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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Rightly said Anwii. Look at the web now, sites like Youtube are in top 100. There was a time where we worried about download but I see the traffic logs and a large population of new users have broadband connections.So, I felt its ok to make a RICH experience for first time visitors so that we give a good first impression. The theme and ambience of the site has been made purely to convey the simple message of collaboration
  2. This Decade Plan is especially for new members who want to host but not post. So here it is.. a good plan for your little website project without you having to spend time again and again at our forums. Get a free domain and a decade-hosting plan @ $10 to get sorted for 10 years. $10 for 10 years, i.e. $1 per Year. So pay $10 once and forget hosting for straight 10 years. The catch is, you will get support only via Forums. If you are wondering about free domain then there are many free domain providers like co.cc / co.nr etc. Or you can opt for a free sub-domain (eg. yourname.trap17.net) (read more) Package Features:- Quota (MB) : 100 Bandwidth (MB) : 1000 Max FTP Accounts : 10 Max Email Accounts : 7 - google apps with mail, calendar, chat, docs etc. @yourdomain.com Max Databases : 1 Max Sub Domains : 10 Max Parked Domains : 10 Order / Grab Here
  3. Hey... HEy... Please keeep strong emotions aside. This is mySite :-) you have got your own sites. The name Xisto is not gone, its been added as a parked domain for everyone who still wishes to type Xisto.com in the url bar. We all will still be called "trappers" (we know why? )I will be showcasing your site on my site.. isin't that cool? Now that the damage is done... lets start discussing the important stuff :-)Please tell me what all should I include in the home page(s) ORIs the site "as it is" fine with enough content?
  4. 4 Things You Never Knew Your Mobile Phone Could Do For all the folks with mobile phones. There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies. Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival. Check out the things that you can do with it: FIRST Emergency The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112. If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile network and there is an Emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly, this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked. Try it out. SECOND Have you locked your keys in the car? Does your car have remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a mobile phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their mobile phone from your cell phone.. Hold your mobile phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other 'remote' for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk). THIRD Hidden Battery Power Imagine your mobile battery is very low. To activate, press the keys *3370#. Your cell phone will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your mobile phone next time. FOURTH How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone? To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following Digits on your phone: *#06#. A 15-digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. When your phone gets stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either. If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phones.
  5. I suggest you get hosting & your own domain from us, before you start printing your visiting cards. If you want to link your articles on Xisto, you can create a forwarder in your domain (eg. myDomain.com/category-fruits -> Xisto.com/forums...) and set it to redirect people from your domain to your Xisto-member page or posts. When people came here with domain name "Xisto", I m sure, Xisto will catch good attention too. As for the racist part, there are many words in English dictionary originated from Hindi and Sanskrit too. Just how Xisto is 2 words, similarly kama-sutra is also 2 words. However, the first word of the domain name being important is put in English. The second word sutra was taken from sanskrit, because knowledgeTHREAD.com is already taken. One more point, Sanskrit does not have any official WRITTEN language. Its a language made purely on the basis of sound. You can use any script/language to write sanskrit.
  6. I doubt if they would object, Incase it happens.. I will compose a good music on my own - please tolerate it then :angel:
  7. ok, here is the website home-page being developed, please take a look and give me your opinion. n e w s u t r a . c o m
  8. ok, here is the website home-page being developed, please take a look and give me your opinion. n e w s u t r a . c o m
  9. I feel Kontera comes close to this type of advertising. However, their payout is low compared to Adsense. There is another provider called "Chitika" who give something similar to adsense and pay a good rate for US/CANADA/UK traffic.Thank you.
  10. What data was lost?User Uploaded files or Database? I hope the website sourcecode is safe with you on your PC.
  11. ok. sorry, my mistake. I m doing some brain storming meeting friends about Xisto. Its a big step for me and I m nervvous.I fixed the PM thingy and except for shoutbox, please report any other errors u may be facing here.
  12. Hey Guys, I noticed today after I met a few different types of friends and the way I was communicating with them. We have a big garden very close to my apartment where I ask people to meet me. But today I met about 3 different people there and I also had good conversation with them individually. This is how I mixed languages while I spoke :- Friend 1 : Marathi (primary) - hindi (secondry) Friend 2 : English - Hindi Friend 3 : Hindi - English a few more examples :- my dad - kannada - english my friends - hindi - english my mom - kannada - english - hindi - marathi - mix. (this is seriously possible while talking for long, no jokes) my point is, I think this helps communication and Now a days, while communicating on social networking websites, I happen to write in "2 languages" to communicate my feelings effectively in an understand-able manner by the friend I m writing to. Something like, "Kyaa Yaar! Howz Life?" (where "kya" "yaar" literally means "what" "friend") I am sure, something of this sort, happens at your end as well, if not frequently then may be occasionally... with friends or relatives. However, I see a lot of people all over the world are using two or more languages to communicate across. So how do you mix languages? Tell us your story :angel:
  13. not bad :-) please, if you can come up with better things on similar lines, kindly suggest.
