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Everything posted by shadowdemon

  1. Install phpBB2(2/3) The installation can not be completed:- You cannot install more than one script in the root directory of a domain.Click on the browser's Back button to fix reported errors. how do i fix this
  2. not sure about that i think maybe a problem in the server im sure it will be fixed soon
  3. I can write scipts but on the site there is mySQL database and php servers and data bases do i put them in the script or in a database thats was im confused about
  4. My site is a text based rpg and i would like to make it so people can join and log in and has all the otehr stuff. and it would help if u gave me a code and tould me wat to do or i could make my own code but do i put it in the scipts or in a mySQL database or wat im completly confused on were to put mySQL and php scripts
  5. There is 2 ways to drink milk:One way u go to the store but a cow and a milking machine. Next you take it home and use it on the cow. Next pureify it of all bacteria. Now take a Big glass (5 gallon) and pour the milk in. Next u take a big straw and drink the milkThe other way is to repeat step one. Next take your favorite flavor of ice cream and a 10 gallon blender and put 4 gallons of ice cream in and the 5 gallons of milk then blend it. Then invite friends over and drink till your full. For added flavor pour a little whisky in it to get a little drunk when you drink it
  6. you mean it is a link that when they click they download. I think its ok aslong as it wont give them and harmful things on the computer ea:spyware adware hijinks trojan worm and or viruses
  7. Im the same way i cant sing so i sing for fun and annoy everyone and embarres andone around me. And is there anyway to listen to these songs on the interenet cause i havent heard of any
  8. I like it wat other works do u have like this i would love to see them
  9. i wuld say im addicted aswellive plaied many rpg games and when i play one that all my life is around. Like if someone asks me to do something ill say one sec if im playing a rpg and ill do it in like 10 mins when i am done with wat i am doing
  10. i sold a lvl 125 account for 400 dollars but that took awhile to get so it isnt suffiecient but its a way to make money
  11. Lol my school is the same way the best thing we learned about computers in schoool is how to type (this is 8th+ when they tought us this) i mean come on how pathetic we learned typing in 2nd grade (me 1st grade ). This is rediculous atleast there are sites like this that teach us about technology and spread our horizion to more learning( and fun at the same time)
  12. im new so i dont no about that button but thanks for telling me and the mod who pput quotes around my text
  13. i would love to go to school with you. You have real world knowledge who cares about age. Age is just a number. Stick with school
  14. Nice script. It comes in handy when ur countin down days to something
  15. JUST OUT OF CURIOUSITY (sry for caps) wats your frineds site. Oh and were do u get ipb forums also
  16. well i was talking about both . Again thanks for the help a mod can close this now if they want
  17. oops your right i should have quoted it and i like numb its one of my favorite songs (cause of the background music and the lyrics)
  18. thats terribleNow he is dieing from the meidicne that shorrible
  19. what program did u use cause ive been asking peoeple that and noone has told me
  20. thats from the girl next doorfrom when the dude was giving the speech and the juice is worth the squeeze is from the other dude
  21. Artist: Trapt Title: Headstrong Album: Trapt Lyrics: i love this song Notice from cmatcmextra: Quoting....
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