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Who Uses Gaia Online?

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yea I would like the program cause I have been hacked many times and I am tired of getting my stuff back so yea pm me quicklyUsername: NeverWinterNight II

-reply by Mike


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Hi Hi!Who Uses Gaia Online?I absoulutely love Gaia!! its like my 2nd myspace!! I go on it like everyday so I can talk to my friends!! By the way,does anyone know any fast and easy ways to get Gold,that way I can make my Avi look cute? I just wanna fit in,but I seem to stand out...-reply by ~Melody+Harmony~

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I would like to know how may of you use Gaia Online at http://www.gaiaonline.com/. I came across Gaia by accident when a friend told me about it. I don't really have much interest in such things as I don't have enough time to do the things I want to do as is. My interest was sparked when I signed up for an account and noticed that you get gold every time you move to another page or even refresh the same page. Now we are talking about a site that might interest me.
Of course I had to try it out and the result is a nice little program that I am about to finish up in the next few days. With a little creativity and programming I was able to get a little over 2.2 million gold in under two weeks.

I just want to know how many people here have ever used Gaia and what are your opinions. Also would anyone be interested in making alittle gold on the side?

I thought that this thread might get at least a small reaction, guess not :)

I really do not use Gaiaonline, I do have an account, but will I seldom use it. It does seem like a very nice forum with many posts. I was actually looking at a site that ranked all the forums in the world and which ones had the most posts and members and Gaia Online was on the top of the lists, so that just tells you something about the type of community that the people run over there!

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Gaia User plus info... VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ.Who Uses Gaia Online?I play gaia. I've been playing gaia since 2003 when it was called GoGaia instead of what it is named now; GaiaOnline. I can tell you everything you need to know about Gaia. First off, Webpage refreshers. Webpage refreshers are tools or internet explorers that refresh your page every so often, usually any where from .250 to 30 seconds a refresh. If you use this for gaia, you WILL be banned without any kind of warning. They have moderators on the other end checking all the page clicks and how often a page is refreshed, once they see a user refreshing the page too much they will suspect something and they will check it out, check it out as in they have a system on their internet to see exactly what page you are on, what you click and where your mouse is, very similar to that of a camera. So how do you combat this? Make multiple accounts. Make one Main account and many "refresh" accounts. Wait 3 days, 60 hours, come back and buy the trading pass for every account, the main and "refreshers". Next log onto a refresher account and use the refresher. Use the refresher for as long as desired, use it while you sleep or away for work. Then when you come back from work or sleep, immediately Trade the gold from your refresher account into your Main Account. Continue this until you are finally banned from that account. Then just switch to one of the other "refresher" accounts I told you to make as well then repeat this. However you just will not make 2.2 mil in 2 weeks. I don't know what your smoking, but the most youll make in 2 weeks is 20K to 30K at the most. There are other ways to make gold. The most effective way I found is something called Phishing. Phishing is trying to get someones password through messages and stuff, basically you trick them into giving you their password. A hacker is the correct term to use here. A lot of people have a keen eye to hacking, and know when you are trying to hack them. They will even say It won't work and that everyone thinks you are a fool for even trying, however it does work. I make over 10 million a day doing this on a good day. All you do is message somebody who doesnt look like a "noob", and create a message giving them a good reason to give you your password, then you just log on. Trade the items and cash to your account then log off, that easy. However it is very easy to get caught, there fore be prepared to making MANY accounts and Make a new Main account as well. DO NOT trade directly from the hacked account to your main account. And DO NOT hold onto too many items, sell them on marketplace as fast as you can. Because this is very risky, you must always be prepared to cover your tracks, the trade history cannot be deleted from accounts. This is why I said make multiple accounts to trade through multiple times before you can actually put the items and gold on your main account. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, DO NOT EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE TAKE THE GAIA CASH, ONLY THE GAIA GOLD. JUST TRUST ME YOU WILL SERIOUSLY REGRET IT.


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