  14. Hello Members,I am already on developing our "new" ;-) website and It has a good place on the home-page to showcase few member websites. I would like to invite all to please submit your name and website for review. A thumbnail pic of 125 x 80 would be highly appreciated (preferably in jpeg format) :angel:Thank you,shree
  15. Naah, their model n the content generated is not helpful n involves a lot of spam. once the word "wisdom" becomes a part of our motto, the entire perception of giving n taking information from our visitors would be for a good cause. Automated scripts can only help till a level to make content useful .. however, they can not identify a solution. this needs a "good" human's intervention and an automated script will not help. how we make our content useful/helpful will be planned & coded later.
  16. I checked your website and see that you have Logic Plan (yearly) package. I broke your invoice in 2 parts for domain and hosting separately. The domain has been successfully renewed for 1 Year/s and I have deducted your mycents. Domain Name: TRAXCK.COM Name Server: NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM Name Server: NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM Status: ok Updated Date: 20-mar-2010 Creation Date: 21-mar-2009 Expiration Date: 21-mar-2011 Now to renew your hosting, you need to pay the new edited invoice for hosting for 1.95 usd :- Client Name J----- ---------- Invoice Date 2010/03/16 Due Date 2010/03/21 Invoice Amount $1.95 USD Balance $1.95 USD thanks.
  17. It does because of the word knowledge n wisdom. The closest word is actually "information", but this is too blunt because I will be using my code to hunt the relevant information for the user searching something. (since, most of the people come from search engines). "knowledge" is more appropriate for information one gets after searching a question. If you are referring to the word "wisdom", I didn't get a better word to convey the advantage of sharing/discussing experience and knowledge.
  18. @Baniboy : naah, I've thought of those names already. nothing comes close to an idea of a forum than the word 'sutra'. But at the same time, I want the first word of domain to be English.i've thought of this tagline: Xisto - a Quest for Wisdom through Knowledge
  19. If you want to deposit more than 100 USD, you can send us a wiretransfer. The funds will be added to your credit balance. You can place any orders after that without worrying about payment because your invoices will get marked paid automatically with your credit balance. Our banking details are as follows for Wire Transfer:- ICICI Corporate Account A.C. Name : XISTO CORPORATION A.C. Number : 015105006317 Bank Name : ICICI Bank Ltd, Bank Add : Vashi. Navi Mumbai. 400703 Intermediary bank Details Bank Name : JP MORGAN CHASE, NEW YORK Swift Code : CHASUS33XXX Bank Clearing Code : FED ABA 021000021 For credit to: Beneficiary Bank Account Number : 400808595 USD Beneficiary Bank Name : ICICI Bank Ltd., Mumbai (India) Ultimate beneficiary: (our bank details in Mumbai) Account Name : XISTO CORPORATION Account Number : 015105006317
  20. Hello All, We are planning to change name of Xisto to newSutra. Please tell me, what do you think of this new name - newSutra.com knowledgeSutra.com This new site will be completely geared for forum discussion. Thank you, shree
  21. Thank you guys.. I think Again. Now the new name is : knowledgeSutra.com Please give this one more thought?
  22. Nothing is going on in my head apart from what New People coming to this forum think about it and us. Its about the heart begging for a good name for our forums. Like anwii said, he could understand a meaning behind the name and also some cons. But what about the name "Xisto" as it is ?
  23. This thread is a poll :-) Yup, But I expect mature people to understand the word "sutra" and then think about the forums.
  24. SEO is not a problem, I will put a 301 redirect.If anyone has read Xisto Story, you will notice that the name "Xisto" was coined by someone I knew and its not relevant to the discussion we do here. I see brilliant discussion and creative ideas flowing throughout this forum and the name we choose as our domain name must be relevant to us. Whatever discussion we do here is summarized as a Sutra like heading for each of our pages. This heading is a summary of the words used by the forum/discussion thread. Ideally, your title, description and top part of your web-page should be most relevant. This is something which we do for SEO. SEO says, keep the most relevant keywords on the top part of a page.This summary of words linked by the main title can be called a sutra. After all a sutra is an aphorism or an original continuous thought without flaw, Of minimal syllabary, unambiguous, pithy and comprehensive. I feel, this is exactly what we try achieve in our day-to-day conversations in this forum, we learn and understand from this forum seeking truth behind every topic and then we try to use this knowledge in future. Also, the word sutra sounds like SooTrue.The literary form of the sutra was designed for terseness and economy in writing and speaking achieved by expressing a great deal in just a few words. These texts were intended to be memorized by students in some of the formal methods of scriptural and scientific study, As each line is highly condensed. This is best way to memorize and then apply it to daily living.
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