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Everything posted by 8ennett

  1. My two sites are currently not working and are hosted on the GAMMA server with xisto. Is anyone else having trouble with their sites at the minute?
  2. I've got exactly what you need here http://fullhouse.byethost9.com/scripts.php?script=1 It's the temporary site for my freelance web development and luckily the only free script i've made available for download is an image verification script with very simple to follow instructions for implementing it. Hope it helps!
  3. I've had loads of problems with windows updates in the past, especially on vista. I downloaded a sound card driver update through the windows update and it disabled the sound card completely. I rolled back the driver, the operating system, uninstalled the driver and reinstalled the official one and it still wouldn't work so I had to reinstall the entire operating system.Try doing a system restore to a previous date before the internet connection problems and see if that helps.
  4. That's pretty much what I already said, and offered the solution to the problem of wordlist cracking on WPA using alternating permutations. Also, it's illegal to crack other peoples networks without their permission and criminal sentences have become much more severe over recent years for illegally using someone elses internet connection.Backtrack is a security exploit testing linux distro designed for testing security vulnerabilities in your own networks and systems and is not to be used illegally as is clearly stated in documentation provided with it, and is also used as training tool by the NSA.Don't be silly and admit to commiting crimes online, that's what amateurs do and amateurs get caught!
  5. yeah but in the smaller places in the world it's a fact the authorities get quite bored with not much to do all day and take it a bit overboard sometimes lol
  6. there are several key points to remember with download speed. The most important is your distance from the exchange you are using, distance really does matter with any network connection. Also, the exchange relay may be tied in to many different homes all using broadband. This affects speed as only so much can be 'pumped' through each relay, so the more people around you that are online the slower your connection speed will be. If you continue experiencing slower bandwidth than your service provider is telling you you should get then get in touch with them and tell them. It may just be they have overlooked useage issues and not installed a second relay to cope with the influx of additional users. Also, another handy way of testing between the server you are downloading from and your current ISP's line is using a speedtest service. Just type in 'speedtest' to google and you will find loads of them, they will give you a current upload and download speed of your connection. If your upload stays the relatively the same but your download is significantly reduced then it is definately too many users using the same relay and a second is needed. also, i'm not even going to get started on the problems with wireless networks. there are many benefits and many problems, even coming down to cordless phones and tower blocks. If none of the above apply to you but you are using a wireless network, make sure it's secure by following my simple instructions listed in this post! http://forums.xisto.com/topic/97576-topic/?findpost=1064407800 (I didn't mention using mac address filtering in this post by the way which will increase the security of your wireless network but not make it infalible)
  7. I used Byethost for over a year as it was the best php and mysql host on the web I had found up to that point (let's face it, all the other free hosts suck), the problem with others was incompatibility issues etc. like one, it wouldn't upload css files because they were barred, yet it was on the allowed list, and I never got a response from support no matter what.Byethost were great except their php extensions for free users was very limited, the SMTP extension and GD2 extension weren't included in free hosting and their smtp filters were a major pain in the *bottom*. Also I had trouble using GreyBox (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/), basically it wouldn't load up. Also when I tried to run flash apps I had made on my website, the page containing the app would redirect to one of their sponsors instead.What Opaque has envisioned with Xisto, ks etc. is truly incredible and I not only have the utmost respect for what he is doing here, but found it to be probably the greatest webhost yet.Forget byethost (I started with a 0lx sub-account but then realised byethost was the main supplier and not a reseller option), Opaque has given you something unique and not widely broadcast, make the most of it because he is losing money but gaining respect and his dream from what he is doing here!Then I discovered this website and have not looked back since.
  8. wow i'm almost afraid to contribute to this discussion without my comments being dissected and quoted to death lolI will just add though on the topic of apple products. Their new ipad is somewhat worrying. It is ridiculously over-priced and although the price deviates in different countries when sold in shops, the price remains constant online. The amount they are asking for an ipad is still something I wouldnt pay. The practicalities of the actual device itself are limited, it just seems to be more of a glorified iphone than anything. Personally I wouldn't buy one of these gadgets as it would be nothing more than a toy I would get bored of within an hour of receiving it, like a child at christmas.It seems to be more of a tool to keep people occupied with mindless and unproductive tasks more than anything. As technology seems to advance now, it is slowly making us a less and less productive race.Maybe when computer programming is advanced further and is actually able to incorporate full-featured voice commands and touch-screen interface then I will appreciate these types of advancements more.
