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my bios / hardware is not being detected at all! :) :) :( i have a bad problem my bios shows my computer as having no hard drive!every time i boot my pc i need to press f12 and choose boot from hd cause it won't boot from hd automatically!this is really getting me angry. sometimes when i press f12 and choose hd it says no boot devices found! it only works 50% of the time what the hell is the problem! is it my boot.ini? B) sorry soooooooooo much but this sounds like a rant beacause well it kind of is and my computer is sucking majorly at the moment :( :( :(

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You say your BIOS is not being detected at all. But if that were the case then you wouldn't be able to access the Boot device selection menu or see any of the status messages.Make sure your HDD drive is selected as the first boot device on the boot device order menu. I reckon you have got some loose and/or dusty IDE cables inside your CPU which are causing all these trouble. Unplug them and do some cleaning. In worst case scenario you might as well want to change them alltogether.

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like tpms said, make sure the hdd is set as the first device to boot from. A possibility is that your computer boots faster than your hdd can start. Some BIOSes have an option to wait a few seconds before it starts detection the hard drives. Maybe your hdd is wearing out and causes it to spin up slower. The spinup time is usualy recorded using S.M.A.R.T., check these values (there are a lot of free utils that can access the SMART data) and see if everything is still okay.

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How about setting the hard drive specs manually instead of letting the bios automatically check? Also, you haven't specified how old this computer is, and older ones will have different issues than new ones.

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If you still have this problem, I would like to ask a stupid question : can you boot from a CD or from a floppy or from a knoppix live-cd ? What does fdisk say about your disks ?

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If you still have this problem, I would like to ask a stupid question : can you boot from a CD or from a floppy or from a knoppix live-cd ? What does fdisk say about your disks ?

Is not stupid, is only the way that we: "the penguins" think. There are many more variables(circumstances) for us than the normal M$ Windows users.

threesix, this is a blessing! now You have the opportunity of switch to a well done OS. Just boot a Knoppix CD/DVD or Ubuntu, rescue your files from your HD, erase your windows partitions and you are ready to change your life....

More seriously:
If the flat cable is not the problem, then it means that your HD is soon to die. Keep attention to the sound of your disc. If sounds like metal crashing then power-off everything, get a working HD(with enough lifetime) and try to backup CAREFULLY:
- First the most important and bigger folders.
- Second your garbage.
- Third the garbage others provide to you.
- Last, if your HD still lifes, your games and applications you can't or are hardly to download again from Internet.

DON'T try the following before backup!!!!
- Scandisk
- Defrag
- Sort files
- Antivirus Check

Hope this help.

Edited by develCuy (see edit history)

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