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Posts posted by zanzibarjones

  1. The same could be said for good guys. You can motivate people to do anything. If you ever saw Men in Black, Tommy Lee said, "Humans are smart. People, are panicy and dumb"People as individuals can be smart, but people in a group can be lead to act whatever way you persuade them to. It's easier that way.The reason for that is because you have different points of view in one area. The majority then, rules. And usually, instead of being left out, the rest will join in, even if their views are not that of the majority.Bad guys, do what they have learned, you can try to unlearn it, but the thoughts are still there. They always will be. There is NO WAY to remove thoughts, just suppress them. I think it's just like a wild animal. You can teach a wild animal to act a certain way, but eventually, given the right circumstances, it will go back to acting just like a wild animal. Of course you don't want that, but you can not control every situation.

  2. Do you think math is a language that we are all born with?I mean look at it like this: Math is always math regardless of whether you have the ability to speak it or write it.You know that 1 group of stones is large than another group of stones. That is math.Native american indians hunted areas of buffalo that were in greater numbers because they knew their chances of getting more kills were more likely than hunting a smaller pack. That is math.A plant forms in space and is round, that is math. A circle or sphere is the path of least resistance or most efficient use of space. That is math.I believe we are all born with a built in knowledge of math, at least the basics, addition and subtraction.Do you agree?

  3. Are you kidding me? Befriend a wild animal? Ok besides the obvious "wild" in the posting....There are reasons why they are called wild. Wanna guess why? Because they can kill you.I mean there are reasons why we give them names like man eating, or killer, or death whatever. It's like living in an area of America called 'Tornado Alley', they gave it that name for a reason. Not because flowers spring up out of your butt on a daily basis.Sure a dog can be domesticated, but it can chew your face off too. Same thing goes for Cats, sure they look all innocent, but I am sure it's thinking, "Stupid human. I could kill you while you sleep. I am just waiting for the right moment!"Another reason why they made movies like Killer Pirranah, The Birds, Jaws, and Marmaduke...

  4. After we die theres nothing... No heaven no hell just nothingness...... Heaven and hell are just two places made up by people who are scared to die.....

    That's not true. I can not believe that we live on this earth and go through life just to phase out in the end. I mean there has to be more to it than just that. Knowledge is not meant to just be passed down from generation to generation. It's meant to be accumulated for a better purpose.

    And this is not heaven. Trust me. Heaven is a place of happiness and peace. Hell is a place of pain and torment. I would believe more that this is hell.

  5. Quite frankly, you could print your 'own' currency and make it worth something. But doing so would be very hard to accomplish, but it is possible.Supply and demand. Look at the aspect of bartering, people are taking an item and putting a value on it. Based upon wants and needs, others value that item as well, but the difference is, they desire it where as you don't anymore. But you know it is worth something.Paper money is the same. We as people desire it, because we give it value, we know it is needed to get other items.I say you are in fact creating or printing money when you create a work of art that is then sold. I mean it is just canvas an paint, but you made it desirable, hence worth a value of trade, whether it's paper or gold, or another item of like value.In american, the paper money that is out in circulation is nowhere near the amount of gold we have stored/locked away. But the government keeps on printing it like theres a magical gold fairy whizzing around dropping more and more of it into our stock piles.The actual paper itself it truly worth more than what is printed on it.

  6. I think we have reached a point of saturation when it comes to ideas, design and innovation. I don't believe that the future can change much physically other than the world becoming more populated. The reason for this is the internet. We have reached a point of solidarity in knowledge, maybe not in culture and lifestyle, but in sharing information, it's happened.The future for us will only change drastically if and when we as a race decide to either progress as a race of humans instead of a race of individuals.Our only plausible future sanctification is progressing into space and colonizing other planets. Reliving Earth of is drain on natural resources and over population.Robots- I love the idea of artificial intelligence and help meets (so to speak), but we are a long way from making such a self reliant machine. We don't even understand our own brains.Design- Designs will change, just as they have for centuries. none will ever be adopted 100%, because we all have our own tastes.Traffic- There will always be traffic, whether on the ground or int he air, because again, we are individuals. Automated transportation is the only way to alleviate traffic problems.Just my opinions.

  7. Time is a fabrication of man.Relativity is that as well.Einstein said that if you went fast (99.9% the speed of light) you would slow down. He also says that if you travel from earth for 5 years at near the speed of light, then when you got back everyone her on earth would be older while you were still young. This again is just perception of the mind. You slow down. You don't travel through time. Time travels at the same speed as it always has, a constant speed. There is no future nor past, there is only the present. yes at some point the present will become the past, but the present will never be the future, because when it is the future, it is now the present.Time is not a physical object. It is not something that can truly be measured, it merely is.If you think about it, all the future is, are events that are yet to happen. The area of space which is the future is the same as the area of space that was the past. Matter is matter, it exists. Matter can not be destroyed nor made, therefore, the future is just a matter of a different rearrangement of mattter that has yet to be arranged.

  8. What is the shape of a black hole?Is it a hole, or a sphere, or a funnel?Personally I don't think they are real at all. I think they are a fabrication to explain unexplainable happenings. Or a filler theory, to complete and uncomplete circle.For instance, a black hole was supposedly so strong nothing could escape it's grip, now some say they are particles that can escape, and that explains why they are real.If it is indeed a functional thing, sucking in all kinds of matter into a point of destruction, well shouldn't it then at some point become saturated? A point at which it has sucked in all it can? Then what happens to it, Just a black nothingness that roams around freely with no purpose? I find that hard to believe that there are things in this universe that have no purpose. I was always under the assumption that matter was never made nor destroyd only rearranged for other uses?If a black hole is a sphere, would not anything that was being sucked into it have a point at which it reaches an apex? If so, isn't that apex a contradiction of escape? An apex is the highest point of an arch, there for there should be no arch in particles being sucked into a black hole, they should all be straight lines.What do you guys and gals think?

  9. What has happened to our common sense?I mean at what point did we stop believing in anything that was written, read, spoken or said?It seems as though all of our knowledge is based upon books that have other peoples knowledge in it. No more experiments, just listen and learn.A prime example of this is our health. One day we say that this is good for you, and then next it's bad.Another example, Pluto was a planet. For years, it was 1 of nine in our solar system. Now all of a sudden, someone said it wasn't anymore, now it's not.-There's dark matter. No there isn't. Yes there is. Not really, it's now this.-The Sun is billions of years old and will only last until this date (really? how do you know that? Will you be alive then? Were you alive when it was made)- The Universe is ever expanding? Really? If something is expanding that means it has an outer edge. What's beyond the edge?Do not try to tell me something that you are not 100% sure of yourself. I will not believe you. Even if you swear it to be true, I am sure I will doubt you because common sense tells me otherwise.We are all given common sense for a reason.When will we as humans start listening to what is in front of our eyes, and believe what it is we know?

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