  9. Also you have to remember that games consoles use their own file system as well, which is why if you put an xbox disk in to a computer it won't read it unless you use special software. Some of it's similar to NTFS and FAT however the slight difference makes it unreadable to OS's like Windows.
  10. Actually I run properly licensed Windows XP Pro SP3 and Windows Vista 32 SP1, and also run Linux Backtrack 4 and Ubuntu. Both copies of Windows I got with two seperate laptops, the xp laptop was destroyed by a jealous ex-girlfriend but since it was a single pc license I run it on my desktop and use it as my main server. The vista laptop was originally my brothers which he bought when he was in america (I love sterling being stronger than the dollar) and is properly licensed as well. Also, it's not permitted to encourage or talk about illegal activities on this site. This is a place of learning. And finally, the amount of money you can make through hotfile is nothing. I can go down to a construction site and get a days labouring work (10am-4pm with lunch and smoking breaks) which pays out ÂŁ80 ($117). It's just another rouse to get you to use their service instead of someone elses, and even though you think you're making money you are losing money compared to how much you can really make in that time.
  11. I think the mandate laid down by the open-source community is, you work for a living, you earn what you need to live comfortably. Then there is going further to provide people with not only useful and helpful software, but to enable this software to grow and develop allowing others to make their contributions thus adding to its abilities.Don't you feel better giving a hotdog to a homeless man instead of selling it to him at a reduced cost? And then, someone see's your example and gives the homeless man a clean blanket to keep him warm. The cycle carries on, and you not only feel good about yourself but you are helping a man to eat, encouraging others to help him while you still live your own life.Without open-source software we would never have such great applications like:FirefoxAudacityGimpOpenOfficeThunderbirdVLC Media PlayerIn my own opinion some of the above software is better than their microsoft equivalents. VLC is without doubt the greatest media player ever conceived, it blows WMP out of the water. Firefox was born from the ashes of Netscape Navigator, tired of Microsoft attempting to undermime them they split and firefox was born and has grown far beyond the potential IE currently has.Where would University students be without OpenOffice? A completely free solution for those who can't afford the over priced MS Office package.Audacity, absolutely amazing. They used this to teach us about digital and constant frequencies among many other things when I was at the networkig academy at college.All of the above are open-source projects, developed by people who care more about furthering our development than they do about money. It's the kind of thinking that has prevented microsoft and apple from becoming full blown extortionists. They know if they don't show that they must be following some kind of example then they would completely lose respect and following and everyone would start contributing to the above products to make them even greater than anything MS or Apple can offer.Another example, a construction company is offered a contract to build a church, the contract calls for 50 men to build it. In a seperate community they also require a church and everyone in the community is supporting the project both with their own funds and by building it themselves. It doesn't matter which will be finished first.The contracted church is grand, professionally finished, all the little things accounted for. A huge flight of concrete steps lead up to the industry standard-sized doors.The community-built church is good, doesn't have all the little touches of the other church, but the people love it because it not only serves the exact same purpose (to worship god) but they made it with love and have tweaked it so it makes everything for them that little bit easier, such as a higher door for people in the community who are taller than average, and the whole thing is built on ground level so it is easier for people in wheelchairs to get in without climbing a ramp mountain.Going slightly off topic there but you can see what i'm trying to portray.It's like with Windows 7, Microsoft are starting to get the message and listen to what people want from an operating system instead of telling them what they need. They are overplaying it a bit too much as far as i'm concerned, some of the adverts ridiculous in the features they offer (which already exist in many other things), but still.
  12. I find it's best to avoid using ms word all together. Thanks to some genius intigrating its own programming language in to word then it's possible to get viruses through opening a word document or accessing templates. It's not as bad as it was in the past, the viruses were able to infect and manipulate software as well as documents, but even so they are still annoying to anyone who gets infected by them.Just thought I would add that little bit of insight to an old post for anyone reading
  13. There's a fantastic discussion going on at this post http://forums.xisto.com/topic/21532-topic/ Woud like to hear your input on the subject and see what your views are on it
  14. Wetness isn't advised, however very slightly damp won't do any damage. I use my sons baby wipes to give mine a clean from time to time, they are handy because they don't drip fluid and where you clean dries in seconds but i would advise wiping it off with a towel as soon as you wipe it. And to make double sure ensure your laptop/tv is switched off before doing it.Technically, if the battery was removed and the internal battery was left to run dry you can submerge a laptop in water for a few seconds, take it out and leave it to dry in a ventilated area for a week and then reattach the battery and power source and it will work fine.Not that this would be any where near the case giving the screen a wipe but still lol you get the idea. You can buy LCD wipes however they are rubbish, they work on static and have no moisture to them which doesn't really remove stains. They are dipped in a special alcohol solution that evaporates very fast, but it ends up evaporating the second you open the packet and gives you no time to put it to the screen lol
  15. It's true the xbox was built on x86 technology and so it is possible to build an emulator based on that, but again like i said, there are only a couple that actually work.The one which runs halo only (and very well which is surprising) is name XeonThe other is named Cxbx, here is a list of the games that it can play:Turok EvolutionSmashing DriveFuturamaRobotech: BattlecryThere are some more which have limited functionality, like you can play some games, or it plays the games intro and nothing else, or even just display the games menu, but still above are the only games you can play to full enjoyment, and they do not have full 3D support rendering.The reason for the lack of xbox emulation is down to the fact microsoft made the xbox hardware extremely complex and the hardware is incredibly poorly documented. This makes writing emulation technology for it incredibly hard. There are multitudes of people working hard to allow new games to become more and more compatible with current emulators, but it's very slow work.
