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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Interesting find although that kind of math is beyond logic (it pig latin to me). Althogh I find it ironic that the 5th dimension contains that infamous symbol it. But i could be missing something but this math sounds more religious based then actual math: Could a achems razor be put into this at all? achems razor meaning the simplest explenation is always the best
  2. Im trying to figure out how they would be able to ignite the matter/antine engine without blowing it up. I would ponder a guess that heat would just make it worse. Although that does bring up a futurama epsiode using anti-matter droppings from nibble to fire up the engine and what not.
  3. one of these 3 links might be able to help you out in what your looking for http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Funny it's all coming from the same site but one of them might strike a cord with what your looking for.
  4. From my original post http://forums.xisto.com/topic/42141-topic/ was thinking what you experience members thought. I can't believe I just thought of after so long of being here. this is a simple code it terms of the idea but implentmenting it could be a challange but of course that would depend what need to be involoved. To help people get good posts we should implent a credit counter somewhere in the post saying how much the post is worth. This way people can either edit their post to add on to it if they can (of course it has to be legit and all that). Also it will help learn that that better quality post is the best way to go any thoughts? Counter Mod Plan -Counter reads from the character length as based on the actual credit count. -it would be displayed on the line next to date or next to the post number ie. Post #1 is worth <display counter "=post length" > credits -it the counter would change depending on the edits made. -(optional)pop up showing how many credits you have earn upon submitting a post
  5. I saw some posts that their are some minor bugs in the cpanel update concerning new folders being added under the cpanel. So wait patiently and you should be able to get your hosting account applications filled out and submitted.
  6. Did you refresh your hosting application while it was processing? If it did then it will be half completed then. Which means that the admin have to delete your appilication before you can resubmit it again. It has happen to other people before so don't worry about it.
  7. I thought I toss in a review for this game since I am in my second day of playing. Basically it's a suped up version of MK Trilogies.Got the whole cast as playable characters and what not.The got rid of alot ground combo's although I havn't played every character yet. But you have to time your hits to get them in the air nad be able to do air combo's yeah!!! .The Konquest Mode didn't feel like 10 hours although I did mist some parts of it since I didn't collect all the items and what not. It was interesting and had it's moments but other then that it was like MKD konquest.What was really a let down was the fact the intro movie was in wide screen and not full screen, it was in full cg and it had it's funny moments especially the cheap shots.I havn't looked at the bonus cd yet which has more stuff in it and what not.But now to the fun part kreator mode in which you can create your own fighters and what not which is good for online play and making it more diverse. Although only problem is that you have to make several run throughs of konquest and games to get enough credits to unlock everyone you need.
  8. Just got back from the movies (3 hours ago) and I just saw the Grudge 2, the sequel to the Grudge and and the American version of Ju-on. All I have to say is WOW!!!! Without given away to much this movie surpasses even the first one and the japanese version although I don't recollect seeing the Ju-on 2 might have to look that up. Although if anyone has seen all 5 movies of Ringu (Japanese Version of the Ring) They might turn it into a virus or something. Spoiler at your own risk (highlight second line) Like Im going to give anything away GO SEE THE MOVIE YOU WON'T REGRET IT Body count is 18
  9. I got a dead link as well but here are some other links on APSCS3 http://www.macnn.com/articles/06/03/24/adodue.in.q2.2007/ should be interesting if they change the interface and at all or actually trim down some of the fat like niran said CS2 does take up a large chunk of resources and what not.
  10. I can't remember what the version was I swear I seen a 4 but can't remember off the top of my head. Got a new tech that should help unload the load opaque has already. has the tech made their presence known yet or no?
  11. I got 235 pages on 2003, But I do find that interesting surprised it was never brought up last semester in this computer class I was taken for word.
  12. I thought I toss in a review for this game since I am in my second day of playing. Basically it's a suped up version of MK Trilogies.Got the whole cast as playable characters and what not.The got rid of alot ground combo's although I havn't played every character yet. But you have to time your hits to get them in the air nad be able to do air combo's yeah!!! .The Konquest Mode didn't feel like 10 hours although I did mist some parts of it since I didn't collect all the items and what not. It was interesting and had it's moments but other then that it was like MKD konquest.What was really a let down was the fact the intro movie was in wide screen and not full screen, it was in full cg and it had it's funny moments especially the cheap shots.I havn't looked at the bonus cd yet which has more stuff in it and what not.But now to the fun part kreator mode in which you can create your own fighters and what not which is good for online play and making it more diverse. Although only problem is that you have to make several run throughs of konquest and games to get enough credits to unlock everyone you need.
