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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. some pretty good coding done for a chess game, at least for the most part you got the basic of the basic moves done which is a good thing. I didn't try it out but was castling possible in this version of the game? Other then what was recommend I can't say to much about it since I have really touch a chessboard in a long time so their could be other special moves that could be missing as well.
  2. Correction #1 changing your qupis password through the credit system won't work since you don't need credits to get a qupis account and it's not set to make changes to the password. Now pyost that would be a reasonable step to do; however, most likely the hacker changed the email address as well so it couldn't be retrieved through normal means. So XPkiller your best bet is to let qupis support know that your site was hacked and beyond repair and that you want it to be shutdown. Just make sure to give them your qupis website url and other info as well so they can terminate the account.Next question I have what scripts and forum were you running (include the version) so others will have a good idea what happen.
  3. well how about this instead of deleting them edit your posts and put them in quotes and then just post the originals on trap, I think that would be reasonable enough so both sites could see them while your posting them at trap.
  4. Wow I wonder if Microsoft knows about it little trick, would it possible to do this on another computer through the net if you had a good trojan put in place?
  5. the font that I used is called beyond wonderland, I believe I picked it up at dafont.com when trying to look for some new fonts to use.
  6. Yeah the text was the trickey part because I didn't have any comic book type fonts to use for the text box in this sig.
  7. Yeah and stay away from fats and sweets The thing that gets me though is this even mentioned in the world records because from what I fathom is that the oldest so far is 115-116 area but by looking at the topic and where its placed I would say its just a good ole way to rip our eyes out .
  8. graphics wise no as well, you have talent you just need to work at it some more, tutorials are your friend and a lot of them have good idea;s just need to combine them thats all.
  9. You got a soild yes from me as well though a bit late keep up the good work SN.
  10. You got some good stuff and since your already in and got good skills you get a vote for Yes.
  11. Yeha I go with the iron man and bart sig as well, don't forget to add borders to this sigs as well. With the filters on fireworks I think they had blur but I stopped using fireworks after getting my soul revitalized with photoshop . Just keep picking at sig designing, my recommendation is start with one style of sigs like grundge sigs and do a series of them to get good and then start with another one. With using gimp that would be a good start I seen good tutorials out there for gimp sigs. Their is some photoshop tutorials out there that gimp can mimic you jsut have to look at the right ones to do so.
  12. Graphic wise is a nice layout except for that gray bar on the right side that has to go, also its needs some drop shadow as well because the way it looks it is completely flat. I notice you did the guassian trick with the border stroke which is ok but you need some drop shadow.As for slicing their is alot of places where you can reduce the slices because sine your home page is one big image there is no need for all those slices, you did well in the slicing for your other pages just not the home page. I would say you could reduce your slices to 16 from about the 40 slices you have right now. Unless you plan to change some of them with text then ok that your slices should be fine.I would recommend looking at hte smaller slices and see where you can combine them with the larger ones. Also get rid of the frameset especially since your using a full page design that doesn't require frames.
  13. not bad like the smooth transition of colors within hte sig, personally I would have gone with the school colors to make it extra good and meaningful . Also should change the font color to it as well black is hard to see on this one.
  14. Not bad usually with vector sigs you would want more color and use a good helping of filters and other special effects, of course at a master level for vector sigs someone will be able to clump them altogether in one and make a design out of it. If you go to deviantart you will see what I am referring to.Overall not to bad jsut needs more to it.
  15. As of SOTW #57 GFXTrap SOTW history has been updated with the following:-Updated the topic with a more organized look-All entries and votes have been added for sotw 40-57-All Total Entries have been updated or new ones have been added-Records have been updatedAlso 3 New Records have been brokenSOTW with the most votes in a single SOTW:SOTW with the least entries in a single SOTW:SOTW with the least votes in a single SOTW:
  16. After SOTW #57 here is our updated list of SOTW Multi champs. I would Like to make an honorable mention to Mich who is now tied for 4th place with most entries ever and out of 15 of those entries she became a 4 time SOTW winner so congratulations for that Mich.Hopefully We will have a 10x time winner and then we can set up a new tab for that.
