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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. If you look any mystic literature (say the Bible, Quran, Bhagwat Gita etc.), you can no where blame the religion or the book. The aim of the book is to guide you to something so that you can EXPERIENCE it. Well, people who are spiritual will know what I m talking about. Before we point fingers at others, we must learn to look at ourselves. If we can't be true to others, atleast be true to yourself. Before, we lift our fingers to point out for remarking "You are .... " Lets look inside ourselves and question :- Did this ever apply to me as well ? When I faced this? What did I do? Feel the situation, background, habitat, envoirnment .. whatever may apply of the other person and keep yourself there. Then judge, how wrong the other person is. If you really get the RIGHT answer to the above question. You will realize that the root of the problem is our own "Ego". We all talk about SCIENCE. Being educated ourselves, We talk about "Good Company", "Bad Company" and the influence of this on the human mind. Everything has a reason. Think of all those situations when you did something bad. When you were blaming yourself later in guilt, you remember that, at the time of action, everything was CORRECT/RIGHT according to you then. It was because you felt what you were doing was right, you went ahead and did it. So, who is to blame? You OR the Situation? Obviously, you will say The Situation. "It was because of this... I had to do this." "I did this because of him/her....." "They made me ...." "I was forced to... etc. etc. etc." Similarly, all those people we see doing WRONG things (according to you), we must realize that its not the PERSON or the RELIGION to blame. Its the situation. Its the company. His background. His sorrounding. or. you can call it DESTINY/FATE or Karma. If we understood this. Our method to fix problems would not be HATRED but Love. Because, if we realize that the root of all evil is "ego",then the only weapon to cut it, is "Love". Coming back to Topic, One must read this. Its good set of facts. :- 30 Facts About Islam : http://www.30factsaboutislam.com/
  2. Well Done!! I really liked the concept and suits good for the name "Saint Micheal". But I think for the True SaintMicheal (who is EVIL), we should swap the heads :-)The font can be changed to something like OLD-ENGLISH to theme it well with the sig. ( my 2 cents:-) )
  3. In Cpanel, only MX records can be modified.You are free to use a service like ZONEEDIT.com if you want to manage DNS yourself.But if the system gives you DNS control, then it will lose its own power to create/manage subdomains, parked domains etc. for you. Professional hosting with User friendly interface is Important. It does not mean, Giving you SHELL access and asking you to type CODES and get your work done for every other task.I apolgize for the inconvenience caused.Thank you,Shree
  4. Where is this AD?Please help me with the URL.
  5. Dear Members, I am pleased to announce that I have finished coding Credit System V2.0 and its now online for members to use. Instead of the old URL used for managing your free web hosting account (https://support.xisto.com/), You shall now be using :- https://support.xisto.com/ (Credit System v2.0 Url) The new version is :- More secure. More reliable. Easily Upgradable and employs Module system. Has a Much better look. Central Login. Ajax Powered. Has a Log System. Good number of Bugs fixes Please use it and kindly report any further suggestions, comments, bugs etc. either at the forums or by opening a ticket by e-mailing support -X- Xisto-dot-com Thank you for your continued support and understanding. Sincerely, Shree Owner / Administrator Xisto.com
  6. Dear Members, I am pleased to announce that I have finished coding Credit System V2.0 and its now online for members to use. Instead of the old URL used for managing your free web hosting account (https://support.xisto.com/), You shall now be using :- https://support.xisto.com/ (Credit System v2.0 Url) The new version is :- More secure. More reliable. Easily Upgradable and employs Module system. Has a Much better look. Central Login. Ajax Powered. Has a Log System. Good number of Bugs fixes Please use it and kindly report any further suggestions, comments, bugs etc. either at the forums or by opening a ticket by e-mailing support -X- Xisto-dot-com Thank you for your continued support and understanding. Sincerely, Shree Owner / Administrator Xisto.com
  7. You can make any type of site (any theme) as long as its not illegal and is safe to be viewed by all :-)
  8. LMAO! I found the Tree at Walmart but seriously out of cash. My friends CC was stolen and apparently I was using it from the past 12 years. So, I m off to make some money to buy that. I am already in a loss because last night, I got frustrated and flew to CA and threw one of my servers to end my frustration. It was running low of RAM. The clients are happy though and are thanking me that I ended the issue about their hosting. I m hoping to get a BIG MOOLAAH here. On a side note, Welcome back! :-)
  9. Yup, but you can have the setting to do it manually. I do not shut my camera now and then so it goes fine with me :-)
  10. The essence of Spirituality goes far beyond the Government or the entire Earth itself. While we focus usually on external factors like govt, nations, unions etx. Spirituality teaches people to look within ourselves. Spirituality means to ignore the outer world and focus on yourself. It concentrates more on the truth which lies within us. It makes you realize that the world is our perception of what we are.It teaches you to focus soo deep that you soon realize that you are nothing but a piece of nature composed of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. You no longer see yourself as "I", but you learn to see yourself as a part of nature which is bounded by the rules of nature with Free will. You learn to see yourself in others .. which in turn gives rise to a fountain of immeasurable love within you. Like my guru said, "Love is not an Emotion, Its your very own being.".
