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Everything posted by kevlar557

  1. This is a little off topic, but isn't star office and open office one in the same? I know that both were made by SUN, but is there a big difference between the two? I am curious about this, because my school is planning on swithcing over to star office from MS office, and Open Office is free.
  2. I was at a garage sale today, and I picked up a Ceiva Picture frame for one dollar. I was all excited, until I got home, and I discovered that someone else already registered it, and I can't use it. I was going to throw it out, but I noticed the rather large color lcd screen.I thought It might make a nice little external monitor of some kind. I was wondering if anybody had any knowlege of doing something like this. If someone could help me out, that would be sweet.Ok, mabye I was a little too general about what I need. I want the screen to be able to display some kind of visualization from winamp or something, and have it hook up to a USB port. I know that people have made little displays on cases with winamp information(song, album, artist, etc...)and would this be able to do the same?
  3. When you post in the shout box, does it give you hosting credits? I'm not completely sure, but I did some shouting, and I think that my credits went up a little.
  4. I've tried many other hosts, and this is better than most of the paid hosting sites I've tried.
  5. right now, my parents are paying 20 bucks per month for 28.8 dial up. They could be paying 20 bucks more, and getting roughly 100X more speed than what we are getting now. We are getting ripped off.
  6. I was browsing through the microsoft website a couple of minutes ago, and I stumbled across the Power Toys. They are little add-ons to windows that make life a whole lot easier and more appealing to the eye. Some of the ones I downloaded is the desktop manager, taskswitch toy, UI tweaks, and some others. The desktop manager lets you manage multiple desktops with different things on each. It's kind of like how the linux desktop manager is. The Task Switch enables thumbnail previws when using the Alt-Tab keystroke. It will show the preview of the program you are swithcing to in a small window, which is very helpful when you have multiple instinces of the same program open at once. There are about 8 more, but I don't know exactly what they are. You can find them here. Power Toys
  7. why would you want to have a domain name that no one in their right mind could type in? Now, if it was the world's shoretst domain, it would be sweet.
  8. I really don't much care for consoles. I have a PS2 dust collecter with 2 games, and that's about it. I will probally just buy the games for the new systems and play them in an emulator on the PC. The new nintendo does sound pretty sweet nonetheless.
  9. I can't wait until I can get a couple of those. I need massive amounts of space for video editing. a 5 minute video takes up about 5 gigs, so those would be very nice.
  10. Some power supplies are different from others. The AT type of piower supplies are not compatable with ATX or vice versa. I don't think thay manufacture AT PS's anymore, but you never know.
  11. I'm planning on investing some cash into getting a couple of extremely large hard drives (300gb and up), and I was wondering what companies have good hard drives. I need them to be extremely fast, because they are going to be dedicated to mostly video editing and compiling. They also need not to be really expensive. CAn anyone give me some ideas?
  12. If you want to get a really nice laptop, go to falcon notrtwest and look at theirs. They might be a little heavy, but my do they have power. They also have some of the best support out there. It is the only company I've heard of that wil overclock your components for you, without voiding your waranty. All you have to do is send it to them in a special case that they send with the computer. They are a tad bit expensive though.
  13. actually, the centrino is not a processor, it is the combination of a new mobile processor, motherboard, and all of its components. If you listen to the commercials, it will say that: not a processor. anyways, the processor in the centrino package would be better than the P4 by a long shot.
  14. I prefer to have a desktop. From my understanding, laptops will not last as long as a desktop will because of the airflow problems. I also prefer a desktop, because it is so much easier to upgrade and maintain. it's pretty hard to put a new processor in a laptop from what i've heard.
  15. I did remove all of the partitions on the drive, but it will still not format. I tried downloading the Data Lifeguard Tools from the WD website, but that would not work either. I'm really starting to get despirate. Should I just buy a new drive, or does someone have a way to get this POS working?
  16. I just reformatted my hard drive last night, and i reinstalled xp. I went to start using it, and it was extremely slow. I tried moving some windows around the screen, and it was very choppy. Now mind you, that just a week before, both of my partitions on a 80 gig hard drive, and it ran better that this. I can't think that dual booting mandriva linux and windows would cause this kind of a slow down. Does anybody have any ideas?
  17. I have windowblinds and desktop x. I love the whole object desktop family. I got some abstract theme going on right now. I would recommend it to anyone
  18. I used the XP set-up disk to delete all of the partitions on the drive, but still no dice. I even tried formatting it as a FAT32, instead of a NTFS.
  19. I use Shareaza, because it connects to three networks (gnutella2, eDonkey 2000, and gnutella1) It has a easy to use interface, which you can chose to have advanced features.
  20. Half-Life 2 is the best FPS for the computer in my mind. There are so many sweet mods, and the game itself is just amazing. I think they are going to come out with an expansion soon.
  21. I'm trying to format my slave drive, which had linux on it. I have it in my wiondows machine, and I tried to format it. It says that the format was complete, but after it asks for a label in CMD, it says that the format failed. The hard drive is a WD Caviar 30 gig, on IDE 2 slave.
  22. I have it now, but I can't get to work correctly. I'm going to end up fromatting my hard drive to make it work. I have all of the newest desert combats, and eve of destruction.
  23. I'm wondering if you can get around the logging of visited websites on a school network. I have a friend who has a laptop for wardriving, and he can get into the school wi-fi, but you have to log into it. It isn't a problem for us, because we have a admin account, but it will log our web activity, eventually tracing it back to us. We don't plan on looking up porn, or shat like that, but it will show that we were logged in after school hours. Is there a way to block the logging that anyone knows of?
  24. Instead of buying a 512mb graphics card, just spend a litle more, and get dual 6800's running in SLI. It will probally be better in the long run, because 6800's are tried and tested.
  25. I have a SanDisk 512 mb cruzer mini. It is really cool, because it has encryption software on it. I would definately buy another.
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