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Everything posted by specter

  1. I like it, lots of content. I think it needs preview for the templates though.
  2. Oh darn I missed it. Looks like I'll have to stick with firefox.
  3. Yeah she has a huge chin, pretty cool image.
  4. Ugh, why do we live in a world where people think it's cool to destroy some one's hard work? Never give your pass/user name to anyone, thats all I can say.
  5. Anyone who says Starcraft isn't one of the best strategy games ever or who complains it's "old" can suck a lemon.Warcraft 3 was terrible, the graphics look they came off of my old N64.
  6. Hey, I'm new obviously. I already started posting because I completely missed this forum but I always like to make a formal intro so....here I am.
  7. uhg, G-unit? Give me a break! Eazy-E Too-Short Ice Cube Dresta/B.G. Knocc Out DJ Quik
  8. Well, whatever the definition of visualy impared, please share the information, I'm pretty interested in how to make a web page more accesable to everyone.
  9. Are you serious about those numbers? And by visualy impared we're talking about blindless right?
  10. So if using p2p sofware to download copywrited things is illegal, then the same would go for bittorrent right?
  11. They now have a gimp hack (gimpshop) that is layed out simillar to photoshop so all you adobe user can easily get used to the gimp.
  12. Who would use this thing with all the good image hosts there already are? How do these guys stay in business?
  13. What is the graphics program you guys use the most? I use the Gimp, it's not only just as good (if not better in some ways) as photoshop but it's free.
  14. Well I don't get stocks from a specific site but I know that when I want a little inpiration I got to Styleboost.
  15. Hi, this is my first post on this fine forum and I'm sure it won't be the last! Anyway....I run a fan site. I had been using hostultra as my host and everything was going nicely. The site started to get big so I checked around for a better free host, if that was possible. I found a site called f2g.net hosting. They offered 15Mb space, no forced ads, you.f2g.net subdomain, Server Side Includes (SSI), catch-all e-mail, unlimited mail aliasses, FTP and browser upload and statistics and all for free. I joined emediately. After less than a month of hosting it all blew up in my face: It wouldn't let me log into my account and claimed there was no such username as the one I had been using. When I tried to view my site it said the bandwidth limit was exceeded (impossible for the traffic I was getting) and after a few weeks it simply gave me a "site not found" message. I tried contacting thier free acount help e-mail but either it never got through or I simply got no response. So basically all my hard work was gone for no apparent reason. So basically they have a lot of nice little features and no adds for 0$ if your account suddenly vaporizes at a random time, tough luck. This is more of a warning then an actual review but I felt I should warn anyone thinking about f2g.
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