  11. I have EOS 400D (Rebel)..I purchased it last year in bangkok. And its awesome. No complaints at all.Very Good performance.. and damn Sturdy. One of the best feature is the auto-censor cleaner (build in). 10.2 MP.And because its canon, you are open to wide range of accessories.And as Anwii said, its HIGHLY rich on features :-)
  12. Anwiii, Mind Your LANGUAGE!!! Who are "YOU" to judge about a person's knowledge? Agreed, Does this mean, you start PUSHING beginners down to get yourself UP? -- Last Warning given -- Any such behavior again and I will not step back from banning even my STAFF or ADMIN. (Anwii, If you are disappointed by this post of mine, then you will know that Forums are viewable by public. And everyone else loves their respect as you do.) We are here to EXPRESS opinions. Not to remark other's mistakes. Let the viewing audience decide whose posts they have to Trust.
  13. Thanks again @ Flakes, Mich :-)rvalkass, how did you COMPRESS the server in that small box.. and I do need a keyboard :-)
  14. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed - proved.Any part of you when cut off from your body (which is said "dead") is NON-LIVING.So you are basically made up of ATOMS or MOLECULES which are defined as NON-LIVING Matter (which is nothing but energy : e=mc2)Then where did the LIFE come from?And if an ENTITY called LIFE exists and IT makes non-living things move, grow and reproduce.. Why are we even defining criteria for life ? (eg. we say, life needs air for breathing..)Let science define LIFE first. :-)
  15. Dangerman, I prayed to God for your Dad. Its my B'Day today and I m FULL of blessings n wishes. My prayers will be answered. Your dad will have a very good recovery and he will walk happily with you to home :-)
  16. ALEX, Thank you for the WONDERFUL site my friend.. *HUGS* Anwii, thank you for the very kind words in your PM. :-) Thank you again...
  17. My God.. I just LOVE you ALL! I got no words to say... When I saw the responses, I actually felt guilty of not wishing everyone who had their b'day. I used to see the list of people celebrating their b'day at the bottom of the forum and I never did anything. I pray to God that every member on Xisto MUST get the wishes like I did today. To tell you all the truth, until my last b'day, I got LOTs of wishes from mainly the people I knew personally. And this year, its the opposite and I swear .. It FEELS GREAT!!!! Here, I see joy, excitement, confidence and support in your words. Its only because of this, today I feel sooo happy that people around the world, who I don't know, whom I have never seen ever.. have written things out of their heart.. even if its just for the time they are writing the post for me. But, the emotions that were put and the feelings out of respect you gave me while wishing me is what I HONOR.. I dunno, if I m making sense, but I m plain Happy. It really means a lot to me. I thank God for everything that he has given me.. and more than this forum, I thank for the wonderful members who make this forum. May be Xisto has a magnet .. "Good people Magnet". I see it getting stronger as its grows :-) This site has given me sooo much and no matter what I do, I can never pay it back. And this is possible only because of all of you. My good admin Buff, our historical member/guru a.k.a. ThE SPammEr! (you know who..) , the WIZ-MOD (JLhaslip), ServerPH, the Juvenile NANNY (VeLmA), rvalKass, Alex and everyone who might be wondering why they are not on the list and ALL THE MEMBERS of Xisto. (the above nick names just shot up my head.. and no offence if they get you offended.. but currently, Its impossible to stop my fingers from typing) *Faints* *gets back up* as for today, my DAY was fantastic! Instead of loafing around with friends and partying. I spent whole day with my mom and sis. I hardly spend time with them and my b'day was the best opportunity to take them out :-) We all went to a Esselworld(an amusement park in Mumbai).. instead of shortcuts, we took a long drive to the location... My mom's a wonderful cook.. so our tummy was happy all the way :-) The rides definately drained us out by evening and now while I m typing this post.. I m completely exhausted.. eyes about to pop out Well, I still haven't finished replying back to all messages I have got.. Gotta get back to them as well :-) I will wrap up now.. Take care.. Love you all.. Good night :-)
