger then ever and the career mod is good as well.Also is the Challange mode as well that pretty good and difficult as well once you get in the higher stages of the challanges, but of course getting money is going to a while to get since you only get so much per race and what i find out the best way to get money is the toll booth and once you get to the drag races that will be the quickest and best way to get eth money you need for parts and cars.Also you can get a chance to get a pink slip for the car problem is though you have to figure out which question mark has it, same goes for parts, money and vinyles as well, also it is random so you might have to repeat the racer to challange for the pink slip of his car which saves you money from getting a new car cuz most cars you pink slip from are good enough to beat the challanger and also to put on the extra parts.Also for the first time since Mortal Kombat you they live actors with nice computer photo skills to blend them behind a green screen.So this game is worth the $50 ot if you wait $30.
  15. good job on the both of you, i couldn't even begin where to start with this idea.---Topic Closed---
  16. nope they don jpg take up more space then png then gif.To add to it as well you have to make several layers of a render and then tweak it just right like I did for the ones up there.
  17. Well, Im not master but i know a fair amount to help you by, of course i could just add to what reaver said but i go into some detail over your sigs. Well instead of going through each sig one by one what i will do is put suggestions for what you need to work on. 1. Always have a border 1px black is usually standard, also is 3px black 2 px white 1 px black is also a stard as well since then you want to overlay that 321 border so the white goes with the background but yet keep the black px stroke intact. 2. Never Make your renders tranparent, you fix that in your last one that I seen 3.Brushes you need brushes do'nt rely on filters for background cuz then your not getting into the tru aspect of the sig design, only use filters when a tutorial your reading says it or you fell confident enough about your background to use them. side not nice motion blur with you render that you did 4. Text its the hardest to do, since you have to blend it with the background and the look and feel to the rest of the sig. I suggest reading alot of tutorials on how to do text effects. Here are some websites that you should go to. http://www.gamefront.com/ -go here to download renders and the brush pack that I have up with like 1000 brushes for you to use. pixel2life.com gamerenders.com -these are the best 2 tutorials sites to go to for everything you need t oknow dafont.com go here to get fonts. anything else just holla at me or reaver.
  18. yours was very hard to do, due to the render that i used had to be found on several search sites to find it, i think someone could top this one though. good luck on it
  19. i end the thought process before it get any worse, or just wait until they break up and catch her on the rebound.
  20. question is answered even though it has been posted several other times about how where can I get credits cuz I am leaving.---TOPIC CLOSED---
  21. your stuff looks great fro but the choice of renders don't fit in any of them. On top of that they keep on pixelating alot and not being smooth, but that border that has to go though.
  22. not bad i but I would have used a more lighter kind of blue just to get the icy cold feeling to it, brushing is good, nice border, can't complain to much on the sig since its a starter.
  23. it takes time and practice to make a good sig, im on my 10 month desiging sigs.
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