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Dogs Trained To Detect CD & DVD At Airports Movie industry finance the project

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Movie's Industry financed dog's training to detect huge CD & DVD quantities.The two first animals trained to identify this type of mesures are already working in Stansted Aeroport, England. The dogs, Lucky and Flo are capable to recognize the smells from CD and DVD and point the suspect packages.The dogs training was payed by MPAA ((Motion Picture Association of America) and for FACT (Federation Against Copyright Theft). Dog's are used to identify bomb's, drugs in aeroports, but this is a first time that they are used to act in Copyright programs combat.

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Are you saying that a dog will come up an snort your luggage which has legally purchased CDs or DVDs. I mean eeven at the airport they sell them (at least here in the US)


If the dog could somhow know the difference between pirated and legitimate content then this is a good idea. My niece has a son that is easily quietened by merely plugging his Builder Bob DVD into a portable player and when riding in the car or on an airplane he is totally engrossed in the movie So I guess they would be required to go through a more thorough search and I suppose that if they could not produce a reciept that they could have the DVD confiscated and possibly subject to prosecution?


That is a hairbrained idea that could never really work, at least in my opinion. Since there are no longer plastic records or too many cassette tapes any more, what are you supposed to do put your music on a thumb drive or on an Ipod, what if you have a collection of CDs, do you have to leave them home or have them shipped seperately?

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Its kinda good that changes and advancements have been made in the feield of catching piracy based crimes. But is it shure enuf that they can differ smells from a original / pirated CD ? What if they make mistakes ? Waste of time for passengers eh ?


And as Houdini said .. they could also carry it in ipods or thumb drives lol .. i bet sniffer dogs cant be trained to sniff out pirated stuff in it .. unless the airport authorities go tru the pains of actually checking each and every thumb drive or portable disk.




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Doesn't seem like a smart idea to me. I know lots of people who travel with a large amount of legal CDs and DVDs. There will be getting stopped left and right in busy airports. I have a feeling the idea won't catch on anyway. Question: If you do get stopped and you do have a large number of illegal CDs can they arrest you right then and there? I dont know any of the legal implications on carrying around burnt CDs.I think illegal-MP3-on-iPods sniffing dogs are still a while away lol

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The idea seems nice, but I don't really like it, because of the questions you discussed above, but maybe using those dogs to find really big quantities of CDs and DVDs in the cargo space or something is quite good.. big quantities as 10 boxes of CDs and I don't think those dogs will be sniffing your pockets or something :DSometimes actions taken to stop piracy are annoying, especially for legal customers, they usually feel uncomfortable, but from other side, why should I pay for the CD the full price, when somebody can get it really cheap, so piracy needs to be lowered, but I don't think it will be fully stopped, if people sees a way how to get money, someone will do it.

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While it's good that the authorities are trying to be innovative in the fight against piracy, I don't see how having CD-sniffing dogs will be helpful in the long run. Dogs are rather limited, after all, and they really can't go around the hundreds of thousands of people passing through airports just to find a few CDs. Besides, as good as a dog's sense of smell is, the quantities of CDs passing through the airport would have to be of a significant number before a dog can sniff it out with reasonable certainty. A few disks would likely slip through, and that's all it takes, really. What's to stop pirates from shipping in a single CD and copying it once they're in the country? A detector (such as the ones already used to detect deadly weapons) capable of detecting optical disks would be a more cost effective method, I think. =^^=

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totally useless because it's just plastic with metal filament on top. All CD/DVD are made with the EXACT SAME MATERIAL.So, I think the chance of successof catching someone with a fake CD/DVD in the aeroport is really low. The chances of mix up between a real and a fake for those dogs would be high.xboxrulz

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I don't see how someone is going to be that much of an idiot that they'll travel with a case or two full of stuff. Like HELLO!!! Anyone with a grain of intelligence would either copy it onto a dvd with a fake or misleading label, or have it on their laptop. what about on an external hard disk, or nowadays, a flash disk? Label the dvd "family holiday footage" and see how easily you can get by. I'd really like to see those sniffer dogs catch something. Hell, I'd even volunteer to be the test subject.

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It'll be impossible for a dog to sniff out one person's luggage for stupid CDs. If you think about by the fact that at least thousands of people (ok so maybe hundreds) do have some CDs or a CD album. How's the dog supposed to sniff out everyone? Unless of course, they bring in a hundred dogs which will be impossible yet again because we have to take into the point that some people have allergies or just detest dogs.Yet again, why would anyone illegally "smuggling" copyright material carry a huge stack of the CDs in his/her luggage? A master copy's all you need to burn it all away into other CDs.Not a very smart idea at all from the company(s)' part i think. It would be more preferrable if the dogs are used in sniffing out small pirated CD stores which are EVERYWHERE in China.

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Dogs that can smell out cd's now? Wow.. What if you do have legally purchased cd's though, I don't think every visitor to the country/out of the country that is carrying a cd, to have their bags searched.Another thing.. What if people copied their LEGALLY owned cds because they didn't want to risk losing the original ones, now that would take alot of explaining to do.What are they going to come up with next? A dog that can sniff out usb flash disks and mp3 players? Yeah right. I'd like to see that - how can someone prove that they have legally owned songs on it even if they did rip them from their legally owned cd. I reckon this is all a big mistake and a great way to chuck people in jail-HellFire

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The new seems like unbeliveable ! Does MP3 , USB Flash or illegal CD/DVD have a special flavor make dog do that! IF some dogs could do it, How to identify the CD legal or illegal . Someone maybe copy CD to protect his orginal one. I could copy the file by computer or HD or any flash memory card ! That still have a lot of ways to bring out the files !. The idea is good , but not good enough

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Haha... I'll be more wary carrying DVD's through the airport next time then! I can't believe the extent that people are going to these days for this kind of thing. I mean stopping a bit of traffic of pirated DVD's isn't going to resolve the issue at all. Unlike drugs, people can burn a DVD in any part of the world and stopping people from transferring them from country to country is in no way going to change that.Sure, I can sort of understand the logic. Someone could take a thousand copies of the latest flick into another country and sell them all, but where as drugs go up in huge values when travelling from country to country, DVD's don't - therefore it is only a very small part of the problem against DVD pirating.Still it is amusing to know that people could get sniffed down by a dog at an airport for having... not drugs!... not fruit!... but DVD's!Sorry Sir, I wont bring Harry Potter with me next time.

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It is intended to be a good idea but it is also out of reality in my point of view. The world is full of sotores that sells pirates cds and dvds with shameless. I tinhk this is cds and dvds producers's fault. Why this things need to be so expensive?I'm totally against this abusives prices. I'm sure Madonna, Shakira, 50cent and wathever are already reach enough for the rest of their lives and I'm also sure taht they will be more and more reach day by day. Even if their cds were sold with lower prices!

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