  18. THANK YOU ALL!! @Velma : Thank you for starting the topic.. I was biting my nails if somebody would do it for me I see other members getting a new thread for B'DAY.. was getting a bit jealous.. hehe..now I got my B'DAY topic as well.. hahha! @Mikey : You better make sure, my cake REACHES ME! And looks like Velma has beaten you by creating the topic before you.. hehe.. @Galahad : Thanks a bunch BUDDY :-) @rayzoredge : Thank you too.. for the farty comment..LOL! I m not thaaattt old. @demonatashadow : Thank you for making this topic complete by the little song.. I m literally celebrating an online B'Day here AND I SERIOUSLY DID NOT ---EXPECT--- "for a present i'll give you poo" (funny.. but grossy.. Thank you :-) ) @serverph : THANK YOU! THANK YOU! soo much for the water skiers.. Are they all SINGLE ? (hahaha... ) @rvalkass : Thank you for the CUTE mousey! I hope they don't scare off serverph's beautiful water skiers.. and Dude, whats inside the present ?
  19. It contains your USERNAME, FIRST NAME and LAST NAME to prove its authenticity.
  20. The Credit System (forum module) was not touched. So things will remain the same. The server module was re-coded :-)
  21. Dear Members,Today, I found out the culprit who was suspending our free web hosting accounts :-) It was no other than our OLD EPSILON server on which this forum was hosted. 10 days ago, we had shifted this forum to a new server with a FASTER Board and processor.The old server had its CRON service active and services were still running on it. The old EPSILON server never got any NEW POSTS and hence, the credits did not increase. As a result, All members who got suspended on the old server were suspended on GAMMA (our free hosting server).For security reasons, account suspending and un-suspending is done w/ a key. Hence, the free accounts suspended by the old server could not be un-suspended by the new server.I figured this out today when I was going through the logs and checked the incoming connections on server GAMMA.I have formated the old server now and also disabled all the services on it. The old server was kept active for security, incase the transfer failed or if we noticed any further issues. This accident also made me build a new script from scratch which processes all accounts. The new script is much more secure and very fast :-) It has many bug fixes as well.I apologize for all the inconvenience few of our members had to go through. All things have been completely sorted now :-) Have a great Day and enjoy your hosting. Regards
  22. DEDICATED SERVER SALE @ Xisto - Web Hosting.com We would like to announce the SALE of the following Server :- 1. Dual Xeon 3.0 Ghz with 2 GB Ram ($350 USD/mon. Value!) 2. 2 x 160GB HDD -> (Market Estimate : $200 extra ONE time) 3. 1500 GB Monthly BW. INSTEAD of $350.00 (monthly recurring) + ($299 Setup charges), We offer :- $149.00 USD/ mon. ONLY with $100 SETUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR $165.00 USD/ mon. (FREE SETUP!!) CPANEL, RvSKIN & FANTASTICO (COMBO) => $39/mon.MANAGED SERVICE : $35/Mon. Contact : SALES -AT- Xisto - Web Hosting -DOT- COM for Ordering! Offer Expires on Dec.5.2007 : HURRY NOW!
  23. Dear Members,Yesterday, I fixed the credit system processing cron which took care of suspending / unsuspending accounts. A wrote a new version of the script from scratch and its much much more reliable :-)The issues about account being suspended and not getting un-suspended automatically etx. will be no more. If you find anything strange or anything that needs my attention, Feel free to send me a PM.Thank you for your continued support and patience :-)Sincerely,ShreeXisto.com
  24. Yup! Just clear the content inside that .htaccess file :-) it will be fixed.
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