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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Dogs are color blind. That was the right answer.
  2. Learnt Batch Programming first.. then Foxpro.Then Basic.(just the basics)Jumped to C but was way too confusing for me. (I was in 7th grade) Hardly 12 years old.Then Got introduced to HTML, Then learning the concepts of CGI, I learnt Perl.Then tasted JAVA (didn't master it or anything...) but grasped Javascript. Then VBscript :DSide by side, just for the heck of experementing stuff, I learnt,ASPColdFusionThen the good days hit me, when I learnt PHP and decided to continue with it.In college, I learnt C and C++.Since I wanted to work with database, I learnt SQL Query language. But, ATM, I am sticking around with PHP only.I tried to learn Graphics, but then there too, The ActionScript thing in Flash attracted me and I started learning that. Its pretty cool actually, but I don't use Flash since it is not recommended at all for targetting webpages for Search Engines.I have been programming from past 7 years. Still I don't call myself a PRO in any language. As I was usually busy with many other things and could never go in deep with any language. The only language where I have advanced a lot is PHP. But still, the language is soo vast and new liabraries being added day by day, leaves me behind
  3. Its a marvelous piece of Art, but its not one of the 7 wonders of the World. I was in that wrong impression too -_-I have been there and its terrific!
  4. I really dont have ads for size 468x60. However, you can use the AD-Code we got on our site. They are rotating ad codes from our ad-server. I am providing 728x90 Ad code here. <iframe id='a9ac400f' name='a9ac400f' src='/adserver/adframe.php?n=a9ac400f&zoneid=1&cb=Insert_Random_Number_Here&ct0=Insert_Clicktrack_URL_Here&; framespacing='0' frameborder='no' scrolling='no' width='728' height='90'><a href='http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; target='_blank'><img src='/adserver/adview.php?&zoneid=1&cb=Insert_Random_Number_Here&n=a9ac400f&; border='0' alt=''></a></iframe>
  5. You must have got negative credits may be because a MOD deleted your post. Otherwise, its exactly the way you said.
  6. Everytime you change your location, obviously your ENVOIRNMENT VARIABLES will change and you will be asked to login again. And that time, new values will be set in the cookie.
  7. Clarification: The session ID will change every time the user logs in, correct?YES.The Second cookie identifies the user.The first cookie verfies if it is genuine.
  8. Hi Herenvardö, Thanks for that information. However, We really are not going to do those legal things for the obvious reasons, we dont have time. Nor we are interested in doing all this.This is just a free service. We are doing this, so that we can market our paid hosting company for free and ofcourse also benefit from advertising. The thing that really hurt me was, he was complaining about the moderation practices and the dedicated effort that we put run this site. None of our mods get paid for what they are doing. Nor, do they get any extra privalages with respect to hosting. Besides, the thing what he was trying to do was kinda cheap. He was demanding stuff from asta. Even I, never demand things from my own staff. I have never ever said.. Do this, do that. This communities foundation is based on trust, respect and Discipline. I had seen his posts, I knew they were copied. However, I kept quiet. I had a second thought of giving him another chance. But, after the repeated attempts of spamming, I reduced his credits. The next thing which really disturbed me was, he was expecting the mods to look over his posts and tell him his mistake. He expected us to search and tell him which post did he lose credits for. When he realised this, he should had checked himself. But even before investigating on his part, he started posting BS.Anyway, since he has left, I have terminated his account. Atleast some other person, who really respects our service can use it
  9. You guys are not understanding my point here.If you use password, then every access to the script will require one more additional Query to the database. Here the question is about speed too.The password thing is verfied at the time of login. Once logged in, in order to track him and keep him logged, we use this. If we had to use password, then every check would require another extra Query.Here, We got "REMOTE_IP and USER-AGENT and Member ID, Session ID and SALT "Now, Remote IP takes time. I mean, he has to work on it to spoof it.2nd, User-agents, the hacker has to guess what user-agent the orginal person is using. Again, thats difficult.Member ID can be obtained from the other Cookie or session Data.Session ID is unique again.Salt can be a very long MD5 string. or may be MD5(md5(salt)).Then you combine all these things and you create the MD5(all the above). This value is going to be stored in the cookie which will be returned. everytime the user surfs your site, here and there. You can check whether its him or not by using all those parameters.I don't understand how putting in the password is going to make it secure any further. Because Member-ID is unique there. The rest of the things belong only to the user. If a hacker wants to hack, the only way he can get quite successful is if he uses the same computer. Even in that case, The PHPsession ID should be same, which will be another tough thing to break. Hacker cannot get the data (member-id) in the session variable as it is stored on the server and not on the client pc.Comments and Ideas Welcome.I just want to think of any other possibilities for validating members and keeping them logged securely.
