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Everything posted by 8ennett

  1. probably wasn't clear but that's what i said. a nifty little solution i use for POP3 mail is currently built in to the game i'm designing. instead of having to go to the mail server (mail.drug-mann.com) and log in using the google interface, admins can now access their emails from within the game using the Swift Mailer php library. Obviously it doesn't offer the advanced features of gmail, well it could, but that's only because I didn't feel the need to program all that in. An admin really only needs to be able to read, reply, delete etc. Swift Mailer is a great php solution for including POP3 mail accounts in your site. And if you are running an SMTP server then even better, you can have your own complete email system up and running.
  2. also just a reminder, if you play a two player on google then the a,s,d,w keys won't work in the google search bar until you open a new tab. it was kind of annoying considering just after i played i tried to type in pacman in to google lol i couldn't understand why the A button wasn't working
  3. I've never really used an email client, however my parents use one called incredimail (free), the way it works it connects to your email account and basically downloads all the emails, attachments and all, to the computer. That way they're all stored on your computer, however in the settings you can set it to delete all mail from the inbox once it has downloaded them (default) or just to leave it as it is but download all new mail periodically. It's a good idea, however I can see problems trying to access your mail on another computer if the client keeps deleting your inbox and storing the mail on the other computer.
  4. I've just finished reading through this, erm, right. I find it very difficult to actually understand what you are saying, especially in the quote above. I think the point you are trying to state is "We have not seen it with our own eyes and have to trust a professional instead, which to me is a mistake because I don't like chemistry". Is that what you were trying to say? You may think that chemistry is nothing more than a pointless task with no substantiating evidence to support it, however without chemistry there is an extreme possibility you would be dead. Think about those vaccinations you had as a child, the antibiotics you are given when you have an infection, all these were developed through chemistry (with a mix of biology of course). Why do you think a pharmacist was originally referred to as a chemist? The massive breakthroughs in chemistry are self evident and all around you, however if you are denying the science behind chemistry then that is your choice. You can't blame science for war. Men and women were killing each other with pointy sticks at some point. It says in the bible beware the tyrrany of evil men. It is the never ending quest for power that drives mankind to commit such atrocities, and true scientific breakthroughs have increased the effeciency of these atrocities, they would happen none the less. You also step on your own point at the end of this, "neither god told us to go and make a country and fight with other country, it was the hard and fast decision of the god". That makes absoutely no sense what so ever. I'm going to have to stop now because it really is rather pointless continuing. You obviously need to really think about what the message is you are trying to project before jumping in and talking nonsense. I sense you have a few valid points to make on this topic, but please think about what you are saying before you say it.
  5. Doesn't seem plagiarised, even after taking extracts and correcting spelling and grammar. However, although there are a couple of interesting points in there, it is a bit daunting to read without more paragraph seperation.
  6. I really didn't mean any offense when I said weak minded, but it is true that most of the weaker minded people on the planet turn to religion for comfort.When I say weak minded, what I mean is a person who is incapable of properly clutching and understanding the realities of the world around them. For example, a middle-aged lady whose husband has died and been left completely on her own. All through-out her life her husband was the one who cared for her, protected her, basically shielded her from the harshness of the real world. Now this poor defenseless kitten is left to scrounge together a living and encounters people and situations she wouldn't normally have done when her husband was alive. She feels scared, what better for her than a group of friendly people and a deity she is told will love her for all time.She isn't necessarily an idiot, but her inability to cope with reality makes her weak minded and afraid. She turns to the lord and feels comforted by him.Another example,There is a man who was bullied a hell of a lot when he was at school. He was weird, at lunchtime he would seperate his peas and carrots one by one before eating them and study everything before he put it in his mouth. At break time he would sit at the edge of the playground and listen to music while waving his hands uncontrollably, no rythm to it but he enjoys it none the less. Then when he is older he is still much the same, and as such doesn't have any friends, just work colleagues. He then discovers a place where nobody there will judge him for his little quirks, where he can praise the lord while swinging his whole body around without persecution, where people willingly start a conversation with him and show him respect.Again, this man isn't necessarily thick, but his vulnerabilities make him on edge and intimidated in normal society.A woman who is unemployed, she has three children and there is no father around. She was a failure at school and has problems stringing sentences together coherently. She's not very bright at all yet is a strong woman who can take care of herself and graduated from the school of hard knocks. She turns to jesus because she needs some love in her life, she needs some form of hope. If she didn't believe in the existence of god then her life would seem completely pointless and wasted, she isn't willing to change anything about her life so instead looks to the easier alternative, believing in an after-life and believing that she will one day live in blissful harmony. It's definately better than believing that what everyone else in the world is doing, how succesful many people have become and living in lives of luxury, she is stuck living a miserable existence that is the only thing she will ever experience.Now I'm sorry to create such stereotypes above, and to tell you the truth i'm an unemployed 23 year old single father who is raising a 3 year old on his own, but above are prime examples of lower and middle class people I would consider weak minded. Loneliness, lack of confidence, hopelessness. These are the things that drive many people to turn to religion. That isn't a bad thing either. These people are happy, from going to church and engaging in the activities and social aspects these people manage to turn around their emotions and live happily. Fear turns to Joy, Confidence is restored, hopelessness turns to hope.Now although my religion is an undecided and incredibly sketchy thing, I do believe that with the ultimate being part aside, religion can be a wonderful thing. It's acts of aggression, war, using religion to justify murder and debauchery that really makes me angry.
