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Everything posted by specter

  1. Dam I hate lazy teachers, getting by on a few lessons the whole year and just leaving the rets up to you. I only have 3 classes this symester (I took a "spare" 2nd period) and I already have too much homework.
  2. Alright thanks people. I should have guessed it was that simple. I suppose the same goes for fonts aswell.
  3. I've heard a lot about different brushes and such and I've also seen the result of having good brushes. I know where to get them bu my questions is how would I install them?
  4. Well I'm new here but I do that the answer to your question cane asily be found a number of places. Just look on the main page, you need 10 hosting credits (you get these by posting like you just did) for the basic package and 30 for the advanced pack. If you are approved for hosting you have to keep active on the forum to maintain your account.
  5. I honestly never played Knight of the Old Republic 1 but 2 wasn't bad. I lost interest part way through though, as I do with all huge and somewhat boring rpgs.
  6. I like the orange one just a little bit better because of it's clearity, the blue one seems slightly blurry to me.
  7. My brother owns one. I must say I'm not glad a blew a few hundred on that thing, for one it's not exactly usefull unless you travel a lot and their are actually more movie than games out for it. Too much money for what you get, give me Gameboy Color or Sega Game Gear anyday.
  8. Flying cars would just created a massive number of new problems and dangers. But I can see them running on different fuels, there was a car created in the 1950s or 60s (I can't remember which) that ran on any combustable substance. It was never produced because of the cost of manufacturing.
  9. There are many goo free counters, my favorite is extreme counter. It not only records your unique hits but tell you where your viewers are being reffered from, thier place of origin (country), their computer specs and much more. It also can be switched to private so that it is only visable on your computer.
  10. Take it from me, get the Gimp! It's 100% free and is almost as good as photoshop. I live and die by it, long live the gimp.
  11. It's preety cool. The keyborad is meh but that shiny windows logo is what makes it. Do you work for them or something?
  12. You should get the Gimp! Everyone get Gimp! Notice from KuBi: This is spam. Relates nothing to the topic, warning issued.
  13. They have an rts (real time strategy) sub forum, what's wrong with that?
  14. Honestly I don't like it. It's alright but if it's a graphics site it should a simpky amazing template, you know what I mean? I wouldn't be very interested in a graphics site if it had a so so layout. I think you said it was your first so considering that, it's really very good.
  15. specter


    Hi, my name's specter and I've just joined today. Looks like a good forum with lots of interesting discussions and people and even though the web hosting thing seems to be to good to be true, I think I'll stick around.
  16. Starcraft forever. That game will always be the king of rts games. In second place for me is age of mythology, best "age of" game by far. After that it has to be Red alert 2. These are games that will be around for years and years to come.
  17. The age of Empires games were never as good as everyone claimed but after playing age of mythology I'm pretty excited about this game. Is there a good info page on it? You know, something that will tell you the races and features and things.
  18. I'm not a metroid fan but I like it. The background looks cool, the stock is nice and well cut and the I like the color vs black and white thing. Cool font aswell.
  19. I really dislike rpgs usually but the best one I've ever played is paper mario. I know most people would call me crazy when there's all these final fantasy and zelda games out there but I just find those boring. Paper mario kept my interest, it was simple and easy to play and had a cool retro feel to it.
  20. I tend to like a blend of white and grey, it looks clear and stylish. I've also been to a few sites that looks great in an orange theme.
  21. Nation States is a free online game where you are in control of your own nation. You are given questions daily or weekly (depending on your prefference) and the way you answer those questions shapes your nation. It is based on a book called "Jenifer Goverment" written by Max Barry. The questions are usualy interesting and realistic and don't worry, theres pretty much an endless supply so you won't ever run out of questions. Nation States isn't a game you play any length at one time but they do have a U.N. and a large forum for you be active in. Its a great little game for when your bored at school/work and want to blow a couple minutes. By the way, if anyone makes a nation or already plays, my nation is Kakkarot and is located in the "DBU Region". Nation States
  22. Ouch, that was funny. Mike Myers and Chris Tucker were like "wtf....".
  23. Goddam them! I don't know how they plan to kill google but I'd like to see those guys try.
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