  10. Today, I was thinking of experementing with Authentication tricks in PHP. I just came up with this thing.Firstly, Validating the username and password in the database. Once that is done, In order to track the user (the main place where most hackers get successful)We can set 2 cookies. 1> Member ID2> MD5( REMOTE_IP and USER-AGENT and USERNAME and SALT )Any hacker who tries to obtain session ID or even tries to setup a fake cookie with ID, will have to take additional pain to determine the IP address of the target. Not only that, he will have to even fake User-agent which has details of OS and Browser. SALT can be anything, Its just there for added security. So that a member who comes to know bout this trick, Should not be able to generate his own MD5 Key.FOR ADDED SECURITY, We can make use of SESSION ID and use it to validate the cookie. Then the data in the Cookie would be,MD5( REMOTE_IP and USER-AGENT and USERNAME and SALT and SESSION-ID )and the SESSION can contain the member information bit.What do you think?[This concept can be used with PHP / JSP / ASP or any other scripting language]
  11. I have written this script myself. But however, I cannot give you the source. If you are starting to work on it, I can guide you . My codes have many functions and variables that access the server and doing the checking work.
  12. Thats it. First of all this post is spam. You should had searched the forum. Next thing, you have a spelling mistake in your TITLE! Sorry man, your banned.
  13. Funny. Well, Everything comes at a price. You can however do this to save your site from going down, even after you die. Purchase hosting for like 200 or 300 years.OR Get sick and spend rest of the time you live on asta collecting credits.OR Donate like a Million dollars to some big organisation and ask them to keep your site alive forever..
  14. So Mr. rodneylay, Its like you have been thinking of all the thousands of members who registered here, Xisto is behind reducing your credits. Let me tell you something. 1. We are doing a service here. You can say FAVOR for others. So, before you actually ask someone, something! Think! That these people are not getting paid to do your stuff. 2.LEARN to be Patient. If you have posted a REPORT, there are mods which will look over it. but, We get soo many reports, We are already busy with those things, rather than looking at a useless problem which you are facing. LOOK AT JCGUY, Poor Guy waited for a week to get his !!BUSY!! site un-suspended. You know, that is called a REAL ISSUE. Unlike, crying for "Why I have lost credits!". Well, I explained to him my situation and I did solve his issue. I agree, It was a bit late from my part, but I had to work on some issues with Xisto Corporation, Setting up new server at Xisto - Web Hosting, Transfering Paid Clients on it, Handling thousands of those members who were shifted since their sites had minor problems, Working with scripts at Trap for invalid members, Developing Transfer system, Fixing Errors with Cpanel on New server etc... This LIST IS REALLY VERY LONG! MORE THAN THAT YOU CAN IMAGINE. And you expect, someone to come up and look up with your issue within 2-3 days and give you an answer on a golden platter! is it ?? And using our forums to flame others.. 3.We know our CREDITS SYSTEM! We made it, by hand. So, We have not hired any third person to do this thing. So, when you say, the credits are lost for no reason, All we do is simply laugh on you. Because, which world are you in man! I mean, come on, Credits just don't fly away. There is always a reason for everything. 4.Before you throw dirt on someone, We would request you to check yourself. You wanted reasons right, Did you check your posts throughly! I say.."NO!" you did not. Moonwitch Told me to look over your situation because of the cheap thing that you were doing. I don't even understand why I am wasting my time on your issue, but still to prove my moderating team and our system correct, I will. On Aug 13 2005, 04:23 PM, You made this POST! http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6877-topic/?findpost=48244 RIGHT AFTER 38 Minutes, that is on Aug 13 2005, 04:41 PM http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6845-topic/?findpost=48251 I made the above post saying that your post has been copied from other sources. Now, First of all, I must teminate your account, since you breached our TOS. However, If you want further explanation regarding your copied posts. Here are the list of sources. SOURCE 1 : (Cached location on Google) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ SOURCE 2 : http://www.help2go.com/Tutorials/Windows/Creating_an_Updated__XP_SP2_Recovery_CD.html THE LANGUAGE, STYLE of the Article and the post is 1:1 match. Its no use removing PARTS of someone else's work and pasting it at a forum saying it your own. In my words, I call that STEALING. So, don't take this further. I am warning you.
