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How To Add And Host A Registered Domain To My Account If it is possible?

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Hi, i have a question that i dont know if it is already made, well the situation is this, my brother have its own domain for about 4 years ago but he is not happy with his host server because have a lot of troubles, downtimes, etc. and he wants to change this but not right now.


Lets says that  xyz.com/

is my brother's domain name that is hosted elsewhere and i want to host it temporarily in my hosting account under a folder named xyz or whatever so when a user looks for


xyz.com/ he gets

xyz.com/ and not 



can it is possible to add and host this domain to my hosting account??? is permited to do this????


Best regards

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Yes Tavox this is possible..What you can do is use the Addon domain name button in cpanel.Just follow the steps and it will create the folders that you need with the name that you specify.


Then point http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you will have to change the nameservers over to ns1.astahost.com and ns2.astahost.com


Hope this sorts you out ;) if not did quick search on the forums I think theres more topics regarding this subject.



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And once you do the changes, do not freak out if they changes are not reflected immediately. ;) It takes some time for all the DNS servers to reflect the changes made. So, initially, when you type https://xyz.xyz/ it might go to the old host itself. You may need to wait for about 24 hours for it to reflect.I recently added an addon domain name that I bought to launch another blog. Both are hosted at Xisto hosting account. It took about 2 hours for the DNS servers to be updated with the new domain name pointing to Xisto.

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You may need to wait for about 24 hours for it to reflect.

err.. expect the worst.. some dino age DNS servers takes about 48 hours to reload the cache servers.
so it depends on where you are connected and where you are located..

on one of my domain update, i have manage to add a domain and see the changes in 5 minutes but
on the next domain i got.. it takes me 47 hours to see the changes..


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Thanks everybody, i will try your suggestions later because my brother wants to wait a while first because he is talking right now with his hosting to get a better service, but i think that nothing will happen and finally he will be change his hosting provider.I understand the dns problems that can be generated because of this action but one question, by doing this does he also will loose the access to the other tools that the provider offers, like cpanel and alike?????Best regards,

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I have Microsoft Office Live and think it is the worst thing in the world. Is there a way to point to my Xisto without having to put a redirecting script (as you can't use HTML in Microsoft Office Live)? I suggest that noone get it. Sure it is free but it has poor support, not codeing access what so ever and is very simple for people that have never used HTML before.If you have the same problem but found a way to put frames or page redirection on Microsoft Office Live could you please tell me? That would be really cool.Thank you,Sparkx

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