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Everything posted by Lunaray

  1. Do I rock? Answer from the magic 8 ball: Are you crazy? OF COURSE!
  2. I have just one hard drive. 120 gigs.
  3. Oh no, its yet another ragnarok topic! </spam> To be serious, i have played ragnarok throughout its beta days, and i can say that the concept, ideas and graphics are very good. However, the part which really puts this game down is its really really *BLEEP* customer service. They let bots run all over the place, and their people in charge of banning accounts don't know what the -BLEEP- they are doing. I had an account banned for botting, when the truth is, i had NEVER seen a botting program or even know how to use one in the first place!
  4. World wrestling federation... before it changed to WWE
  5. You would prefer to use web1000 over this? Wow.
  6. Me. hansi Kursch is one of the best singers around. My favourite songs from them include Mirror mirror, Nightfall, Into the storm and of course, the 14 minute epic And then there was silence.
  7. I don't like wrestling... I just don't know why. My friends find it entertaining for some wierd obnoxious reason, but i'm just not impressed with it enough to watch even 5 minutes of it. just my opinions, no offence to those that are hardcore fans of the shows.
  8. Currently, i use the good ol' IE 6.0. I've heard a lot about how leaky its security system is, how easy it is to get spyware, but those have yet to happen to me. I have also tried using firefox, but i could not get used to it. Must be too accustomed to IE.
  9. I got myself a new sig too... Just some cheap editing that anyone should be able to do in 15 minutes >_>
  10. I'm looking for a graphic card that is able to last for about 2 years, or at least until the end of next year. However, I'm not rich. My budjet for a new graphic card is only around 200 US dollars... So, is there any card that might fit that description?
  11. Why not have a forum to be able to express our creativity? I mean, it shouldn't take up too much space, and we can freely express our angsty poems =P...It might suffer from a severe lack of participation though >_>
  12. >_> Should i feel glad i'm not living in america? I've heard countless and countless of complains about the crappiness of AOL from many internet veterans and people alike. Are they really that bad?
  13. Strangely, my nearby restaurant really likes to play his songs. >_>
  14. Integrating a blog into a site... For example, having an "update" on the mainpage of a site...
  15. Worst game ever: Bokosuka wars!!! Its really as bad as everyone says. http://www.gamefaqs.com/nes/562967-bokosuka-wars/ are some reviews about this horrid horrid game...
  16. Right now, i'm using RPG 2003, and its not bad =)
  17. Ooo.... Thanks anyway. I'm sure this information will be helpful.
  18. I probably shouldn't say this, but i think that this is the worst american election in a long time.
  19. Eh, it doesn't really do much for me... I don't really like numbers.
  20. Yeah, i think that the reputation system is pretty non-useful... Right now, i can't see any purpose for it.
  21. I do have some experience with making newbish looking websites. I've also had some basic training in dreamweaver mx and frontpage. However, I've been fanthoming (SP?) on how to make blogs... Normally, on those blog sites, you would just type your stuff and they would automatically script it for you. However, on a personal level, all i know how to do is add a extra table and slowly add the days content on the page. So, i was wondering, is there a easier to update a blog?PS: I'm sorry if the solution is a no-brainer, or i am not making myself clear. Like i said before, i'm a newbie... Thanks. Sorry again for the typo in the title ^^;
  22. My school sucks =/ All the teachers there have a "Just teach, if they don't understand, don't care" kind of attitude. This may explain the exceptionally high amount of GCE O level failures =P
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