  7. I prefer to use Dreamweaver when developing PHP websites, purely because it speeds up the process of the graphical design in aspect like tables, divs and most definately CSS. Apart from that though the rest is all done using the code side instead of the graphical. I also prefer the syntax highlighting in dreamweaver as apposed to php designer, it's just that little bit more easier to read and go through to correct mistakes as far as i'm concerned.If you are designing quite a nice looking website which is feature-rich then I would recommend using DW, however if you are developing quite plain web apps then PHP designer is for you.
  8. That's very true, which is why with sensitive data such as passwords I always MD5 before sending to the database, and obviously PASSWORD() inside the database query. Mind you MD5 has been broken now so would probably be better to ssl the data instead. But apart from passwords, financial transactions and possibly email addresses, there really isn't any need to secure the data before passing it to the database. I think my main point was there are more web hosts out there that provide php with mysql as apposed to any other database.
  9. Sounds like a good idea, I usually write out my text then go over it a couple of times and make some adjustments (although obviously not when i'm in a rush) but never thought to leave a while first. Thanks for the advice.
  10. You need some form of account with them, not sure of the specifics. It's a shame igoogle isn't more popular, but when they first opened they had hopes of becoming a major rival to myspace but there was some kind of security flaw in the original so they had to re-open and obviously they lost a lot of popularity. Anyway the gadgets and widgets etc can all be added to your igoogle web page or you can make your own.
  11. Now I can understand not reading every response should there be 20 pages of them however there are only three in this case. You obviously have a complete misunderstanding of the objective laid out by Opaque with these forums and the Xisto forums. They are a brilliant and bold attempt at motivating the quest for knowledge and a well-rounded view of everyones opinions on many different topics that are of importance in todays society. From what I have been able to ascertain, Opaque's dream was to have everyone engage each other in everything and anything to help improve and grow the knowledge and wisdom of the forums users so that information can live forever online and be able to anyone who searches for it. You only seem interested however in telling people the way you think it is and have no interest in anything that is not your own opinion. Besides being a very conceded point of view, it makes it seem as though you may have another agenda. Also, my complements on the clever method used to stretch your sentences and lengthen your post, when most attempt this they end up either confusing their sentences or contradicting themselves without realising. Lastly, I recommend reading all of the responses to this article including most importantly my own as they seem to answer pretty much all your questions and points raised. As was pointed out in my original post, I wrote the article in anger and stuttered on many points, however these are all clarified later on in the debate. I definately agree with you on this, I myself used to be a Methodist Christian and apologise for how I stated it. I really shouldn't write when I'm in a hurry and trying to rush an opinion lol
  12. The reason I am atheist/agnostic (still very skeptical on this point) is because I see the more of the weak minded clinging to religion more than anyone else. From what I can see they are desperately trying to justify their existence because they don't want to believe that this is all there is. I believe that this is what spawned the idea of religion in the first place. Many people fear death, so what better way to stop fearing than believing in an afterlife? This is just my view on the weak minded who follow completely blind without any question.What I also find interesting is the christian bible depicts the there not only being a jewish faith back in those times but also a christian faith, however the entire christian faith revolves around the bible. The bible hadn't been written in the tales it is telling, and before the birth of christ there is no mention of where the idea of God came from. It's possible it was passed down from Adam and Eve, but due to carbon dating techniques we are able to show that the oldest civilisation that we know of existed around 12,000bc (at least that is when the Natufian culture became sedentary) but I doubt that the christian faith was passed down from word of mouth for 12,000 years, and with no other documentation or reference found until around 500bc then it appears this religion must have sprouted out of nowhere.Again, it could be a derivitive of the jewish faith, branching out in to new realms and dropping the old traditions, but even so the jewish faith can't be dated as far back as 12,000bc, if I remember rightly the jewish faith dates back to about 3,000bc before which no other reference can be found in archeology. The jewish people obviously being slaves of the Egyptians, maybe it was another means to justify their existence adn survive the horror they had been put through.Ok, I'll stop for now lol I've got other things to do, but I will pick this up again soon.
