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Earthquake In Haiti Did you ear about it ?

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Uhm, yeah duh! How can you not have heard about Haiti ? It's everywhere right now, radio, television, newspaper, internet, ... Everywhere campaigns arise to raise money for Haiti, a few days ago all radio channels cooperated and formed one single radio station (Radio 12-12) to raise money for Haiti.Advertisement banners are replaced by 'help Haiti' banners ...

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Our thoughts today are with the people of Haiti, as they deal with the catastrophic effects of last night's earthquake.

For organisations and their staff working in Haiti or preparing to deploy there, the ALNAP Lessons Paper 'Responding to earthquakes 2008: Learning from earthquake relief and recovery operations' may prove of use. This paper aims to provide a distillation of the learning from 29 different earthquake responses taking place over thirty years of humanitarian responses. The main intended audiences are operational decision-makers and relief programme managers working in the response to such sudden-onset natural disasters. Download the paper here http://www.alnap.org/pool/files/ALNAPLessonsEarthquakes.pdf

As the worst affected area of Haiti appears to be the heavily populated capital city, Port-au-Prince, the ALNAP Lessons Paper 'Responding to urban disasters: Learning from previous relief and recovery operations' may also be of use. Download the paper here. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

If ALNAP members have any additional resources relevant to this emergency, which they would like to share, please post them in this forum.

Edited by mtutkun (see edit history)

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The Haiti earthquake is really all over the Internet, but I also found some news, that the earthquake wasn't natural ;]

Well, I also think that you can create a lot of different stories on all the news, but still if somebody is interested, here are some links to "conspiracy" ideas ;)


you can find much more on google, even though there are lots of videos on HAARP technology, that it's quite possible and some ideas lets say makes you wonder where is the truth ;)

From books we can learn, that disasters happened quite frequently before all those HAARP technologies and different projects, so it's not something new and something magical.

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Omfg, some people are just idiots.Who would someone want to hit Haiti with an earthquake ? Imho, if someone wants to test these HAARP techniques (whatever they might be), then they'd probably do it in the middle of the ocean (kinda stupid as might cause floods elsewhere) or on an godforsaken island where no harm is done to anyone (but nature itself) ;)

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