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Status Updates posted by NNNOOOOOO

  1. ........BAM!!!!!.........did I scare ya?

  2. hungry...hungry.....hun-....................................

    1. anwiii


      me too. i am gonna fix a big breakfast meal soon....even though it's gonna be night :D bacon!



      Darn you! Now I want bacon AND a Burger King grilled chicken sandwich.

  3. As I'm about to take pizza rolls out of the oven-me: "I'm going to assume that these are done...I'm going to assume that's a good assumption."

    1. anwiii


      pizza rolls don't cut it for me. i can eat 20 of them and still be hungry. go for the hot pocket :)

    2. anwiii
  4. When was it today that the world was supposed to start ending?

    1. anwiii


      only for the people who ask about it....

    2. anwiii


      well it's not the end of the world, but it's all downhill after 18.....actually 21 so you have 3 more years to enjoy yourself :)

  5. I just took a stab in the dark by thinking I could register with the SSS online. I think I was right 'cause I just did.

    1. Guest


      what do u mean

    2. Guest


      what do u mean

    1. rob86


      Funny video, but the theme song is kind of boring.



      When I watch it, I feel like I'm high.

  6. Still making videos. Just finished uploading one. Check 'em out here: http://www.youtube.com/user/qazxsw21000

    1. andresf91


      great landing, what game is it?



      Flight Sim 2004.

  7. MMmmmmmmmm, coffee.



      I'm beginning to feel it.

  8. If you really love something, lock it in a cage. It'll try to leave you.

    1. anwiii


      i would leave anyone who tried to lock me in a cage too! haha

  9. Hey you! out there in the cold Getting lonely, getting old, can you feel me

    1. rob86


      Hey you, Standing in the aisles, with itchy feet and fading smiles, can you feel me

  10. Just learned (part of) "In the Hall of the Mountain King" on bass.

  11. GOING...TO...BED!!!!!!!!!

    1. rob86


      Whoa, lay off the coffee!

  12. About to go to Tennessee. Have family coming in over there.

  13. Back from Tennessee. It was fun. Tired now.

  14. What's on YOUR mind?!

    1. anwiii


      wondering what i am going to have for dinner tonight. fish sticks, hungry man, or corn dogs. hmmmm there's also pizza, but i'm saving that!

  15. just found out that the harmonica is an organ?......

    1. rob86


      Indeed. I think 'mouth organ' is used more in Eastern countries. It's also commonly known as a (blues) Harp.

  16. I wear my sunglasses at night, so i can, so i can, watch you live and breath your story lines.

    1. Baniboy


      stop updating your status when you've been drinking, dude. seriously.

  17. I don't know what to say, so I'll just say what's in my heart... Baboom, Baboom, Baboom. - mel brooks

    1. rob86


      Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die. - Mel Brooks

  18. Still trying to figure out GRUB(?). You know, asks what partition in which I would like to boot. Every Linux update I do adds (1-2) options(s) to that list.

    1. Baniboy


      They are kernels (Linux cores), for backup. There used to be an option section in Start-up Manager that let you set how many of the most recent kernels were on the boot list, but I tried now and it's not there anymore.

  19. Everybody, choose a movie or a song. We are going to rewrite it, but instead of using modern English, we'll use old English.

    1. anwiii


      interesting idea. could be fun!

  20. We got a thousand points of light For the homeless man We got a kinder, gentler, Machine gun hand We got department stores and toilet paper Got styrofoam boxes for the ozone layer Got a man of the people, says keep hope alive Got fuel to burn, got roads to drive. Keep on rockin' in the free world, Keep on rockin' in the free world Keep on rockin' in the free world, Keep on rockin' in the free world.

    1. anwiii


      what do you even know about one of the kings of classic rock?

  21. OMG, I dodn't know the "AP Physics B" test would carry on over to after school is out. When testing was over, I thought we still had 10-20 minutes of school left, then I immediately found out school was out for about an hour.

    1. anwiii


      was that a good thing or a bad thing...i can't tell....

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