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Hosting Credits System Bug Attention admins please

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I know that what will i type now may be strange, even me i feel strange to say that while i could get my account suspended by that, but i feel that we should protect our lovely free hosting provider Xisto, that what makes me type this.

i was travelling for a while "as always :P " and when i got back, as useual, i found my hosting credits in negative :( ofcourse didn't feel strange, i used to that, anyway, i went to my site, i found it working and that's strange, i'm not even -1.xx or something like that, it's more than 8 points negative, i think there is a bug in the hosting credits system or something wrong which made it like that, i think most of people may use that not to post here and at the same time have thier accounts working already.

we need an admin to fix that please, we need Xisto to go on.

Viva la Xisto


My domain name is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, it's not spamming or advertising, it nearly has nothing already ;) just to let admin know it for more easier work.


this is a copy for my credits before this post if it's still counting:


HOSTING CREDITS : (-)8.32 (Negative)

Your Hosting Credits have Expired. You will need atleast 4 credits to UN-SUSPENDED your hosting Account. Account is UN-suspended only when a user has more than 3 hosting credits. You get credits by making forum posts. After you make the required posts, your hosting account will be active automatically within a few hours.

The Hosting Credits determine the amount of days you can remain inactive. We recommend that you maintain a sufficient amount of hosting credits (more than 10). This will give you enough time, incase you cannot stay active due to any consequences.

PS : Hosting credits depend upon the size and content of the post. The number of posts you make, has no effect on hosting credits you earn. Know more..

ATTENTION : All posts are strictly reviewed. Any member accused of spamming may be banned with an immediate termination of web hosting account (if hosted). Also Check out, Hottest Paid Web Hosting Offer at Xisto - Web Hosting ( partner site ) [ 50mb space @ $10 / YEAR! ]

PS: Paid Accounts are hosted on separate dedicated servers for unmatched performance and uptime!

I'm sure admins will fix it :(

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strange :( Well, I really dont have such experience because I never got suspended. but hey, that's me? maybe there is some bug with script. I hope admins will fix it soon...

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yeah, maybe there is...most of the rest of the xisto sites are running an IPB Version of 2.1.6 (the latest version even though a .8 is coming out soon) and the last time they upgraded Xisto, OpaQue had to completley re-write the credit system, so maybe he hasn't gotten around to changing this one and or it is just a bug in Xisto's credit system, or maybe it hasn't been descovered at Xisto although i doubt it is there because my friends account is at a negative as well and it is not up...

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Are you sure it is even supposed to be automatic? Maybe an Admin or other appropriate staff gets notified of someones account when it go's under (imagine lots of accounts, ouch!).I figured one would have replyed to here by now if they knew what was going on so perhaps not.EDIT: Ooops I see now, the post is pretty new that's why heh heh.

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Something, that came to my attention: When I post something and get credit etc. I will have uneven credit numbers like "8.93" or "10.43", but after a while the part behind the point will change to .62. Doesn't really matter, just strange.And it feels like I get more credits for less now, but hey, I won't complain about this. But earlier in Xisto, I think it was less. Is that true or do my guts have **** for brains?Ruben

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Lol.. nope Chesso. It's surely some problem with the credits system. Normally your account gets suspended once your credit level travels to the -ve zone and gets deleted once it's below -30. All this happens automatically without Admin intervention. Infact even admin intervention cannot stop it from working this way, unless you can convince an admin to stuff your account with enough credits to let the system get you back up and working again.So this has to be some problem with the script.

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Lol.. nope Chesso. It's surely some problem with the credits system. Normally your account gets suspended once your credit level travels to the -ve zone and gets deleted once it's below -30. All this happens automatically without Admin intervention. Infact even admin intervention cannot stop it from working this way, unless you can convince an admin to stuff your account with enough credits to let the system get you back up and working again.
So this has to be some problem with the script.

so, uh, m^e... you want to stuff my account with a few extra credits for "emergency use"?? :( lol, J/K!!

Anyway, that is a strange bug. But I've been in the 3X to 4X credits for the longest time, mostly because I have my company website hosted here on Xisto and I'd look REALLY bad if it ever went down :( but before that, I'd let my credits slip to negitive and find my site showing the "account suspended" page. It could also be a cPanel bug assuming the credits script interacts with WHM... I don't think Apache has been touched so it has to be either the script or cPanel... who knows. But since I don't work for Xisto Corp. or even an admin of Xisto, I couldn't really tell... but it is just a hint from what I know about the industry.


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XIII,Thanks for being so straight forward. I tip my hat to you. Even though you were in danger of being “in trouble” you still done the right thing and let someone know of the bug. This is that makes some parts of the web such a great place to surf.

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I know that what will i type now may be strange, even me i feel strange to say that while i could get my account suspended by that, but i feel that we should protect our lovely free hosting provider Xisto, that what makes me type this.

i was travelling for a while "as always ;) " and when i got back, as useual, i found my hosting credits in negative :P ofcourse didn't feel strange, i used to that, anyway, i went to my site, i found it working and that's strange, i'm not even -1.xx or something like that, it's more than 8 points negative, i think there is a bug in the hosting credits system or something wrong which made it like that, i think most of people may use that not to post here and at the same time have thier accounts working already.

we need an admin to fix that please, we need Xisto to go on.

Viva la Xisto


My domain name is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, it's not spamming or advertising, it nearly has nothing already ;) just to let admin know it for more easier work.


this is a copy for my credits before this post if it's still counting:

I'm sure admins will fix it :(


I didn't post all the last week just to get suspended, and finally i got it, just to check if the matter still on, but no, it's now working well, i'm already suspended now, lol, what a feeling!!!

i was try to resist talking here all the last week just to try it, now it has been done, i can go now continue talking and saying blah blah :(

congratulations admins, system is working again now.



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lol, there's no such thing as a software that is not buggy. I have actually never seen a software that is useful and not buggy.




Don't worry, it was fixed completely, i was suspended already for going into negative, that means that this bug has been fixed already and that was really something i was happy to know, till this end we can say, happy end for this topic...



after i posted some replies and topics and get into positive ranking, i got surprised, it doesn't allow my account to get back and be unsuspended again :(

i tried with everything, noway.

i think this bug is more dangerous than the last one.

i will not act this position again "experments rabbit position"


lol, but despite that and still


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Haha damn man, yeah bugs stil always find their way in, it's really bad when you need to modify/add one thing and it buggers up a heap of other things. Great fun to be had by all lol.Hope things get fixed up for you soon.

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Haha damn man, yeah bugs stil always find their way in, it's really bad when you need to modify/add one thing and it buggers up a heap of other things. Great fun to be had by all lol.
Hope things get fixed up for you soon.

In software development:

Bug Fix (v.) - A fix of one bug that adds many other bugs to the software.

OR just claim the software was still in beta testing and it was just a beta bug :(


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In software development:


Bug Fix (v.) - A fix of one bug that adds many other bugs to the software.


OR just claim the software was still in beta testing and it was just a beta bug :(




LoL, that's right completely, this thing i noticed so much times before in software bugs fixing, all patches and updates come out with bugs in another side in the same software, ofcourse we will never forget microsoft windows lesson, they make a patch for security which makes u unable to excute some innocent files or it prevents media streaming or any other funny thing, then the make a patch to repare that which opens your ports for hackers and welcomes them :(


In fact now everything is ok, the bug was solved already, my account has been activated and now working perfect, just your words woke up that asleep part in my mind, now waiting for the new bug that will appear in the system, checking my databases twice daily and so on... ;)


but i didn't mean to say Xisto is like microsoft or so :P


microsoft sucks, Xisto ROCKS!

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