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Everything posted by sirfrancisdrake

  1. I'll only give my e-mail (i have a special Yahoo! adress for signing up for stuff, then a real Road Runner one).
  2. I'd use it to sell Game server space to people. Assuming i had almost unlimited bandwidth so people wouldn't get kicked off in the middle of a game.
  3. thanks Machinemedia. I do have a domain name, I'm waiting for it to come through. I haven't actually used any special tools or anything, but for images i use ImageForge. This is just Classifieds 1.3 at the addon scripts section. And it's awesome. But very little of it is me.
  4. 1)Bush can't be re-elected. He's served his 2 terms.2)I can't vote anyway, I'm only 12. 3)I would vote for him anyway. He's done a lot of stinky things, but his good stuff outweighs his bad stuff. As for New Orleans, it's part of the President's job to help, but it's mainly the Governor and Mayor's job to evacuate New Orleans, not Bush's.And if he hadn't started a war, Sadaam Husein wouls have launched Weapons of Mass Destruction at us, and probably made the USA a lot worse than it is now.By the way, are you a democrat?
  5. I just got a subscription to Spanish stuff at your website. and I might be able to get my sister and Mom to come too. They're learning Spanish too.
  6. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I want to be able to show people some of the best offers out there, so if you have a good one, please show it here! It's just started, that's why it's so small. I will add more catagories and sub catagories, so if you have any suggestions, please email me at sirfrancisdrake5@yahoo.com Thanks if you do!
  7. That stinks. Of course, if both sides lose a lot of money, then Yahoo! or Apple might seriously hurt the surviving company or even take it over. It's not a wise idea unless one google is not doing very well and Microsoft can take it out easily. Ballmer sure is dirty. And Lee can retire after working at Google for a few years and be worth a lot! I hope neither side will win, but i think Microsoft is more important then Google. I hope they don't get taken over by another company because they're so damaged by the Lawsuit. Or maybe I'm just acting pesimistic, although I don't think this'll turn out to badly for either.
  8. My hobbies are:Playing Computer games(of course)Web DesigningOrigamiGame Designing
  9. Awesome website dude! It looks great, and I'm a christian, so i have an excuse to go there a lot. Great again man!
  10. I'll join! I'm up for any forum as long as it isn't dirty or a Barbie type thing.
  11. I personally think it's not going to happen. Did you know that the women in front of his house have already talked with him? He already interviewed them and they just think they should be treated specially. I think the border of Mexico should be coverd with an electric fence. Did you know that 2 illegal immegrants tried to steal from a guys ranch, and since his gaurd drove them away, they went to court and got his ranch!!! He defends himself, and he loses his ranch for it. They come here illiegally and do an illegal thing, and they get a 70 acre ranch for it!! Talk about unfair!!I also think that illegal immegrants should be shot on site by Border Patrols when they try to come in.
  12. I don't think it's possible. You can think a person is really attractive, or want to sleep with them, but you can't love them that quickly.
  13. Boy, people are just sick!! Boy some people just don't have lives or morals. I'll pass this post on and be on the lookout. Thanks for this post Nelimitat. Does anyone know where to report e-mails we get like this or anything? I know there are some organizations that track where a mal-ware attack comes from then arrest the hackers. Anybody know where to report stuff like this? I think my Dad might know, i'll ask him and tell you guys if I know anything.
  14. I'm a christian and proud of it. I'm a Prodestant, but no technical denomination. We don't go to church, because all the ones we've gone are Goody-Goody get together and be perfect centers or just plain stupid.It's sick the way all these people sue the city for having a cross or something else I think.
  15. I'll pray for you to. My Dad has gone through Hernia Surgery twice. It tool him a few days to recover, but then he was back to normal. It's probably painful, but after that you should be just fine. Surgery is scary though. Once my little brother got a peice of glass almost a half an inch into his hand, and it was scary. But he's as obnoxious as ever now, so he's fine. Good Luck!!
  16. Yeah, I was wondering the same thing Icemarle. I'm gonna host games (that's not all my site's about, don't worry, i'm not violating any TOS) and i wanted to provide my users a small website so they can talk about their game in detail and provide screenshots, pictures, etc. I wouldn't think about charging them unless you were charging me.
  17. I'm a Prodestant Christian, so i think that Sunday is the first day. Although Jews say the Sabbath is on Saturday (actually, from Sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday, since their Day is from sundown to sundown). And the Calendar thing doesn't matter since after you reach the right side it goes over to the left. I don't get what the problem is.
  18. I'm learning Spanish because it's in school, but it is fun. The movie we watched was About a boy. It's hilarious, especially at the end.
  19. I hate that it's time to go back to school, although i may get into a Flag Football team at my school, which would be cool. I'm 12, my new year just started. It's 8th grade. My school messed up some of my old book reports, so i had to re-write all 6 of them over the weekend. Really annoying.
  20. Thanks everybody, the help was great, and it was very clear. Thanks again everybody.
  21. That's awesome! I'm learning spanish, and i now a british curse in spanish if you want it. I filled the form and sent it. I got it from when we were watching a PG-13 movie with Hugh Grant and spanish subtitles.
  22. Thanks everybody! It works perfectly!!!!!! Odd thing was, i didn't have to download an ftp program. I just typed in jenther.trap17.com and it took me to where i could login.I was wondering, when you delete a file from one folder, does it delete the file from the all?
  23. Can i delete things in my folders?I was trying some things like form generator, but then i deleted them. But the URLs still exist, and tons of space is still taken up. I would reset my account, but i'm trying to keep the forum i made. And my Drupal designed stuff. Can i access my WWW folder and public access or whatever folder?Thanks
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