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Everything posted by TripleH13

  1. After everyone in the begging trying to get the ps3 it seems to have really gone down a lot. I have seen a few ps3 in about every store I go to know a days. I have not seen one wii yet. It seems like Nintendo did a very good job with the wii and i can't wait to try one out for myself.
  2. I have also noticed it beeing slow and it has locked up on me a few times. Microsoft's work has been to great with their new stuff comming out. Even Vista wasn't that great in a lot of peoples opions. Windows Media player 11 had a few small upgrades like media sharing but it still kind of buggy in my opion.
  3. i'd really like to get more in shape and tone my muscles .. get a 6 pack. get a job and save some money. to get better grades in school and to become less shy. to not be late for school anymore either, and to stop swearing so much. to become a better basketball player and to join the basketball team. well that pretty much it for this year, hopefully at least some of these will happen lol
  4. hey guys i just got xbox live and it is the best thing ever. I am not the best at Halo online but hit me up and feel free to add me my game tag is TripleH13.
  5. I found Firefox 2.0 amazing. I really liked the feature that they added spell check to it. It is very useful. I also really like how they had an option if Firefox crashes that it asks you if you want to restore your last session. I have been using Firefox since it came out and it keeps getting better and better.
  6. As said previously it depends on the games that you like to play. And it also depends f you want to play online or not. If you want to play online with friends then you would want the 360 becuase its the best for that. The other day i was trying my friends 360 on xbox live and it was really amazing. You also have to think if you want a system where your standing and moving your arms and stuff or if you like to just push buttons. You have to consider these factors and other stuff to pick the system that is right for you. All the systems are great in their own way so you can really say one is better than the other.
  7. thanks for all this. I haven't seen the trailer for this yet. I heard that it looks awesome but they don't show you to much. I personally can't wait to play this. I wish it was coming out sooner because all the Halo games are so amazing and fun to play.
  8. never heard of any these sites before so thanks. I hope it will be up and running soon i can't wait to try and watch so streaming tv on my computer!
  9. i was thinking about getting cs3. But i didn't want becuase i think it will probably be really buggy. And personally i am fine with cs2for now. I will probably update in the next few days tho if no one is having any probelms and it seems to be running good.
  10. especially now that you can play ps1 games on the psp if you own a ps3. Also the fact that they have made a camera for it and other accessories to come. The PSP is the best hand held system in my opion.
  11. thanks for these great tips. I could never get a lot of people coming to my site so i deifently have to try this stuff out. Hopefully something will work.
  12. It seems like google is doing everything that gets big. Then they come and make there own version and try and take over.
  13. Just saw a ps2 being advertise for $109 Canadian for the boxing day sale. That is probally the cheapest it will get.
  14. never seen or heard about this mouse before. But it looks awesome. I don't play to many games on the computer but i would defeintly love to try that mouse out when i play a game on the computer.
  15. i have heard so much about this game all over the place. It looks pretty cool but i don't really play computer games. I prefer playing something on a system than on the computer. But i hope to eventually try it so i can see why the game is so hyped up everywhere.
  16. looks cool. I have never heard about it but i am gonna check it out. It always cool to have your own gaming website and get 2 full games. So thanks for this.
  17. they have gone down a lot. I have seen some advertised for $100. Probally on boxing day they will be a little cheaper than normal. But $100-$120 is still a great price for a great system. And the nice thing is they are still making games for the ps2.
  18. i don't think it would be legal. But the person wouldn't know who is was or if anyone was stealing there internet signal. And if it was that bad i don't think they would make it so easy for someone to search for a wifi conection anywhere just like that.
  19. yea it is a very powerful system. But instead of making their graphics bright and colorful they focused on the texture and contrast. But after seeing how high end all the next gen consoles are i could only imagine how the next set of consoles will look in about five years or so.
  20. The one great thing about all the videos they make is the peoples actions. The videos are very entertaining to watch if you have a few minutes. I wonder what their gonna be smashing next since nothing new is gonna be comming out anytime soon.
  21. I really want to try this game out. I have a ps2 but just never got around playing it. I heard it is an awesome game and it takes a lot of time to beat the game. I can't wait to finally try it out. And also try the 2nd God of War in March. I saw some trailers for the new one and it looks amazing.
  22. very hard to compare the two. I have both and i really like them. But overall i would say Halo even GTA is still an amazing game.
  23. The Xbox 360 is decently a next gen console. It is a very powerful console that can do things that you wouldn't think of doing on your pc. They have a lot of great games for it so i have heard. I heard saints row and gears of war are really amazing. But the ps3 and the Xbox graphic wise are very similar. If your comparing the ps3 and the Xbox you wouldn't be comparing it over graphics you would be comparing over the other features like online play etc...
  24. i totally agree. They don't need to have hd support now. But soon HD t.v.'s are going to be getting cheaper and more people are going to start buying them. So they should have just added the hd support for the future. But i guess they are just depending on their virtual game play and new controller design. I guess they felt the graphics weren't that important and they felt they didn't need hd support.
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