  13. I think it would be impossible because how would you control the gaps in between each fan, it won't take much for one to stray off and BOOM! Because 1 the fans will already consist of matter already since it is a physical object.It would be impossible to contain it even if their was some way to put it within a lasrer grid to prevent it from getting out. Or some sort of physical container.
  14. Just got back from the movies and I just saw the Grudge 2, the sequel to the Grudge and and the American version of Ju-on. All I have to say is WOW!!!! Without given away to much this movie surpasses even the first one and the japanese version although I don't recollect seeing the Ju-on 2 might have to look that up. Although if anyone has seen all 5 movies of Ringu (Japanese Version of the Ring) They might turn it into a virus or something. Spoiler at your own risk [hide=option] Like Im going to give anything away GO SEE THE MOVIE YOU WON'T REGRET IT Body count is 18 [/hide]
  15. @salamangkero you do make a good point that their should be some sort of land mass In order for it to have gravity. That of course would have to include saturn uranus and neptune as well.How ever someone correct me on this doesn't the rotation of the planet and the magnetism contribue to gravity as well as mass and weight?I don't know the formula to how graivty works off the top of my head but I do believe it has to do with mass volume weight and overall size that determines what kind of gravity it has.
  16. well look at how are credits are being displayed at the top of the site every time we log in. It would follow that same procedure but in the post it will show how much it is worth. I highly doubt a counter display like that could get exploited like that.
  17. @pleno from the article it said that this storm developed over a year and just how big it is. I could assume given a few more years to develop like it as it could be as big as the red maybe even dwarf it. If you click on the nasa link they showed picturess of the storm developing Right now the red spot has lasted 300+ years (most likly from when it was discovered). As I know of the atmosphere of jupiter is is one huge giant storm with miniture storms with in it. as you can tell by this picture you can see many different storms. @MIGUE2k7 actually no one knows if their is a land mass, several attempts of sending a satellite into jupiter have been unsucessful due to the huge gravity jupiter has. Like I mentioned earlier the red spot storm has lasted over 300 years maybe more. I highly doubt anything would get out due to that gravity, Jupiter would have to explode to maybe cause some damage. @husker that won't happen due to the distance between us and jupiter it wouldn't make it. Well look at how tornados are created here, the same process must go into it as well. Also clips have been shown of the gas rings rotate so it would just be a matter of time before they combine into each other to form it's inner core and what not.
  18. pop up would be interesting but the actual coding would be done in php with the javascript for the pop up.But sadly though only a experience person can do this my level of coding is noob at best. For some reason I can't code by scratch I have a good memory and all I just choose not to remember all that code stuff, just ot much to remember and bit over welming as well.Any more ideas?
  19. actually it was the 30 and 31st floor and the FBI, CIA and any else involved said it was an accident and not a terrorist attack although I remember something quite funny homeland security never responded the moment it happen. http://www.foxnews.com/story/2006/10/11/small-plane-crashes-into-new-york-city-high-rise-killing-yankees-pitcher-cory.html goes into more detail about the whole situation
  20. Just saw this one the wire looks like Jupiters red spot gain a child. If you all know your planetary science the red spot is a giant storm thats 3x the size of earth and is clocked at over 400mph. Hate to be in that bad boy But what makes it interesting is the the scientists are shocked that this happen. They claim jupiter has many surprises and since we won't see what happen to jupiter for the next few months (behind the sun) the storm could become bigger later on.
  21. I would try local computer shops around town first, but I would say use a search engine to whats availiable. Personally I would stay local becuase then you can pick them up yourself and inspect before purchasing. If you get them delievered they could get damage and become useless once they arrived.
  22. this post explains why no one cannot get into the cpanel. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/42139-cpanel-message-and-cannot-login-to-your-account-here-is-why/ I would say it has to be the ftp client I know I can get into mine with no problems. From what I mention in my shout download smartftp and you should be able to connect from there.
  23. All I have to say is bummer man, thats the tricky part ot relationships that involved a children. Usually the father or mother are beyond stress out that they are not thinking clearly, which you mention in the post. At hte time I would have said it would be a tough call on who to go out with. But after now I would have gone out with the non-child date.
  24. they somehow find a way to look at a directory and then procded to look at the coding and then implement their distruction.
  25. thats how the credit system count is based on is the character length so, we would just add the counter most likly were we would see the date. Then it would adjust to the the edits made as well.Made a slight update to my original post based on what Mich posted earlier.
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