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Transparency Do/Would you use it?

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Yeah but they dont work in internet explorer, i dont no if they will work in internet explorer seven or not since that has png transparency.

Yes, it works in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, etc. As i know in Firefox you can use moz-opacity or opacity, in Opera you use opacity and in Internet Explorer you use the Alpha filter and i'm not sure if opacity works too.
Best regards,

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Ok, well for opacity, the child elements/content inherit the value also, so therefore your text would be opaque also.
That's good if that is what you want, but you may want to consider the alpha value also.
What's the difference between these two examples:


One uses RGBA and the other opacity. Notice that I am controlling background-color. Since it is only background, the second example will have 100% opaque text, and a 40% transparent background. The first example will have 40% transparent background and text.

*The -webkit-opacity is used to support Safari. opacity is for Mozilla(Gecko) and Opera. filter is for Internet Explorer (Trident).

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I need help with this if anyone has time?
I need to add Transparency to this:

.jspc_core_div{	height:100%; 	width:100%;	float:left;	margin: 0 0 0px 1px; 	overflow: auto;	background: #fff;

Help is much appreciated!

.jspc_core_div{	height:100%; 	width:100%;	float:left;	margin: 0 0 0px 1px; 	overflow: auto;	background: #fff;filter:alpha(opacity=75);-moz-opacity:.75;opacity:.75;}
What it does is to make your class 75% transparent.

Best regards,

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Text box background transparency/opacityTransparencyHi. I don't usually make websites or work with HTML very much, but I've an assignment to make a webpage to compile my research for a project in my media literacy class. I have the thing built and hosted and such, set up with a scrolling text box to display the links. At the moment it's very rough, but I had intended to get the basics set up before adding any real content. I've got most everything ironed out except for one thing. I've got a picture set as the background which I really wanted to faintly show through the background of the text box; I wanted white with an opacity of something like 30%. I've done this before, scrolling text boxes with transparent or semi-transparent backgrounds on photos, used in forums and not permanently affixed on a website. I cannot seem to get it to work this time, and I spent roughly four hours re-writing the code for the text box to try and figure it out last night before I gave up around midnight, and I found a number of websites detailing how to do it--it's not working. I'm probably doing something wrong, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what it is. Can anyone help me out? I'll link the website, so you can see what I mean. You can probably see the html I've been messing with by right clicking and pressing view source.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so much for any help you can give me!-Sen

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