  15. DNS are clustered. so moving to new server would be instant. You will have to terminate your account here. Else, Setting up a new account on the new server will not be possible.
  16. Please tell us more about your place, Area etx. And the school where you are studying.
  17. AWESOME! May be you can help us to make a logo for Xisto Corporation
  18. Basically, Lycos is soo big and they are earning so much, that their minds have diverted. They don't care about the customers. So long as they are earning money from the ads, they don't care.
  19. 1. Is HTML worth learning?Yes, It hardly takes 2 hours to get to know everything. And 2 months to master the skills (which is not required, thanks to softwares like Frontpage, Dreamweaver, Golive etc.)2. How can you learn HTML? Through a book?Search for Joe's Tutorial "So you wanna learn HTML?". That is where I learn't html from.3. What good programming language tutorials are there out in the Net?Start off with PHP. 4. Is Visual Basic worth learning? What about Basic?Depends, Here I am assuming that you want to do something related to the internet. If you want to do programming which does not involve internet much, then VB is good to start.5. Please provide a short description on the following languages: HTML / Basic / Visual Basic / C / C++ / Java / PHP / Asp / PerlHTML -> Not actually a programming language. Just a thing like WORDSTAR for creating webpages.BASIC : Ancient Programming language. No one uses it these days. Just used for general purposes but not any more.Visual Basic : A powerful programming tool from Microsoft allowing you to create cutting edge software quickly and easily. You can create Graphical Programs in short GUI programs. C : Structured programming language. Good to start with. You can create a good foundation for programming with C.C++ : Advanced version of C which is object Oriented. Object Oriented Programming is a new concept where Very complex programs can be easily programmed using Objects. Objects is a bit complicated thing, you better search on the net for a good defination.PHP, ASP, Perl : All are SERVER SIDE Scripting languages which are used to handle DATA and manage clients who come to your site. Basically they like an Interface. ITs called CGI (Common Gateway Interface). This interface can be programmed using these languages. Your selection depends on the type of server you want to work with, type of programs, your personal likes etx. 6. How can be programming useful in life (except in job-matters)? I mean, multimedia is for hobbying. Programming for jobs?I would rather say, Follow your interests. Just ask yourself, what you want to do. Because there is a scope in everything. You can be a GOOD programmer or a GOOD designer. What matters is whether you are good or not. If you are not good, you are like other ordinary people who know how to drive, but cannot race. It's only when you are good, you stand out of the crowd and people see n appreciate you. So, there is scope in everything. If you sharpen your skills in designing, you can be known for good designing and can seek careers in Animation, Web Designing etc. On the other hand, If you are a good programmer, you can look out for jobs in diffrent software companies, research etc. There is no field in which you don't have scope. Programming helps in real life by making your work easier. Programming is nothing but, telling the computers to do something which you would have to do manually. So, there are lots of options.I hope this was helpful.
  20. https://support.xisto.com/ credits and Activation key is safe. So you can re-try again.
  21. I recommend that you dump your database and re-upload your files. Shifting between servers can get you to problems in future. I can however, arrange for same username on the new server, so that transfering is not a problem for you and your scripts work fine there.
  22. I can see you spamming RIGHT HERE! I can delete your post and this will cause you to lose another Few credits. Do you understand now, how you lose credits ?THIS SAME TOPIC HAS BEEN POSTED TWICE!
  23. When a moderator deletes your posts, you lose your credits. So that explains the reason for your cREDIT drop. And another thing, Free hosting has nothing to do with our paid service.
  24. YOU MUST QUOTE when you copy stuff from other sources. Credits Fined!
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