  13. Well technically it's not google games, it's in igoogle under gadgets here https://www.google.com/ig/directory?url=wwwz.dk/pacman.xml
  14. True, but the oracle functions don't carry security features like mysql_real_escape_string() so you have to use php to escape the characters in a custom function instead of a single line function.
  15. Top 10 for me has to be:1. Aces of the Deep 2. X-Com (Terror From The Deep and Enemy Unknown) 3. Duke Nukem 4. Master of Orion II 5. Conquest of the New World 6. Civilisation II 7. Dungeon Keeper (1 and 2) 8. Warcraft II 9. Mario Kart 64 10. Goldeneye (N64)Although not necessarily in that order. Don't get me wrong, I loved the old NES and even had the original pong game with the twisty control but the above got me through my childhood!Going a little further back, I love to play the old BBS door games, the best still being Legend of the Red Dragon (LORD) which is apparently still online on some of the synchronet servers still up and running. I used to run a synchronet server myself a few years back but nobody has the nostalgia attacks anymore for some old skool telnet gaming. Mind you, if I can find enough people willing to put a small telnet community back together I'd be willing to get LORD and Clans etc. back up and running. My home php test server is online 24/7 as it is and let's face it, telnet isn't exactly bandwidth heavy.
  16. I prefer to use MySQL but that is purely based on the fact I am a PHP developer and the two seem to go hand-in-hand. Although PHP does offer functionality for other databases, securing connections and transmitted data and processing the retrieved data from the MySQL database through PHP is a lot simpler and faster. PHP seems to have been developed more toward the MySQL side rather than Oracle or such like as is demonstrated by the extensive mysql_* functions provided with the MySQL include. Also, the majority of PHP tutorials on the web and web hosts all seem to use MySQL as a standard.
  17. Another interesting perspective is of the church of christian scientists. When I was a kid there was a christian science church around the corner from my house (they have been banished from the island since for radical actions) and we used to laugh at the leaflet stand outside, it told of how we should all rejoice because soon the mothership would be returning to take us home. It even had pictures of everyone on a hill holding hands while a flying saucer descended upon them. Now though I have a lot of respect for scientologists because it is just yet another interpretation of keeping an open mind on how the bible is translated. Personally, I don't believe the mothership will be returning to take us to paradise, but still they are leaning more toward 'examining the scientific evidence' as apposed to 'justifying it' like the group who are responsible for the original article.
  18. I agree, I doubt there was any strategy to it, someone probably just though it was a good idea. Google games already offers pacman, it's just one of those things they do to celebrate the anniversary of something, like the invention of the laser or the birth of a genius etc. Still though it was a nice little bit of nostalgia for a couple of minutes, I was dissapointed though when i completed the level and it just started again lol
  19. I used FPS Creator heavily before I got in to PHP programming, and intend to return to a few unfinished projects after I've finished my latest php project. I released a model pack for the DX9 version of fps creator which you can view here https://forum.thegamecreators.com/?m=forum_158593&b=24. It proved to be quite popular and is 100% free for download. I used Milkshape to create the models and JASC paintshop pro to create the textures. This is a prime example of how easy it is to create your own 3d levels for your own first person shooter game. There is a massive community on the forums i've posted above, and many people out there creating their own free model packs for you to use with fpsc and I highly recommend a lot of them. You can ultimately create a game similar to the popular Halo series (only the debate surrounding vehicles and intigration is still very hazy). One person even created a series of mini drones (high quality models and textures too) which can either act as enemies or you can set the to either follow you and attack enemies or control them via remote control. They come with fully animated wheels and weapons and the weapons sit on top of the drones with realistic movement and firing mechanisms. I was in the middle of creating a sewer pack to release for free to the community as well however I never really got around to finishing it before i moved on to another project. I would have released what I had already however I don't like releasing things unfinished lol The main thing to remember about creating games is, there is no universal format for 3D worlds. Each game uses a different 3D engine and so it is highly unlikely you will be able to port from one to another. There are several main points that you MUST follow when creating a game, you can't just wake up, decide you are going to make a game then create a 3D world in a modelling program, that never works. The points that must be followed for creating a 3D game are: Decide what style of game it is you are going to make Once you have decided on a style (First Person Shooter, RPG, etc) then you need to choose which engine you are going to use (Blizzard, Blender, Leadwerks, etc) Now you need to search for any software out there specifically designed to work with this engine Once you have your style, engine and software you now need to select a 3D modelling program to create your models and advanced graphics software that supports alpha channels Finally it is HIGHLY recommended that you download the DirectX software developers kit (SDK) from the Microsoft website. This will help you with converting meshes and textures, viewing and