  17. Well one of the problems I had was when I tried to type text I get an error with the text engine, but doing some search the error was because I had so many fonts that in order to correct this I had to move most of them out and then them move them back in small groups in order to get them to work. I had installation problems but that was quickly fix after I realized what I did wrong.The newest thing that I like is the way the tool menus are done, they use a collapse and expand feature so you don't have to do all that clicking around, however I only have the standard edition and not the extended editon which deals with 3-d graphics and other good stuff.
  18. Well look at the Japanese and especially the Chinese cultures the first child especially if it is a son gets the most attention and the perks and if anyone been paying attention to New from China about the ratio of men to women I believe it was like 15-20:1 because of the fact that chinese couples prefer sons as a first child then a daughter. Of course when you see a lot of parents adopt it's mostly Chinese girls because of the fact some parents didn't want them. I am not saying all Chinese parents are like that, but of course theirs that 2 child rule that everyone follows as well, which I think is cruel especially for a society that prefere sons over daughters.With Japan its not as bad but if you all remember the fact that the emperor had no sons and 2 daughters, the Japanese government have been battle it out to see if they would allow a Woman to become empress of Japan. If my memory servers me correctly there have been only 2 empress's in all of Japans history. Of course that all change when a second wife (if you want to call it that) gave birth to a son, so that matter was finished once it happen. Now I haven't heard much about since then (fall of last year).But was mention earlier in some post about parents hating their kids because they didn't want them is not uncommon either of course some decide to give up the child which is a good healthy thing but other will treat them badly and or in most severe cases beat or kill their children. But I have heard to many cases in the last 5 years or so about that happen; however, it still could happen because most of the time no one outside the family knows about it.Either way if don't want kids do the simple thing and get your tubes tied, but with the cultural thing thats hard to break a tradition thats been going on for a very long time so it would hard to change peoples views on that, so I can't really give an opinion on that.
  19. Well T0 give a 4 day update we now have out gold silver and bronze winners for the turtle race and they are: 1st Place-- Billie 2nd Place-- Stephanie Colburtle 3rd Place-- Champiro 4th Place-- Turtleocity Well saphira you did good maybe next time we will take good Here's what's been happening in the last 5 days Day #8 Day #9 Day #10 This is the day Billie Wins the Great Turtle Race Day #11 The Day Stephanie Colburtle Takes Second Place Well our first 4 turtles are in maybe by late saturday we will know our 5th, 6th, and 7th place turtles.
  20. This is for the SOTW at trap and I was trying to go for a comic style looking sig I think I pulled it off fairly nicely without adding all those special effects and what not.
  21. Sorry for the long delay guys school stuff happening and of course working on getting CS3 to work right for me but here we go; Crazy Evil Man aka CrazyRob Evil Stuffer aka Imtay22 Evil Technophiliac aka keri-j Evil Corn aka Husker Evil Kid aka Plenoptic There we go everyone the first 10 sigs of the Evil Society are done. Of course everyone else leave your comments about them and what not.
  22. Ok members of Evil Society your Sigs are done but to start off I retouched my own sig and made it a tad darker but here is the link for the second set as well. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/47398-evil-society-sigs-v1-set-2/
  23. Sorry for the long delay guys school stuff happening and of course working on getting CS3 to work right for me but here we go; There we go everyone the first 10 sigs of the Evil Society are done. Of course everyone else leave your comments about them and what not.
  24. First loves are hard to move on from. but if he is seeing someone else don't create the same situation that you and he was in with his friend. The best situation is talked to him and lay everything out and try to work on your feelings, but make sure to keep his and your's emotions in check because it could backfire and create a bad situation for him and his current girlfriend. Let him know what ever he decides on what to do that you will accept, but he has to decide that for himself because breaking up with a girl to continue a relationship with another one is just bad mojo for any guy.Once you let him know your feelings then you will be able to move on and hopefully he lets you know his feelings as well, because with this your relationship could continue in the future but you have to let him know that he cannot break up with his current girlfriend because of what you two had before. Of course if he can be honest to his current girlfriend about his feelings for you she should understand and that could help continue your relationship with him that got ruined by his friend.But the most important thing is that you try to become friends with that you will be able to let go of those feelings if you both agree that the relationship should not go on. Of course these are opinions as their is no true answer to this situation, but you have to be honest with yourself and to him and he has to do it like wise, especially when it concerns his current girlfriend.
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