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Everything posted by kevlar557

  1. I tried to change my password in cpanel, and that password would not work. I tried reseting it, and that would not work either. I desperately need to upload files before a week, or my site will be erased.
  2. I formated the hard drive last night, and it is running great. Thanks to everybody for their help.
  3. Well, I am formating the hard drive as I type, and I am probally going to go out and get linux for my older machine. Thanks for everyone's advise.
  4. i have thought of ftping the files, but I don't have network cards on those computers, and the hard drive space is insufficient to transfer the files. Yes, I am using NTFS on the hard drive. How exactly would I re-partition the drive. Would I have to get an app like Partition Magic, or is there a free program somewhere?
  5. I live in Jefferson, Ohio. Go Browns!!
  6. Nada on the proxy settings, and I know there is not a problem with my ISP, because I am connected to my ISP right now to post.
  7. The modem appears to be working correctly, because I do connect to my ISP. I have XP pro, 2.6 P4, 512, dual channel DDR, and 9800 pro 256 meg, all in a 2 year old gateway box. I really dont want to reformat, but it seems like I will have to. Would I be able to partition the drive, and re-install XP on the other partition, than transfer over all of my files?
  8. I re-entered all of my ISP settings, and still nothing. My mother is a veteran and she gets a computer every 2 years, and I buy a new computer every other year, because my parents always get some kind of virus on it, and it doesnt work anymore. Thats why I get a new computer every year. I cant get DSL out where I live, and cable is $70, so I can live with dial-up
  9. Yesterday, I downloaded AVG anti-virus free edition, and it found about 4 trojans. They were all ad-ware, but they were still viruses. Anyway, I healed all of the files, and now I can't get my dial-up to send or recieve any information. It is almost like one of the trojans I healed, was a internet protocol. Most of my friends, and myself are completely baffled on what is wrong, and what to do about it. My final resort is to back up any information I can, and format the hard drive. If anyone has any ideas on what I can do, that would be appreciated.
  10. There is no "best game ever" in my opinion, but I do have a small favorites list. On the top is Starcraft: Brood War. It has the best strategy out of all the games I have played thus far. Second would be Counter-Strike for PC.
  11. Not one person can cay that any one OS is best. The best OS will all depend on what kind of system you are running, and what will you be doing with that OS. In my opinion, I like XP pro because it has a very easy to use GUI, and most of the apps made these days, are made for windows only.
  12. I know a friend that has that media player, and he loves it. If you have the money, it is well worth it.
  13. The speed of your Cable or DSL all depends on where you live. If you live out in the middle of nowhere probally DSL will be your best bet, because simply the telephone lines will not be as congested as if you lived in the middle of New York City. But if you live out in the middle of nowhere, and you are at the very edge of the coverage area of your DSL, get cable, because from what I understand, the cable speeds will not slow down as much over large distances. It also depends on your download and upload speeds of the ISP.
  14. I ment to saygetting a new mobo, that will be capable with sata and DDR. I'm sorry if I said it differently. A 4 year old computer is old to me, because I get a new one every year. Anyway, I want to thank everyone for their advise, and i will post the results of the build when it's finished.
  15. I think that your "food chain" is a little biased. For one for your MP3 players, u put Creative at the top? I have had nothing but trouble with my Creative Zen, and I went out and bought a iRiver, which has given me no problems so far. Secondly, The Nikon digital Rebel is argueably the best digital camera on the market today. They have excellent customer service, and I know many professional photographers who will not use a Canon camera.I could keep going on, but I wont. If you are looking to buy a piece of technology, research it, ask someone who has the product, and take every aspect of the product into consideration before you buy. I have done this, and I have not been disapointed with my descision.
  16. would a linux set-up allow me to run applications off of the file server, or would it just allow me to access files? Also, what kind of application would i run on the other computers on my network to retrive the files, and or run the applications if possible?
  17. Is there any upload limit on size of files that I would want to put on my site. Is there a page limit for my site? Also, can I upload a forum program like phpbb to my site? Thanks ahead of time for any help
  18. I have heard that Half-Life 2 requires you to have steam installed, and be connected to the internet in order to play it. I have extremely slow dial-up, and I really dont want to wait 3 hours to start Half-Life 2. Is this true, and is there any way around it if it is true?
  19. There is also another program that completely changes the GUI to what ever you pick. It is almost like konfabulator in the essence that you can import wigets like stock tickers and other fun stuff right on the desktot. It is a CPU hog, but if you have a reasonable system set-up it should run it fine. It is called Desktop X and can be found at stardock.com
  20. Ok, first of all, I want this only to be shared over my home network, but it is a network of about 7 computers. Right now, the computer is a P4 1.4 ghz with a 80 gig hard drive. It has Win ME, and 256 megs of RDRAM. right now, it does not have a network card, but i am planning on getting one that is capable of handling gigabit speeds. I am going to get a 200 gig hard drive, and hopefully an new mobo compatable with my current processor, and DDR memory, because RD is so friggin expensive($175 for a 128 stick) I am also upgrading the OS, but what kind of linux should I get? I'm not planning on running games or large apps off of it, I just want to run small apps like HTML editors, etc... Of course if it is possible I would like to run larger apps off of it if it is economical.
  21. I still have a floppy drive in my computer for the reason that the first Doom I have on floppy disk No, seriously, I have to boot my old PII 233 with a floopy, and it doesnt have a CD-ROM drive, and I'm not wasting my money to get a CD-ROM for a 10 year old computer. I think it is a bad idea for computer companies to remove floppy drives from their newer computers. It is going to lead to a lot of voided warantes.
  22. Well, I just dont want to save data to it, I want it to act as some kind of network drive. I want to be able to run apps off of it. I do admit, I dont know a whole lot about networking, but I know that my windows ME isn't going to do the job. And what is wrong with killing a cockroach with a sledge hammer anyway?
  23. I believe that google has the right to expand over the internet as much as they want. So far, there are no laws agansed monoploy-like companies on the internet, at least that I know of. The people at google have put their time and effort into their services, most of which they recieve no profit from. I agree that monopolies are wrong, but those companies are all about the money. When you search google, you are not paying for that service, and not making google any money. This is just my opinion
  24. I kind of figured I needed Linux. Is there a guide or anything that states what exactly how the OS should be set up to act as a network drive? Also, are there any hardware requirements I should be aware of?
  25. I want to put a little file server on my home network. It is a rather old computer, and I was going to throw it out, until my friend suggested making it into a file server. I have every other part of it figured out, but I have to get rid of the Windows ME before I can do anything. Is there any suggestions on what OS would be the best for the job?
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