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Everything posted by arboc7

  1. I like really clean-cut, light layouts. White, light blues, light greens, just light anything, especially because they are really easy to read...
  2. All I can think of is that you might try "overflow: scroll;" instead of auto...let me know if that works.Good luck!
  3. Photoshop CS does have a great tool for creating all sorts of web galleries...unfortunately Picasa doesn't. Google is not in any talks with flickr as far as I know, but flickr is now interoperable with Yahoo accounts. I use flickr to post my pictures, but Hello is also a great program, even though I haven't used it much yet. I absolutely agree!! The timeline tool is AMAZING! It also lets me see such things as the progress of my trip (if I was shooting on vacation, et cetera) a good while after I had forgotten the details of my trip. It's a wonderful feature... Go Picasa!!
  4. All I can think of is if validate() is a function that exists (and your other functions also exist) when the getMemberRegistrationForm() function executes...Sorry I can't help much...but good luck!!
  5. I would suggest that you not use frames, but if you must, cmatcmextra's suggestion is best. Instead of frames, I would use either php includes, or just a simple redirection (preferred) to the full url. Also, you could set up you DNS settings for your domain to forward directly to the forums, and even set up a "CNAME" (i think that is what it is called) that makes your subdirectory the same as a given domain.I hope something helps...good luck!!
  6. I have been using Picasa2 for a couple of months now. I really like the simple built-in editing features...and I am a photographer--in hobby at least.Picasa also makes it really easy to manage all of my photos and video files, which is great because I have thousands of pictures...Is anyone else using Picasa??
  7. I think you want a sort of Flash content management system...there are not many free ones around, at least that I know of. If you want to make your own, you better prepare yourself for some serious actionscript work...Good luck!
  8. The Moto Q looks like it should be a really nice phone. I'm going to try to get one as soon as it is released.I'm just wondering what everyone else thinks about it...please post your comments!!
  9. I agree that the "repackaging" was weird...I have never known of that to happen! Maybe it really is the Haloween edition--spooky.
  10. Google is the best search engine without a doubt! I don't like AskJeeves because the layout of the site is cluttered, and the ads are too central/there are too many ads at the top of the search results. I have also used google for ages and pretty much learned to search using google...Go Google!!
  11. Tyssen is right, I have no clue what you are trying to do here, so I can't help! Sorry...
  12. That is possible. I suggest that you use the following: if ($opi != "docheck") { echo "$checkform";} elseif ($opi == "docheck") { check_status($_POST["ms"],'$_POST["id"], 0);} If register globals is not enabled, you can't just load the variables directly, you have so use the $_POST array. Also, the single quotes may have been giving you a problem... Good luck!!
  13. I like PHP because it is really easy to learn. And it also has really good documentation all in one, free place. The seamless integration with HTML is another great plus. PHP is also much much better than ASP, at least from my experience.Go PHP!!
  14. Well, there are lots and lots of names out there, so is there anything that comes to mind when you think about the structure of your program? If so, let us know and we can come up with some ideas...Good luck and good coding!
  15. Could you elaborate some?? There are a lot of names out there and maybe if I knew what your web programming does, I might be able to suggest a few names...Good luck and good coding!
  16. Google moon is not actually in Google Labs...it's just a modification of Google Maps, but when you zoom in slowly, it is quite funny! https://www.google.com/moon/ Have fun with it!!
  17. Using a <p> tag will only let you add background color to the areas where there is text, because that is all that a <p> tag affects. I am assuming that you want to make the container in which the text is have a background color. In order to do that, you will have to use a <div> tag or another type of container tag (i.e., tables)...Hope some of this helps!!
  18. I use SmartFTP when I am not using the one built into Dreamweaver. It's really nice...
  19. Thanks for the info Tyssen, that will come in handy...it is very interesting too!Thanks again!!
  20. Flash...that's tough. I don't like flash, especially when used with PHP and/or MySQL. Actionscript usually takes over most of the work. I think Flash is limited in its abilities across the board, especially from a dynamic content delivery and standards-compliancy view. It does have some artistic advantages though... I'm no expert in flash, but good luck, and I would be happy to help with any PHP and MySQL matters.Why do you want to use flash anyway?? Is there any special reason?
  21. I like google's personalized page just because it's google and google is amazing...
  22. I am not sure if you need a CSS or XSLT file; you should be able to just load the XML directly into your ASP coding and display it in HTML. I do that quite a bit with PHP...but ASP is not as good in my opinion. Anyway, maybe you should check out http://www.w3schools.com/ for more information. Good luck and good coding!!
  23. XHTML 1.1 is only strict, if you want to call it that, whereas XHTML 1.0 is more of a transition from HTML to XHTML. The really big change in XHTML 1.1 is that the DTD (document type definition) modularizes the tags into similar sections. For full documentation, check our the W3's website: http://www.w3.org/ Good coding!
  24. Thanks for the news...but that's also a shame...
  25. I use Dreamweaver, so whenever I need to know how large the file is and how long it will take to download over various connections, Dreamweaver will tell me. I think that Photoshop has a similar feature...but I'm not as sure about that.Good luck and good coding!
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