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Posts posted by zanzibarjones

  1. If I am going to believe in God, then I have to believe that he gave us an accurate account of history according to the bible. The literal truth of the bible? Well I would say yes. People's interpretations are explained in the manner in which they know. For instance, If you were living back before Christ was born, how would you describe, say a Helicopter?Noah's Ark? I believe it did exist. Where is it? I have no idea, it could have been dismantled and used for shelter.Faith requires you to believe 100%. Either you do or you don't. I mean you believe in gravity right? You can't see it, but you know it's there because of the effects it produces. Same thing goes for God. I believe because of what I see. I may not see him, but I do see the things he has done and does.

  2. Well as far as Internet speed and access the US is like 25 on a list of 100. How is that possible. I mean, we invented the internet and yet we suck at giving our people the right to access it. Comcast has the right as a business to limit the services they offer. Free enterprise. You are not forced to use their service, if you don't like it, leave and get something else. The problem is, there is no their service like that offer in a lot of cities in the US. You chooses usually wind up consisting of, Cable, DSL, FIOS, MYFI, Dialup, or Satellite. Cable of course being the better offer of any of them.Honestly I believe that the internet should be high speed, unmetered and free to everyone. However, again due to free enterprise, it never will be. Greedy people want want they want, and they want more money. And if you have to pay for a service, you had better believe you ARE going to pay for it.Comcast is metered their bandwidth because they say it's for thebenefit of everyone else. Same reason the the FCC supposedly metered the MyFi connection to 5 gig limits. Which is a bunch of BS because, you can go over that limit, you just have to pay out the wazoo for it. If it were truly limited, then it would stop at 5 gigs.

  3. @ Sheepdog, love dogs. They taste better with BBQ sauce :) HAHAHAH couldn't resist :0 No I love dogs, I love animals, I have 3 dogs myself. 1 Lab named Otto, 1 Multi-poo Bailey and one Shi-Poo Ginger. Even though I love animals, my dogs know I am the man and they are the dogs. :)@Simpleton, yeah I saw that I could get into my old account. But isn't again forum rules to use 2 accounts for hopes of getting more MyCents? I would hate to break a rule on my return, ya know?Besides Zanzibarjones sounds so much coooooooler!

  4. Thanks all for your responses. I have several others, I need to revamp them though, it's been so long since I've had a place to show off my work. I like the idea behind SIGs themselves, but sometimes I get bored with seeing the same kind of techniques, renders, high contrast, obscure 3d renders, shooting lines, cartoon characters, etc.I think of it more like a canvas and art. The SIG should represent you. And you feel like representing yourself as a person who reuses graphics, then cool. Not me though, I will try to be as original as I can be. Just my opinion, and I hope I didn't offend anyone on that little rant :)I really didn't mean to offend anyone BTW. Just sometimes I get sick of seeing the same things over and over again. Ya know?

  5. Here I am a level 3 poster with 40 some odd posts and I haven't seen myCents yet. I imagine it will come along eventually. I have so many ideas I want to get off the ground. So hopefully, they will come. In the meantime I will keep posting like a made fiend. Well maybe not a mad one, more like a slightly irritated fiend.

  6. I was also thinking, it would be a great business to create Introduction video for people to use with their resumes. Professional Quality.You need a job, you apply with a standard Doc format resume, nicely formatted an all, ok, but what would make you stand out? A video clip, maybe 30 secs to introduce yourself to your perspective employer. With nice motion graphics, some sound, and a unique way of getting your foot in the door. I betcha they will remember you after watching it.You could charge like $300-$500 to make the video.

