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Everything posted by Vistz

  1. You can download it here Note: This is not the beta version. If you already have Ubuntu installed on your computer. You can go to System>>Update Manager>>Upgrade and it will automatically install for you. If you don't have Ubuntu, you can create a CD where you can try it out before installing it. The instructions to do that can be found on the same site listed above. I believe it will be under Step 2. Enjoy.
  2. Other: Avira. The user interface is nice and simple. Also, the size of the program itself is pretty lightweight. Only thing is that it conflicts with other Anti Virus programs such as AVG.
  3. I primarily program in Java and I'm trying to integrate Java with databases. Most of the examples I've seen use MySQL databases but I've seen some instances where an oracle database is used.
  4. My two favorite are the quick sort algorithm for sorting and the sieve algorithm, which is used for finding prime numbers efficiently. I like both of these because I learned them after I realized that the algorithms I used previously were inefficient and could be improved.
  5. I recommend you use Eclipse. More than likely, your university will also recommend Eclipse. For me, I use Eclipse because I can use it to program other languages as well. Also, my professor will post homework and projects online in a CVS repository so that makes it easy to download and submit the project as well.
  6. I've heard many people getting ripped off when they use PayPal. One of the stories I heard was that a person (let's call him Alex) was building websites for people. After Alex received the money via PayPal and had given the website over to the buyer, the buyer notified PayPal that he had not received a product. PayPal immediately reversed the payment without even hearing Alex's side of the story. I personally have not yet had any inconvenience with PayPal regarding something like this.
  7. I'll be honest, the only reason I don't use eBay is because I don't trust the people who sell the products. Also, I've heard many complaints from people who use PayPal on eBay and how they get ripped off. These are just some of the reasons why I use other sites such as Amazon instead.
  8. WEP is ridiculously easy to crack. WPA is a bit harder to crack but not impossible. A brute force attack could definitely work. I recommend you go with WPA2. While it is still "crackable", it will be harder and more time consuming.
  9. I'm going to go ahead and say AVG. I had a laptop that had a 64-bit operating system and AVG ran fine on that. I tried out avast but I wasn't a fan of the user interface. I tried it out for a few weeks before switching back to AVG.
  10. I also use a web based one. However, I see the possibilities that Thunderbird offers. Instead of opening a new window/tab to read your email, just click on the Thunderbird icon. However, you also have to deal with another window anyway.
  11. I've been a yahoo user for most of my life. I've recently started using gmail because yahoo doesn't support POP forwarding. I noticed that yahoo allows POP forwarding for the accounts with a co.uk extension but not a .com extension
  12. I agree that Netbeans has a user interface that is ideal for beginners. However, I hard coded all of my GUI's in Eclipse when I first started out and that helped me understand them better. Of course, Netbeans is a good tool as well.
  13. I feel like that they have the potential to make you a decent amount of money. However, it might take awhile. I tried my hand at a paid to click site but I lost interest after I realized it took too much of my time.
  14. Sorry but I'm going to have to agree with 8ennett. I was a member of Lockerz for awhile and I was never unable to redeem anything because Lockerz had a horrible way of allocating server space. During redemption, you had thousands of people from around the world trying to redeem the highest valued items (iPad, laptop, flat-screen TV) and after about a minute, everyone was out of stock. So no, I'm going to say it's not worth it.
  15. I'm not really interested in running it until they have a stable version. I'm running Lucid at the moment and there are still a few bugs that need to be worked out.
  16. Although I haven't done extensive programming in C++, I have found that many of the practices in Java are also implemented in C++. Of course, there's the addition of pointers that I have to worry about also.
  17. Good ideas. However, I have multiple yahoo accounts (.com) and I do not have the option of forwarding my email. I know that there are utilities that will let me forward my mail but I don't want to download 3rd party software just to get my email.
  18. I'm going to go with Avira. It has a nice user interface where I can access everything.
  19. Don't forget spilling a beverage over it. My friend accidentally spilled water over his laptop and his keyboard stopped working. He had to get a replacement one.
  20. I'm more of a rock kind of guy. I enjoy listening to music with some sort of melody.
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