  16. I personally don't agree with cloud computing UNLESS it's for a business system. For businesses it's a good idea, however it does seem like it's digressing back to the old days of dumb terminals. However I heard plans that microsoft were considering an entire operating system including hard disk space that was accessed remotely for home use. This just doesn't seem right to me, I wouldn't trust my private files being held anywhere other than on my home computer where nobody else could gain access to them. They would claim that nobody other than you can access your operating system, however when it came down to it and people pulled executive legal strings then they could go through everyones private files with you knowing claiming it was for the good of the nation and for national security purposes and all that nonsense.In the end I can see it ending up more like a police state than anything else. America is already on its way there, and the UK isn't too far behind, so keeping your stuff located at home is the best way to prevent it from happening.
  17. I cannot believe you said that The difference between linux and windows in terms of software development is that people develop most software for linux for free in the spirit of the entire linux project. You will find a lot of popular software vendors offer their software for Windows, Linux and Mac, but regardless, there is a tonne of linux apps out there which are very similar to windows software, and just as powerful, however they are FREE. For a prime example of this have a look at this list: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Linux_indows_software Also, the linux environment seems boring? Probably the most adaptable environment available to anyone lol the fact it uses multiple desktops as standard now is a small indication of how adaptable it is. There are definately more available options to completely modify the desktop environments than in winblows as well. Once you have learned the basics of the linux environment (I would recommend the KDE desktop) then you will find it's just as easy to use as windows itself, if not simpler. Package managers make downloading and installing trusted software a breeze, networking is just as simple and in a lot of cases more secure. Just check the link I've posted above and reading that is enough to change your mind lol Also don't forget, it's possible in linux to emulate the windows environment to run windows only apps with ease.
  18. Actually, I remember when the very first file sharing concept came about in the mid 90's. Disregarding the old BBS websites and their FTP style uploads and downloads (which by the way did not take off due to how vulnerable you were to viral attack) the first true concept of file sharing was Napster, which as we all know was the most illegal thing at the time. True there were websites that offered free file hosting, or even just paid file hosting, however these websites required you to login before you could download the files, and people weren't about to start handing out their account names and passwords. File sharing has always been the struggle of the common data freedom nut to ensure that all data is available and shared and not just what the government says should be. This includes to them media in all formats and software. Anything that is not fitted in the above category is not considered file sharing, instead it is just considered to be a regular download, and that is what it literally is. Besides, what files would you share with someone else anyway? Art? That is generally shared using online albums and galleries. Music (your own composition)? That is generally streamed. Home movies? Well YouTube answers that one really doesn't it lol So really, file sharing has always been associated with downloads that infringe copyright laws.
  19. lol hmm, people who think that way would cringe at the site of my laptop and pc. the pc is running 10 different servers and is broadcasting through out the house, also contains all my 3D design software, DirectX SDK, FPSC, in fact all my game designing stuff. My laptop is crammed full of web development software, media playback, auditing, design and conversion software, EvoX tools and libraries crammed full of goodies, and so so so much more. It's a wonder I ever get time to surf the web lol
  20. I tend just to lick my finger and rub it off, the screens are more robust than you would think. Another good way of doing it is a wet wipe. Just give the screen a decent scrub but stay away from the edges then dry it off with a towel. You can push down with a small amount of force on the screen, enough to give it a wipe anyway.
