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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. To help you out a bit more this site has a small index of how to set up nav menus in css and online programs to make them as well. http://www.alvit.de/handbook/ This site can teach different ways to set up a nav menu, like php, dhtml and even javascript. pixel2life.com
  2. Well to add a bit to ficing the light to what haslip mention take a potato cut it in half and stick it in there. Then slowly twist it out. I wouldn't recommend needle nose plyers due the fact you could still could get shocked.But to solve your problems problem password protect the computer so he can't use it. Or set up a ton of mouse traps before you leave so when he steps on them he gets a nice pinch.
  3. I can vouch for that I did plenty of that as I make very difficult decisions and try to figure which out weighs more the pro's or the cons. But of course even the right decision could be wrong and wrong decision could be right, it all depends on the situation you placed when it comes down to the critical thinking.The military does this as well especially when placed in stressfull situations like being in a fire fight and trying to move your team from location to another while bullets are flying and bombs are exploding. It all comes to the that quick answer that will determine what could be a possible answer to that question.
  4. maybe the text but the lense flare looks way off, due to non blending effect it doesn't have with it. Also it makes the sig flatter. I know the you all trying to help but I usually don't re-edit my sigs. Yeah I could improve them but I feel like I have to start by scratch.
  5. Also it's good to check out tutorial sites as well, it helps you understand hte basics a bit more.Recommend pixel2life.com
  6. Just like the Nike commercial says just Do it, some mysterious force has help you set it up and all you need to do take the plunge. So what if she rejects big deal htere are plenty of other chances that yo uwill find someone else.Heck by the sounds of it shes just as shy as you are about about talking to you alone. So just ask her out to something simple like a movie and go from there.I have a feeling she thought it was funny as well but didn't want to show it because it could reveal more about her and how she likes you.So just ask her out and get it over with. Thats how I did it with the girl I'm with right now I just build up the grapefruits and I asked her and here I am now.
  7. Actually this was stock photo that I used so the sides couldn't be help so i tried to smudge most it out. I think the light gives the distnace/depth look just right.If i bolded the text it would stand out to much with this it went well with hte grunge look.
  8. Although I could say just search google you get your answer but here is free software that should do what oyur asking. http://ditto-cp.sourceforge.net/
  9. Nah I doubt it will beat google, because the search engine is based on India websites and not world website. This will benefit people from India the most but for those who are looking for traveling there maybe could use this as well.
  10. Albus Dumbledore: 3Mich: 2Truefusion: 0randomdood: 0idle: 0I go with Mich design since it has the more professional look to it.
  11. Newest sig in like 8 months Little smudge and c4d action but it's for be out of it like forever. This took about 15-20 minutes meh.
  12. Since Halloween is coming up this weeks Theme will be halloween related SO.. Sig size: 320x120-350x150 Brush Style: freestyle. Render: Halloween Related (Horror, scary). Text: Related to render. other effects: anything you want. Sunday is hte dead line for entries.
  13. $font_file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/path/verdana.ttf"; Well I looked at the coding I would believe that the error lies with this line. The path to the font file put the full path that leads to the font file and see if that works.
  14. agree with evion on that reason being is that once you begin slicing it you will have a easier time slicing the images properly when it comes time to code them. Also you the text on the conect box needs to be clearer as well. It's a bit hard to read
  15. what tutorial are you using? with the font error I assume you would need a font file that you are using and that should fix it. But if you can provide a link to the tutorial that will make the question easier to answer.
  16. I was an advocate of IE for the longest time and used it on a regular basis especially here. But when I downloaded firefox and got those webdesigners plug ins i switch over immediately. I use IE ocassionaly watching videos on the net because firefox doesn't have the right plug-ins.However since IE7 has been updated to be more secured if any security all, but IE has cleaned up how html should work. But maybe when IE8 comes out they will meet the standards of what Firefox has to offer.
  17. I go with dreamweaver over anyone else and that is they don't give you junk code like frontpage does or some of the free html web design tool have as well.I use dreamweaver more for cleaning up then editing other then that I use note pad and refresh my browser a half million times while correctly the mistakes.
  18. Although I don't know this type of programming it would help to know what this is used for and what not. Just posting code doesn't help any members who might have questions about what your post is about or what problems you might have with it.
  19. I saw Billy Blanks while in the Iraq (woohoo ) my sister though met whoopie goldberg, she has a house somewhere in Vermont so she comes down to where I live everyone now and then.
  20. I am assuming that you used a password of some sorts, if so then the password does not work then?I think the password would have been stored somewhere within the computer so when you reinstalled the os you erased that as well.Question what encryption program did you use to encrypt it? If it is commerical software best suggestion would be to get suppot from those who created and how you can decrypt it.
  21. same here, it almost looks like your a regular at gamerenders.com as well.
  22. Would like to inform your the the public link is no good try to fix the link again, plus by the looks of it, Orkut is still by invitation only.
  23. That wowuld be the best suggestion, although maybe but highly doubt it but when opaque updates to 2.2 series it might fix it.
  24. I agree what Mich and evion have posted but I would like to toss in a bit of reality not to be cruel and all. But I would recommend family therapy, although I can't tell what kind of enviroment you actually live in, just remember don't bring all that crap to your family when you have kids of your own.
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