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  1. I agree...PHP5 is very nice. I like a lot of the new features. I am aware of a few paid hosts who do support it, but those are far and few between...not many free hosts are supporting it unfortunately......Go PHP5!!
  2. Hey thanks for the tutorial. I already knew most of that...but it's nice to have it all written down.Thanks again!!
  3. That code is rediculous. Someone must have just wanted to have some fun making that. I like the adjectives...and I must admit that it is highly creative!Congrats for finding it!! Thanks!!
  4. Interesting links....I had already seen most of them...but thanks for posting them.
  5. Thanks for the link Tyssen, that's a really nice form!Thanks again...
  6. I would suggest that you check out Hotscripts for the chat script. As for the game, if it is based off of PHP, then Xisto should be able to host it. As long as you know how to install it...probably in the readme file if you downloaded it...but maybe not. Good Luck!
  7. If you use a standard form, just HTML, you can make the target equal an e-mail address. The information is not encrypted, so that may or may not be an issue. You could also use a PHP script to take the information entered in the form and send it to an e-mail address, but your server must support PHP. I'm assuming you already know how to make HTML forms. If not, I would suggest that you check out http://www.w3schools.com/ and learn HTML (and/or PHP, if you want to) so that you can make your form. Let me know if I can help anymore! Good Luck!!
  8. I would also suggest using Dreamweaver once you slice and export/save optimized as... to edit any of the HTML you need/want to. You could also use something as simple as Notepad if you have to.Good Luck!!
  9. Now THAT is really really cool!! I'll be using that a lot now... Thanks a lot for the link and for letting us all know about this awesome google feature!! Thanks a lot!!!!!
  10. That's funny. I wonder if that will happen to the next president... It's still comical nevertheless!!
  11. Thanks for the link! That theme is really nice!!!Thanks again!
  12. I believe that the absolute reference should be starting with the public_html folder, so your code would be correct. Maybe you should do a test to find out...
  13. arboc7

    Log In System

    I don't know of any offhand, but maybe you should check out http://www.hotscripts.com/ to see if you can find anything. Or you could make a system yourself easily (or find someone to do it for you--$$$) tailor-made to your requirements. Anyway, good luck!!
  14. You could easily open the file in notepad and do a find and replace for all of the ampersands...but they shouldn't affect anything as it is now.Good Luck!!
  15. Hi,I'm not all that familiar with JSP, so you might also try the Java/JSP/Javascript programming forum for more help.I'm wondering if you have a problem with your CSS, which you don't have posted. Also, I only one table...how do you have three made by this code??Good Luck!!
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