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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well a coouple of things really, something i notice when i made some templates.1 make sure the background is transparent so when you slice it you can but hte images on a different background color.2. The monitor ruins the design so get rid of it3. with the smaller text fix the alias to it just a bit.but other then that sweet design like hthe left corner especially.
  2. @Mature Lamb he went on his own free will, his school never gave im that assignment, of course if they did, you could consider that school shut down or its administration fired.
  3. AllfatherBlack not all posts get a response, most everyone has made a topic and never got one reply.If you look at the views of the topic that means somebody took the time to read it and thinking about. Remember this community has people just starting out in the computer world and others that are experts in what they do. Be patient about post you make somone will reply if not then someone asking for help you can guide it to them and make sure to read it.
  4. even though this is a grest series please, if jk brought back dumbledore you think mayne his parents are in hiding and are waiting for harry to become strong enough so all three of them can beat voldamort.anyways hes not innocent he killed dumbledore to save his own life and in the final showdown harry will finish him off and then goes on to killing voldemort but to do it he uses all the powe he has and thus dying himself.
  5. @Sprnknwn thats mess reguardless if they work or note depends on the user.Well besides alot of programming experiance you need graphic experiance to to design flash sites as well, some people use basic stuff like rollovers and sound bytes.What I recommedn Nani is go to http://www.pixel2life.com/ they have an extensive list of tutorials on how to design in flash. even though its good experiance to have I choose not to do it myself.
  6. Welcome to Xisto, we have thousands of topic to choose from and thousands of people to talk to and help out as well. make sure you know the rules to our forums and you should have a good time.
  7. Let me be the first from the staff to say welcome to Xisto.com, we have thousands of topics to choose from thousands of people to tal to and help otu as well. Just follow the rules that are used in the forums and you should have a most excellent time here.
  8. In less then 7 months graphic designers have download the render packs that I upload at filefront 18,000+ times and these are the top package that have surpassed the 1,000 mark in order of the most downloads. Render Pack 2 has been downloaded 1,728 times. Render Pack 1has been downloaded 1,234 times. Brush Pack 1 has been downloaded 1,194 times. Render Pack 3 has been downloaded 1,034 times. So again I like to thank the people who have downloaded them and used them to the fullest extent.
  9. ok, thats what i was thinking but wanted to make sure I was right about it or just to see if any added measures would have need to be taken.
  10. well when i saw this post i was what the huh?? we were just told they all survived, but then they change that hopefully someone gets fire for false information about that cuz doign that to someone is pretty bad juju. Also the people the own the mine should get thrown in jail as well for not making the safety of their workers their priority.Problem is that they have the technology but they don't want to use it and waste millions of dollars if it happen to get destroyed so use the might of the human body do do your work and all it will cost is their lives if they can't get rescued.
  11. Well with whats been Happening in the last 5 years and 2001, 2004 amd 2005 being the worst years of mankind people where hoping that 2006 would start on a good note, well. I guess the Tsunami was the stepping stone of the worse stuff to happen to people around the world.12 dead in the mine collapse5 dead in the roof collapse at the german ice rinkindonesian landslide unkown body countcalifornia storms ( believe several are dead)Well hopefully good news happens in the coming months cuz im getting worried about my own safety with what people are doing these days.
  12. well I just got my external hard drive to clean up some space on the computer that I am using im just wondering what steps do I need to used to protect my EHDD (External HarD Drive) like for firewall protection, anitvirus and other things?
  13. i think what dawiss was referring to was that their was more render then background. Well if you blend the render just right with the little parts of the background then it will still look as good, wel i think i could kiss my butt on next weeks SOTW
  14. the answer is no since most mp3 sites have illegal music downloads to begin with, it breaks our TOS and rules and your account will be termintated if your site has this info on it.
