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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - this pacakge contains sprites for you all to make animated sigs
  2. besdies the monotone of it i sa you did a pretty good job blending it just now need to work at the background just a bit more.
  3. what you should do lamb is give a bad review on the trapinion forum with all the info and so people can be aware of this. so what was the reason they gave you for a bad ISP.
  4. i do not see any scroll bars i tried ie and ff and its displays like it should.
  5. Well I was curious how the months where named so I did a little research which I will talk to you all about. January- Named After Janusthe god of doors and gateways in Roman mythology. .:History and Info for January.:. February- Named for the Roman god Februus, the god of purification. .:History and info for February:. March- Named after the Roman god of war "Martius" or "Aries" (greek myth). .:History and Info for March:. April- when I read this I was huh. so here is the complete origin of the name of april: .:History and info for April:. May- Named after Maia greek goddes of fertility. .:History and Info for May:. June- named after the roman goddes juno or her greek name Hera (mother of the gods). .:History and info for June July- Named after the Roman Emporer Julius Caeser who was born on this month when it was called Quintilis or 5th month in latin. .:History and info on July:. August- Named after the Roman Emperor Augustus. But their is a little hisotry lesson to why both july and august have 31 days back to back. Because Augustus wanted as many days as his uncle Julius Caeser. .:History and info for August:. September- Named after it latin orgins "septem" or seven since it was the seventh month of the roman calendar. .:History and info for September:. October- named after its latin origins "octo" or eight, since it was the eighth month in the roman calendar. .:History and Info for October:. November- Named after its latin orgins "novem" or nine since it was the ninth month in the roman calendar. .:history and info for November:. December- Named after its latin orgins "decem" meaning 10 since it was the tenth month in the roman calender. .:history and info for December:. So their you go now you know the origins of the names of the calendar that we use today.
  6. By definition a leap year (or intercalary year) is a year containing an extra day or month in order to keep the calendar year in sync with an astronomical or seasonal year which follows the gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar is the standard calendar that is used by most of the world and which in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII made it law that everyone should follow it due to the fact that the julian calendar was to long thus the vernal equinox (Beginning of Spring) kept going backwards due to the Shifting of the earth Rotation. The Julian Calendar was introduce by Julius Caeser in 46AD to track the tropical year which is how long it takes for the sun (as seen by earth) to return to the same position on the ecliptic (its path among the stars on the celestial sphere). So how does a leap year work well every 4th year or any year that can be divided by 4 is given an extra day which is February 29th. This also happens every 400 years as well; which happened in 2000. So in 400 years or 2400 AD we will have another leap as well. (just to be clear its only 1 day for the 4 century mark not 2). So why does it matter that we have a leap year well the follow info will tell you why. But a interesting thing could possible happen in the year 2800 with the calendar but im still not clear of it after reading it several times though but go to this link though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revised_Julian_calendar but here is a interesting thought about birthdays that happen on 29th of feb: To read more about the Leap I recommend these sites: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_year https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregorian_calendar]Read More about the Gregorian Calender https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Calendar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leap_year https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revised_Julian_calendar
  7. See what they are going to delay it well one I have to say that Im surprised that they actually do this I don't even remember them mentioning it 7 years ago. But imagin that 2005 lasting 1 more second then it should, of course it makes you wonder havn't we suffered enough why one more second.
  8. Here is my latest stuff did all three of them today just so quick I am.
  9. Here is my latest stuff did all three of them today just so quick I am.
  10. well I could give another point of view maybe he acts like an @zz is that dude is like shy and might think your intimidating to talk to. ( thats only a guess)you be surprised of course since the guys is not listening either I think a slap into reality would help out as well.
  11. Sig size min: 175x75max: 400x150Brushing: grungeText: Your nameRender: any renderTheme: must contain some sort of smudgeEntry due date: Entries will be closed for voting on Saturday, December 31.
  12. officially it does but some people believe that he was born in the spring time and the shepards are the clue from what I watch on the history channel, they said that it would have been to cold for the shepards to hear sheep in december.Of course HC birthday was a way to convert pagen holidays as well.
  13. I only beleive in santa when it concerns with kids other then that nope I stop believing in him for a while now, but still hoping though.
  14. well i do one smudge at 100 and then another at lower opacity can't remember which one though , but thinking about it looks well blended though.well I would agree somewhat on resizing it to fit the whole head in the sig, also i justed notice the second render behind it as well. actually 3 renders.
  15. it would have to be tabs unless the admin would like to give credits cuz then I would have to restrict it to hosted members then since the transfer of credits only works for hosted, mod and admin.yes you can merge your name for the entry but would need the psd in all its layers so I can edit it as need be.
  16. Let me be the First to Say Merry Xmas from the Admin and Moderators and that you all have a good holidays as well.I got 3 Hours till its official for me but for the eastern world you all have a good start on us. So Enjoy your xmas and see most of you on the Next Year.
  17. This is the link to Gfxtrap go ahead and join our topsite to get the free advertisement. Here is the Current list of affiliates we have you will notice that some are showing graphics and some are not. reason being is that most of the topsites we have joined have a dynmaic image meaning it changes when we move up or down in the rankings. or if a image that was submitted does not work on the forum. // snipped //
  18. had this sig done but problems with trap couldn't get it on in time but just added in just a incase.
  19. I used a tut on choasgfx.com and then did my own little thing to it and this is what i got.
  20. if you can't enter your cpanel I would say your roasted toasted and burnt to a crisp on that one, I can't think of anything else if you cannot access the cpanel.
  21. awesome 10/10 everything seems right with this design good job.
  22. can you access your cpanel or admin panel what ever is used to get into the file manger?
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