testing animations and so on and will automatically provide you with a license to re-distribute DirectX meshes. If you follow the above points then you will be well on your way to creating your very own 3D game. If you are wanting to create a game that has a low poly count (polys are the individual points used to construct 3D models) like the first two Halo games have, then I recommend using Milkshape as your 3D modelling software. It is very cheap and probably the most versatile and user-friendly software of its class. You can use software such as 3DS Max or Maya however the cost definately does not justify the means, and the extent these software packages go to with features is completely unnecessary. If you are not wanting to create a first person shooter game but instead want to create a 3D world such as World of Warcraft then another great software package is Realm Crafter. It uses the same engine as WoW (Blizzard) and allows you to easily create your own 3D world without extensive programming knowledge. The software is a little unstable but they are slowly working out all the bugs. If you want to go a little more old skool and not create some great 3D game then I would go for Adventure Game Studio (adventuregamestudio.co.uk). I used to use this a few years ago. It's incredible for create 2D point and click adventure games like the early Sierra games. Also, there is a website called Reality On The Norm that I used to make games for. It is basically a community (which has died a slow and painful death in terms of activity) which adds a new portion to the current storyline. The first game in the series follows a young wizard who is killed in an accident and his girlfriend is trying to solve the mystery of his death. The whole thing is set in the town of RON (Reality-on-the-norm) where the mayor is a decaying zombie ressurected from the dead, the local restaurant is run by an italian chef and his constantly naked brother Guido, the local mad scientist Dr strangelove, Mika the inquisitive journalist, Phil Nihilist the local yahtzeebrand store clerk (brainwashed as are all yahtzeebrand staff), Melt and Drake the Jay and SilentBob of RON, and so many more characters. Fantastic series of games with some amazing storylines and many, many, many games to choose from and play. I recommend starting from the beginning (and don't forget to vote for my games too ).
  20. I have to say, I didn't expect such a lively and healthy debate on the subject. I'm quite impressed with peoples reactions to this and has really helped give me clarity to the general consensus (within this community at least) to peoples views not only regarding the dinosaur theory as outlined in the original post, but toward organised christianity as it stands. Some very good points have been raised and seems to be the most in-depth debate regarding the subject I have found online.It's not that i'm trying to disprove creationalism, but as was said earlier it's possible that today the passages outlining the creation of life in the bible may have been taken too literally or completely misinterpreted. Again, like was said earlier, the bible is written in ancient hebrew, was originally a series of poems and the oldest copy is only a few hundred years old.I think people need to take a step back and look at the larger picture surrounding the whole evolution vs. creationalism area. There is no definite answer to either, but that's no excuse to go in blindly, just keep an open mind.
  21. I told you the buttons for Mrs pacman above, a = left, s = down, d = right, w = up, just like the old dos two player games of the past. Just don't expect those keys to work in the search bar after playing lol
  22. This took me by surprise today, but the google logo on the homepage today is a fully playable version of pacman around a level that spells out google, and if you click insert coin (where the i'm feeling lucky button usually is) the Mrs pacman gets added as well and you can have a two player using the arrow keys for pacman and a,s,d,w for mrs pacman. The problem I found after having a quick game though is that none of the keys used to play pacman would work on the google search bar after playing a two player lol so the arrow keys wouldn't work and neither would a,s,d,w so finding out why pacman was on the homepage was a bit difficult to start with lolAnyone else had that problem?
  23. Like was said above, if your mp3 player won't play sound properly AND trying with a different pair of headphones doesn't solve the problem then you will need to crack it open and check the joints, however if it is brand new and still under warranty (or within the stores returned items limit) then don't crack it open and try to get it replaced with one that works.If you bought it off a site like ebay, demand your money back.
  24. Wow there's some really good ones there, did you make them? If so then nice work!I really like the bottom left one on the first and the second post! Also the top right one on the last post.
  25. So for the online text-based RPG i'm making I've built in a radio pop-up so people can listen to music while playing the game and I'm using Radio Blog Club. It offers the ability to create many different playlists all in the same radio player so I'm putting together different playlists of different genre's of music and need help compiling playlists.The Genre's are:Heavy MetalEuphoriaElectro / IndustrialR&BProgressive RockTechno / HouseRapSo if people can just type in the name of the genre and give me some ideas for tracks to put on the playlist that would be great. Thanks!I did try to look up some tracks like leftfield lyden but they don't seem to have many obscure tracks so will have to keep it to quite popular music i'm afraid.And for those who don't know, Progressive Rock is music like Pink Floyd, Hendrix etc. That's probably one of the only genre's I don't need help with lol
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