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Everything posted by sirfrancisdrake

  1. Hi. Welcome. what's JoVolka? i'm guessing it's some type of dancing or something, but i could be completely wrong.
  2. lower left corner of ur post. there's an edit button. click it, and it takes u back to where u made the post.
  3. you can only buy porn of any kind online or at special stores right? if so, only over 18 or 21s or whatever the minimum age is can buy stuff like that 4 their psp's. boy, people are dirty. what's so nice about it?
  4. I use RPG Maker XP to make games; not real, big, all by urself computer games, but i'm learning how 2 make real ones.
  5. i say 10, since it's updatted at least every week or so, there are hundreds of weapons, pets, shields,armors, and spells. Plus the graphics couldn't be better, and it's got a great staff. And i'm grateful to them because of their forums, it got me refered to RMXP, my clan, and my friends.
  6. i play an old version(v 2 i think) of Champions! My chars named Stingray because he uses Electricity(he was a victim of gene-splicing and got Amplified Stingray Genes). I enjoy it alot, and so do my 2 little brothers: Telestriker and Magenar
  7. When i was around 7 or so, i was doing a report on Sir Francis Drake. I had i think 5 weeks 2 do it, and during that time, i created an Account at http://www.lego.com/de-de/. I decided 2 use sirfrancisdrake as my username, and in everything i've registered 4(forums, game sites, etc) i've used this name. PS:I know a great guy whose username is Twdslbh or something like that!
  8. Hi Illudar! Thx 4 refering me 2 this place; it looks fun!
  9. Hi! I'm sirfrancisdrake. I'm 12 years old, and i was refered to this place by Illudar(thanx man!). I play Adventure Quest almost every day(when i can get in). I'm currently making an RPG maker XP game called Isicar Arena. I'm done with the first part of it and it's coming really well. I hope that i can contribute to this place at least a little bit. Oh, and i'm part of a small game-making group called Jenther International.
  10. I think Adventure Quest is the Absolute best in exsistance. I'm 69 and have several Rare items. And they update it very often, and i like that you can have pets.
  11. i've only used XP, but i love it. My Game, Isicar Arena, is coming pretty well. I checked out 2003, but it didn't seem very good, so i didn't bother making a game with it.
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