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Home Work?

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Should students be made to do home work?


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Should parents be made to make there children do work at home?

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I don't quite get what you mean in this post. Homework helps, but I think the approach to homework should change. I see inroads to make change, but there should be a lot less paper work, but a lot more application. Sure, it won't really work for physics, but I think it will work for English or other science courses. By non-paperwork, I mean like more multimedia projects and more creative application work.xboxrulz

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I reckon it depends almost entirely on the subject in question whether homework's actually useful. The age (and therefore, in theory, the maturity) of the student plays a key part, too. In subjects that are almost entirely practical - Drama, Art, so-called "Design and Technology" - it's difficult, at least in my mind, to set specific homework assignments. As coursework (another fun debate in the UK) makes up a majority of marks in these subjects then I can see why working on that can be a fine replacement for homework (provided it is, of course, monitored).One important aspect of homework - in general - is improving time management. Being able to get work done for a certain deadline is an art form, certainly, especially when it starts piling up. Once in college (in the UK) or high school (I believe that to be the US equivalent), free time during the "school day" is there to do work. The temptation to spend that time doing next to nothing productive is huge (believe me, I know), but learning to use that time to get work done is a valuable skill alone.Homework's there to check understanding of a topic, not to just bore the student. Sure, it's often seen as a chore, but it does let the learning/teaching happen during the school day and the teacher's able to make sure the student grasps the topic by setting a homework assignment on it. Personally, I think that's a pretty good use of resources, with teachers teaching rather than sitting there while the students do the work in the lesson itself. It's useful to have a teacher on hand to ask about any problems that come up as you do the work, but meh.So anyway, as long as homework's set for a reason rather for the sake of giving out X hours of work per week, I quite honestly don't see the problem. I've heard mention of various ideas that involve making the school day longer and having all work done during those hours, but I can't see that being all that beneficial. Once the extra hour or two are up, the students quite simply wouldn't have any incentive to learn time management skills, as they'd have no commitments outside of that time. That might be beneficial to those who have other activities that they enjoy doing, like sport, music, and the like, but I still can't see it working out in the long run.

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Some techniques need hours of training.That's what a lot of homeworks are made for. Pupils need to learn how to read, write and calculate.For instance, addings or mutiplying : you need to sepend a lot of time practicing, in order to ge really trained and be ready for real life.Also most of adults need to write down some text explaining what they want : want a job, ask for recover from unjustified fines, or simply technical report after one technical job. So, all children need to spend a lot of time writing things on a given subject, and being corrected by their teachers.there is no way to avoid that : even doing this in front of a computer remains home work.

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Even tough I always hated it when I had to make it, I do agree that homework is essential. Homework allows students to pratice their skills instead of just waiting in class for the answer to come from a smarter student ;) . Homework also trains other skills as searching for information, working independently or in group, preparing presentations, working in environments filled with distractions (like pcs, toys, books, ... :P ).

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A problem I see in my high school is that teh teachers don't contact each other to see who's giving a lot. Sometimes this works out great, and you get no homework. Other times, you end up having an essay and a book report assigned for the same date. Homework does help understanding, but for most stuff in school, after 40 minutes I have absorbed it completely. I never study. I see homework as a waste of time, especially when it piles up. I end up doing it in my lunch period, especially the math.Please, don't make the parents force us to do the homework. I say I did it all, when in reality I did a quarter or something.And Co-ed public schools are the best. In High school, the opposite sex is on everybody's mind. If you make them seperate, they're more likely to sneak out and do stuff. And Public schools expose you to a large number of different types of people. Different races, different social groups. Private, you only meet people with a lot of money.

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