  7. Ok well I've had a few Online ideas and a few offline ideas.1) Form Hosting- Not sure if this one is as viable as I think it is. Basically, you have a website where you host forms for companies and their client.I used to work for a guy who had a client who would fill out an order form everyday and fax it to him to filled for that day. I thought wouldn't it be great if he just logged into a website with a username and password, his form came up, click the quantities that he wanted, and special instructions, and hit submit, and it faxed, emailed or texted the list to the business owner to fulfill. You could charge for hosting the service and for creating the forms.2) A site devoted to doctor's and their patients:A mediator site where the patient would log in to update thei home monitoring of whatever like blood pressure, or to chart diet, or whatever the doctor ordered. Then the doctor would get an update via text or email, and to doctor could log in and see his patients updates. No need to call or fax into the office. You could also get advertisement from the major drug/pharm companies and insurance companies.3) Start an alcohol delivery service for parties. Someone is out of alcohol, instead of sending out a drunkard to go get it, call up you and you deliver it. Like cases or whatever. Like an ice cream truck, you could drive around neigborhoods and sell beer like they sell ice cream cones. During the winter you drive around and sell coffee and hot chocolate.These are the starters. I have more, many many more...

  8. Hey zanzibarjones, I got my myCENT update just now, and I noticed that you haven't been awarded any yet :( I haven't noticed the myCENT changing for other members so I don't know if they update happened only for a handful of members or something like that. Just wait till the end of the day and after that I suggest that you open a support ticket with the subject "ATTN:Opaque" or just send a PM to Opaque directly explaining your problem. Better wait till other members report that they've been updated as well...


    I certainly will. Thanks for keeping me updated of what's happening. I take it Opaque is a board moderator/admin?

    I just don't want to seem greedy, ya know? But the reason i came here and posted was FOR the benefits they offer, ya know?


    And where might I find this 'Opaque' person? I searched the users but no luck....

  9. I have a few ideas that I would love to just hand over to anyone who wants them. Why? Well, to be honest, I don't have the capital needed to start any of these businesses. The other thing is, I lack 'follow through'. I have a lot of ideas. So if anyone is interested speak up and I will submit them into this thread. I have alot of the ideas worked out completely too.So just holler.

  10. So you are saying that Math was just handed down to us out of the sky?Even cavemen understand basic math. They knew as hunter gathers that they needed to get enough food to feed everyone in their clan/family/cave, a more or less scenario, which is math. So yes it is needed for survival in some respects. Not off the wall thinking at all.Math had to have come from somewhere. Or else we never would have developed it into a more complex language. Just as we are all capable of language when we are born.We are born with basic survival skills: language (communication), math (deduction), and movement (gathering) not in any particular order of course.

  11. I have been thinking about Cloud computing for a while now, and I don't see the point of it. I just don't understand why someone would rent a server to work on for a few hours a day? What is the point? And it's virtual anyway, not like there are real pieces of hardware you are leasing, so to speak.But would you ever consider using a Real Hosted Desktop running XP Pro, Vista or 7?I mean a real physical machine, that you rent/lease/use for say $10 a month?The company would have the machines at their offices, say 50 of them. You could log in securely however you choose to do so, Logmein, RDP, Hamachi+uVNC, whatever. I can see advantages to some of this. Things like for streaming media, running automated tasks, etc.I guess my main thought would be, that you could log in, start an automated task, it would do it for you for however long you tell it to runOr say you download somethign like Orb, a streamin app, and put your files on there, and stream it using the hosted companies bandwidth. Or if you have limited bandwidth at home and you don't want to go over your alotted usage limits, you could use the hosted desktop to do it for you.Just some ideas and thoughts. What do you think?

  12. After we die theres nothing... No heaven no hell just nothingness...... Heaven and hell are just two places made up by people who are scared to die.....

    Nooooo, heaven is real. Hell is here on earth. I mean if we think that there is nothing after death, than all we have learned is for nothing. It's all just so we could pass it down to our children and then theirs, etc. It's just pointless.

  13. Well Math is not defined as geometry or calculus...I still say we are born with a natural knowledge of it. Advanced math and higher math, well that is a different story. But why then is math the one true universal language. I may speak english, but I can tell you that a russian, chinese and african will know what I am saying when I write 1 + 1 = 2 on a chalkboard, or rather I + II = III.Don't you think that if there were another race of beings near here and we were to meet, that math would be the only common language that we would have?

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