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Dont Do That - Spamming Search Engines

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Spamming Search Engines


Search engines want to provide the most accurate and complete search results they can to their target market.

After all, this is what drives all aspects of their business model. If people have no faith in a search engine, the traffic dries up and the search placement fees as well as advertising fees cease to exist.

Some Internet marketers try various techniques to trick the search

engines into positioning their sites higher in search results.

These tricks do not work with every search engine, and if it is discovered that you are trying to dupe the search engines, some may not list you at all.

Search engines are programmed to detect some of these techniques, and you will be penalized in some way if you are discovered. A few of the search engine tricks pertaining to Web site design are as follows:


Repeating keywords


Some Web sites repeat the same keywords over and over again, by hiding them in the visible HTML, in invisible layers such as the <NOFRAMES> tag, and in your meta-tags.

Repeating keywords over and over again by displaying them at the

bottom of your document after a number of line breaks counts as

well! For example:

…games, games, games, games, video games, games,

games, board games, online games, games, games, games,



This ill-fated technique is called keyword stacking, and it is quite

obvious when a site is doing this.

Its not so obvious cousin is called keyword stuffing, and this is when you exercise the same stacking techniques to aspects of the Web site that should not be optimized, such as spacer images.

A spacer image is used by Web developers for just that—properly spacing items on a page.

It is not good practice to include descriptive text in an Alt tag for a spacer image.


Jamming keywords


If you are displaying keywords in your Web pages using a very small font, then you are jamming keywords.

Why would you even do this unless you were specifically trying to manipulate search results? Don't do it.

This spam technique is called "tiny text."


Hidden text and links


Avoid inserting hidden text and links in your Web site for the purpose of getting in more keywords.

For example, you can hide keywords in your HTML document by making the text color the same as the background color. Another example is

inserting keywords in areas not visible to the end user such as the

hidden layers in style sheets.


Misleading title changes


Making frequent and regular title changes so that the bots think your site is a new site and list you again and again is misleading. In the case of directories, you could change the name of your site just by adding a space, an exclamation mark (!), or "A" as the first character so that you come up first in alphabetical lists.


Page Swapping


This practice involves showing one page to a search engine, but a different one to the end user.

Quite often you find people hijack content from a top-ranking site, insert it on their page to achieve a top ranking, then replace that page with a completely different page when a desired ranking is achieved.


Content Duplication


Say you have one Web page and it is ranking pretty well. You decide it would be nice to improve your ranking, but hey, it would be good to keep your current position too.

You decide to duplicate your page, fine-tune a few things, and call it

something different. You then submit that page to the search engine.

Your ranking improved and now you have two listings.

Not bad! Why not do it again? And so on and so forth.

If you are caught duplicating Web pages you will be penalized. Search engines want to provide unique content, not the same page over and over again.


Domain Spam (Mirrored Sites)


Closely related to content duplication, this is when an entire Web site is replicated (or slightly modified) and placed at a different URL.

This is usually done to dominate search positions and to boost link popularity, but in the end all it does it hurt you when you get caught.

You will get banned for practicing this technique.


Refresh Meta-tag


Have you ever visited a site and then been automatically transported to another page within the site?

This is the result of a refresh meta-tag. This tag is an HTML document that is designed to automatically replace itself with another HTML document after a certain specified period of time,

as defined by the document author—it's like automatic page swapping.

Do not abuse this tag. Additionally, don't use a redirect unless it is absolutely necessary.

A permanent redirect (HTTP 301) can be used to tell the search engines that the page they are looking for has a new home; this tells them to go there to index it.

If you do use a refresh meta-tag to redirect users, then it is

suggested that you set a delay of at least 15 seconds and provide a

link on the new page back to the page they were taken from.

Some businesses use refresh meta-tags to redirect users from a page that is obsolete or no longer there.

Refresh meta-tags also may be used to give an automated slideshow or force a sequence of events as part of a design element.




This technique is similar to page swapping and using the refresh meta-tag in that the intent is to serve search engines one page while the end user is served another.

Don't do it.


Doorway pages


Doorway pages, also known as gateway pages and bridge pages, are pages that lead to your site but are not considered part of your site. Doorway pages are focused pages that lead to your Web site but are tuned to the specific requirements of the search engines.

By having different doorway pages with different names (e.g., indexa.html for AltaVista or indexg.html for Google) for each search engine, you can optimize pages for individual engines.

Unfortunately, because of the need to be ranked high in search engine results and the enormous competition between sites that are trying to get such high listings, doorway pages have become increasingly more popular. Each search engine is different and has different elements in its ranking criteria.

You can see the appeal of doorway pages because developing doorway pages allows you to tailor a page specifically for each search engine and thus achieve optimal results.

Search engines frown upon the use of doorway pages because the intent is obvious—to manipulate rankings in one site's favor with no regard for quality content. Do not use them.




This term means to steal traffic from legitimate Web sites. If someone were to operate a Web site called "Gooogle.com" with the extra "o" or "Yahhoo" with an extra "h," that would be considered cyerb-squatting. Domain squatting is when a company acquires the familiar domain of another company, either because the domain expired or the original company no longer exists.

The new company then uses the familiar domain to promote completely unrelated content. Google, in particular, frowns on cyber-squatting.



Links farms


These are irrelevant linking schemes to boost rankings based on achieving better link popularity.

Having thousands of irrelevant links pointing to your Web site does more damage than good if you get caught! For best results, only pursue links that relate to your Web site and are of interest to your target market.

How do you know if you are spamming a search engine? If the

technique you are employing on your Web site does not offer value to

your end user and is done solely for the intention of boosting your search

engine rankings then you are probably guilty of spam.

Search engines post guidelines for what they consider acceptable


It is advised you read each search engine's policy to ensure you conform to their guidelines.

Thank You





Notice from WeaponX:
Information is completely copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Unless that site is your's or the information is, there should be no need to plagiarize like this...you have been penalized!!!

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That is some good stuff, a couple of them I seen and I think I did back in my early days of web designing, but most of it is really new to me due to the fact I don't really work on search engine optimization at all. But one thing I did notice you left out, or you didn't but change the wording to is google bombing, I believe it falls in line with link farming but to the gooogle search engine and what not. So this is some good info for users to read and be honest in trying to build their websites through the search engines.

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Definitely good advice.You can get away with some of those things with a bit of moderation in mind, but I have known a few people to go way, way, wayyyy overboard.

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This is excellent advice for everyone.Be honest about your site, if you aren't, why should search engines give you a higher ranking? If you want a good search engine ranking, do the right thing, make your site better and worthwhile to see and you'll actually deserve the position.

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This is really a very good post, I haven't seen anything like that, almost, at any other boards yet, I myself was removed from several search engines, by playing with hidden/invisible text and some keywords to get some more traffic, I really did, but after two months, my site didn't list in google or any other site as it used to.. After I understood it, I was at that time 15-16 years old, I removed everything, changed the title a bit and the domain, but not the main content, I still didn't get listed, only got listed again, after I got a top level domain..So I advice you to not cheat, due to you can lose more, you can cheat if you want temporary result, which on the web is usually nothing, moreover, don't try to spam your site by adding it to sites which ads your url to 2000 guestbooks and 2000 free for all links, due to those search engines, isn't as stupid as they were 7 years ago.. rather try to do everything manually with patience and time and you'll get a really good result after 1 year if your site/online service/or something is useful or interesting/informative. B)

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this is definitely a good advice and also each web master must give these points high priority to not be get ignored by the Search engines.

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