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Hosting Credits

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Pftt! I come everyday to this site and post up but everytime i view my hosting credits it gets lower and lower everytime i click on something. It's like a hustle to stay above the 10 mark. I'm about to be off for spring break and Im nervous that I will come back and credits will be in a negative range.

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I think the credits go down .01 credits every 14-15 minutes. But it's notthat hard to stay above ten credits. I'm usually under ten credits because I only post every 2-3 days, but I post 2-3 posts every 2-3 days, so my credits are never really in danger unless I'm on vacation or something.

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then post a lot more when you go on that trip :)i think hosting credits is a more oragnized way to make people post more, but i kinda think it gets annoying when you're too busy to post. Maybe the admins should increase the amounts of points you get per character in a post. But it's really no different from the old system. You'll just need to post more often

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Well if one day has 100 cents of hosting credits and a day has 3600 minutes, means you lost 0.01 hosting credits per 36 minutes. If my calculations are correct this means 3600 minutes divided by 100 cents of hosting credits = 36 minutes. I like this kind of organized hosting system which is very fair. I never have had any problems with it. I think good margin is to have 30 days hosting credits and then you post every day 1-2 posts to keep your credits refreshed.Best regards.

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yeah...it's kind of bugging me a bit too. Often i see it low, and try to post more, but it hardly goes up! I realise though that this is the best wa to keep us in check. But maybe they should increase the credit we gain by posting one character. To be honest, it becomes harder and harder to find a topic to reply to... :-(just a thought.

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OK, the amount of posts you make does not affect the amount of hosting credits you receive. If you post quality posts and put some reasoning behind what you are trying to express your hosting credits will go up by more than 1. A one liner or "Yes, lol I agree..." is the same as 0 (zero) hosting credits.If you put some reasonng behind your reply and answer with full sentences you will not only be a better typist and more proficient in the english language. :) It will also add the hosting credits at a higher number and you can receive up to 2 to 5 hosting credits for a good post. Then on the other hand, the downfall is the members who "cut & paste" from other sources when they lose more hosting credits than they gained by posting it.We use "Plagiarism-Finder" a tool used in colleges to find plagiarised work by students. It works just as great when it comes to find articles cut and pasted here.(btw, a post like the one I just made will give from 1.5 to 2.5 hosting credits as long as it's not posted in a topic with no post count)Nils

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I believe the system works like this:If your credits are below 1, you get 1 credit per 200 characters in the post.If your credits are between 1 and 10, you get 1 credit per 300 characters in the post.If your credits are between 10 and 100, you get 1 credit per 600 characters.If your credits are between 100 and 1000, you get 1 credit per 900 characters.And so on. It's pretty hard to get 10000 credits, so I don't think anyone will need to suffer against the 1/1500 credit ratio...The character count does not count any BBCode, spaces, punctuation marks, or line returns.Admins or moderators, tell me if this is wrong.

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No idea if you are correct or not.The details of the Credit script are known to very few people. Opaque, of course, knows the criteria, and possibly Vujsa, but the parameters are not public.Basically, you are correct in that the more (or less) credits you have, the less (or more) credits a posting will earn. Other than that, you will need to continue researching the matter, but none of the Mods are aware of the actual details.

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So why do you think the script is unknown to so many people? Are they afraid that people will exploit it?I did a calculation while I had 30-something credits. The mods say that the script works logarithmically, so I'm thinking that it works by powers of 10.The calculation went like this:Number of characters in post: 327 (394 total chars - 67 words, to exclude spaces)Credits earned: 0.55Credit ratio: 327 / 0.55 = 594.5454545454545Which is close enough to 600 (ε = 0.01) for me to round it, since I'm pretty sure the admins would choose a round number like 600.I'll do another one once I get to about 105 credits. I don't only post for hosting, you know!

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Hm... that's kinda interesting that so few people know the actual code for credits... Anyway, i think it's a fair system, it just bothers me when I'm busy and I don't really feel like posting, but, hey, Xisto is great hosting and it's worth it.

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Just a suggestion regardless of how the credit system works. If you are worried about your site going down because you are on vacation and can afford $10, you can buy 6 months worth of credits HERE.

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OK, the amount of posts you make does not affect the amount of hosting credits you receive. If you post quality posts and put some reasoning behind what you are trying to express your hosting credits will go up by more than 1. A one liner or "Yes, lol I agree..." is the same as 0 (zero) hosting credits.
If you put some reasonng behind your reply and answer with full sentences you will not only be a better typist and more proficient in the english language. :P It will also add the hosting credits at a higher number and you can receive up to 2 to 5 hosting credits for a good post. Then on the other hand, the downfall is the members who "cut & paste" from other sources when they lose more hosting credits than they gained by posting it.

We use "Plagiarism-Finder" a tool used in colleges to find plagiarised work by students. It works just as great when it comes to find articles cut and pasted here.

(btw, a post like the one I just made will give from 1.5 to 2.5 hosting credits as long as it's not posted in a topic with no post count)


Yeap. I gotta agree to this. Just practise typing long sentences and eventually it'll become a habit. Take time to post a little longer, compose your thoughts, construct good sentences and type out a nice, long response. Pretend that you're writing an essay or conversing with an academician. You don't want to make yourself look like a fool for using bad language or speaking bad grammar.

I believe that the system here deducts 1 credit per day. So, like I said, just find a topic here, post an extremely long, good reply and I don't see any reason why you won't be able to keep your hosting account up and running. It takes patience, and a little bit of hard work, but it pays off.

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