  15. Well due to the techniquality of explaining everything I suggest you all take a look at the following websites to give you a better understanding of what a black hole is. Black hole Stellar black Hole Mass Solar Mass Gravity Worm Holes with these links all the information you need is in here. But i can add my insight to what i know. Basically a black hole is the heaviest object in the known universe meaning all objects will get crush (man made) or torn apart (stars planets and other stuff) and be erased from exsistance. But some people believe in worm holes (it moves from end to another at a high rate of speed), meaning that anything caught in a black hole will be transported somewhere else. But due to the fact that the mass of a black hole is so great that light cannot escape and light travels pretty fast as wel. Many black hole do exsist it just had to find them using using your eyes, so that where radio signals and other neat trick are used to see how big a black hole is. Some believe that it is some big object well it can be as small as a head of needle and still suck in light. but the gravity can encrease as time goes by and most likly suck up a planet as well. But its all theory do what man knows about the time, gravity, outer space and other stuff.
  16. Mind you bush is a idiot and pretty much he and his staff have made America The worse place to be and worse type of person to be. If bush was to nuke iran with the russian tech there, you know darn well that russian would retaliate with their own nuke attack and that would be america itself. it bad enough bush made the biggest mistake and that was to invade Iraq for the wrong reasons (wmd) he should have faught Iraq for the right reasons, mind you it would have been as support and let the people fight to topple saddam and his cronies.Mind you Iran has some smart people but really its not that hard to screw up a nuke reactor and with the outdated technology they are most likly using from old russian nuke reactors (who didn't see that one coming ), it won't take long for someone to miss something and a 3 mile island or worse chernobyl.But you have to remember if oil was to get contamiated the all the world oil will be unusable. So if bush was smart (and hes not) he would make sure if he was going to attack that the uranium and plutonium was not stock piled and to the clear the building of people. cuz then everyone in the world would have the excuse to attack them.Im glad i have maybe 40-50 years left of my life so when i die it will be peaceful and not slow and painful.
  17. well before purchasing a credit I suggest you go to their websites and see what they offer. I do warn you if you don't know the right info you could ruin your credit and then have a hard time purchasing a house, a car or anything else. Also pay close attention to the APR rate you want to find the lowest one possible cuz that will determine the intrest rate in which you have to pay back when using the card. But if you screw around with the credit card your only setting yourself up for failure and some hard times ahead.So go to mastercard, vis, capital one websites and compare what offers they have.
  18. Well with this post I say this being 21 is not about drinking, going to strip clubs and going wild. It about responsibility and being on your own and needing the support when you need it the most. You be surprise how many lives change for people when they do turn 21, they could be the like the smartest minds in the world and when the pressure is on them to be on their own then some crack under the pressure and say screw it and live in the crime life and once they go to jail or prison then they really do ruin the rest of their lives. Some people go on to college to get the degree that most people require (thats the business world for you) or others join the military, or just work in a factory for the rest of their lives. Also 21 is a rude awaken to because if you didn't put the effort in preparing for hte real world then your going to be in a world of hurt. just remember what you do as a kid and during your high school days could determine the rest of your life. So instead of being caught off gaurd and completely confused with no support, prepare yourself now and then the real world won't be as rough, it will be with the the right experiance and real world training you should be able to figure out the solution.
  19. well tell you friend to leave the focus alone cuz he can't focus the cam right. should have recorded the last 5 minutes then so we could see the the grand finally with my guess was pretty good.
  20. thank you thank and thankyou again almost forgot that i hada first post before my first topic well maybe when I hit 10,000 posts I should do something but thats alotta posting though.
  21. I say its a good thing if they are reporting bugs I say get them all fix before they are put on the market. that would be the smart and finacially best move they could make so instead of losing money replacing systems they can spend that money on making PS5 in like 10-15 years from now.But yeah I have to agree I don't like the design that much but when I drop $500 i most likly will like the system and the games, and yeah the game GRAPHICS RULE!!!BTW This is my 3400 POST SO THANK YOU!!!
  22. I would say its a good design should be worth of a good compitition for the New Years Tournament.
  23. Truefusion design the new tab and I thought I keep it up a notch and animate the bad boy and thus you have the new SOTW Tab. Again Thanks TrueFusion for the Newest Design.
  24. Direct Link Of Robot Sig Direct Link Of Angel Sig my entries Notice from mayank: Edited as per below mentioned post
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