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Php And Mysql Version.

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Well, I've posted a similar thread about this and what they said in response to it was that no they'll keep the PHP4 version instead of the 5 because most users still use the version 4 of PHP and moving to PHP 5 would cause a lot of the hosted members some problems because of the difference in the coding. I don't know about MySql however but I think they'd also keep that to 4.

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Personally, I don't see any point to move to php5 and mysql5 today, most of the servers still run on php4 and not having several functions and similar can't hurt you, it will only cause more problems as said above.. but if someone really need to have php5, he could find a host, but most having php5 would be paid, but I saw some topics offering hosting and searching for new members by advertising that they have php5 and mysql5 installed, don't know if they are reliable and stuff, but I don't really remember on which forums it was.In addition, I don't think that any of my written php scripts wouldn't work on php5 as I write them to work on 4th and 5th version by adding some extra checking.. Don't know how mysql would react, because I never used or read more about it.. but I think that all the querys should work :P

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In addition, I don't think that any of my written php scripts wouldn't work on php5 as I write them to work on 4th and 5th version by adding some extra checking.. Don't know how mysql would react, because I never used or read more about it.. but I think that all the querys should work :P

bloody hell IE.. it does it again for the 5th time.. i will just edit this one anyway when i logged in again in few hours..
i have reposted this 5 times and still IE messes everything up...

darn IE.. darn M$.. if only I dont have work for asp based websites.. i have never ever pruchased an M$ product..

by the way.. my messed up post was about mySQL4 and mySQL5.. which mySQL4 quries running in mySQL5..
just this IE messes it up and screws everything and lost the data on the fly and bounce everything back up to
my local host...

totally freaked up and busted IE.. i fell sorry for myself for trying to use IE again for 3 years of firefox/opera use..
Edited by vhortex (see edit history)

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Hmmm, just about everything I have written works mostly flawlessly under both PHP5/mySQL5 as well as PHP4/mySQL4........ don't see where the problems are *shrugs*.I just seem to be having one strangle problem that started occuring seemingly out of nowhere hmmm.

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i dont know if for others but for me it would be great, especially because right now i just finish a web application with both of them plus apache 2.0.59 and i for my future developments i still use these development combo.Best regards,

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Hi guys,My friends told me, that the server where he hosting now, can install both PHP4 and PHP5 in same server!!. It sound rocks right?. When he want to use PHP5 feature, he simply named his script to "foo.php5" or edit the .htaccess file.So, in the future may be Xisto can implement the same feature like that!? :P

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bloody hell IE.. it does it again for the 5th time.. i will just edit this one anyway when i logged in again in few hours..i have reposted this 5 times and still IE messes everything up...

i have not logged in for a while and since there are other post.. i think it is better to create a new reply..

for me.. the only thing that i need is the upgrade of mySQL so i can tap into the rich feature of the database. i do transactional databases and the upgrade will ease my life much much better..

on the other hand for the upgrade of php 4 to php 5.. i guess that it wont be a problem on me but i dont need it also.. my codes worked for php 4 and above.. i have recoded my pages so it wont face problems when it is up on the server..

and since i have not update my scripts now and my hosting main folder holds a prebuilt cms.. this can be a problem for me when people view the main folder i have.. i did not write the cms program myself and i am not sure if it will work on the upgrade..

all mySQL quries base on my experience will work regardless with the update..

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