  21. Welcome to asta Simpleton, you sound like quite the chatterbox, hope to slug it out with some decent debates!
  22. There hasn't been a succesful ps2 emulator due to the difficulty in emulating the chips. In order to emulate all of the ps2 chips it would require a massive amount of CPU runtime, and most systems just aren't capable of doing this. There was a similar problem emulating the chips for the xbox as well, a couple exist but they can only support the most basic of games. There is one that supports halo however only halo and nothing else.I don't really see the need to emulate the ps2 or the xbox though as both are now dirt cheap thanks to their successors storming the market. Also installing a chip in them is also very simple and you can find details online as to how to do it.Considering the difficulty in emulating the chips from the ps2, it is HIGHLY doubtful that a working ps3 emulator will be around for years. Maybe when industry standards for PC performance are tripled then we'll start seeing something that works, but until then you will just have to wait.
  23. Now when it comes to setting up the security encryption on your wireless router, it seems that most people are using WEP encryption to protect their network. That used to be sufficiant however now a days WEP encryption is easily broken. Using a piece of software called aircrack-ng and wireless drivers patched for injection it is possible for someone to break your encryption cypher with or without a client having succesfully handshaked with the network.The first method the attacker would use it to monitor the traffic between a connected client and the network. While monitoring the network the attacker will be looking for an ARP request (Address Resolution Protocol). Once the attacker has managed to capture one of these requests they will then be able to inject this request repeatedly in to the network. Caching the returned data, aircrack-ng will then be able to decrypt your WEP key and access your network.The next method is known as the Korel ChopChop attack, or also the fragmentation attack. This works by constructing an ARP request using fake authentication to obtain a PRGA (Psuedo Random Generation Algorithm). Using the PRGA the attacker can then construct an ARP using packetforge-ng. Once the ARP is constructed then the attack continues like the standard WEP attack above.Now aircrack-ng can break WPA encryption, however the only practical way of doing this is through a brute force attack. Using a dictionary file aircrack-ng runs through all the possible combinations contained within the dictionary file to find a working key. This can be extremely time consuming, and if the key is very well designed then it can literally take months to break the key. Here is an excellent method for ensuring your network stays safe. When creating your WPA key, ensure you use a combination of both letters and numbers including upper and lower case letters (LiverpooL185). Don't make this too complicated as you will need to remember it, just in case. Now it is possible that a dictionary file could contain this, so we need to diversify it a little by adding gibberish to either side of the password. ZxCvLiverpooL185VcXz. Still a rather simple password, but with alternating upper and lower case either side and the letters mirrored. Now we have a highly secure password, I really doubt anybody will be able to crack this, however if the attacker has constructed his/her own dictionary file using every possible permutation up to 100 characters, then they will also have this password in that list. What we can do is every four weeks, change the four letters on either side of the password. The first month our password is ZxCvLiverpooL185VcXz and the next month it is qWeRLiverpooL185rEwQ and so on. Now you have a WPA key system in place that cannot be cracked by anything. Due to the amount of time it takes to brute force a WPA key you should leave ample time before anyone has run through enough permutations to break your key.
  24. lol i think somebody spends a little too much time surfing the web hey yordan? lol
  25. I'm running a laptop with vista, amd dual core, 1gb ram, ati radeon, can't be bothered lookin up the full specs and the stickers worn off from my hand leaning on it lol this loads in about a minute and a half, this includes the vista desktop as well but not including the bios password (more secure than a windows password, unless the infiltrator knows how to press the bios reset button lol) however the only software that loads up on startup is AVG virus scanner and daemon tools, the rest of the rubbish I got rid of because i just didn't need it. Disabling user account control is another good idea, it's just a pointless drain on your system and is really designed for people who are computer illiterate and don't know the difference between a virus, spyware and a genuine piece of clean software.If I boot Linux BackTrack4 off my USB key on a USB2 port on the laptop it takes about a minute to load, that's without the KDE desktop, however KDE only takes seconds to load anyway. Surprisingly Slitaz takes longer to load than backtrack yet it's a fraction of the size. Slitaz uses the 2.2 kernel though where as backtrack uses 2.6My PC is a 1.2ghz pentium 4, 768mb RAM, 32mb graphics (lol I kept downgrading from spare parts as they broke), 3 hdd's (30gb, 20gb, 10gb) and this takes a good five minutes from switching on to full desktop functionality, however because of the number of hdd's and the fact i use it as a server more than anything this accounts for the slowness. The software that loads is AVG, Apache, PHP, MySQL, Synchronet (Telnet, FTP and SMTP) and TVersity (although I don't need this anymore as I don't have a 360). So yeah, a lot of open ports on my PC lol
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