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Life Without A Computer is it possible?

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so i've been posting and reading things on this. what do you guys think. can we really live without computers? i know i CANT lol. i just think about how long im really on my computer and how long i'd LIKE to be on my computer. i swear i do EVERYTHING on my computer: talk to people, surf, play games, reports, research(duh lol) and such. i just cant think about how much technology advanced in the 16 years i've been alive and how much its going to advance in the next couple years. what do you think were gonna start seeing? and what about this Internet-2 thats been the buzz around the internet. can anyone provide more of an explanation somewhere?

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I've heard of Internet-2, and I don't remember, but I don't think it really is the same as the Internet. I think it's just used as some form of testing environment with high-speed LAN. There is no way Internet 2 will replace the Internet.I don't know if I'd survive without a computer. I think that the first months would be agonizing, but I might get used to it after one year. It'd be easier to live through it stranded on an island, though. Living with civilizations would tempt me back to the computer world.

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My parents tried restricting my access to computers a while ago and I couldn't stand it, but I eventually got used to it. I couldn't survive a total withdrawl from computers, though. I'd die!World economies, communications, and other stuff I can't think of depend on computers. If they suddenly dissapeared, I couldn't imagine what would happen... (Nor would I want to :( )Just my random thoughts on this.....- AlPal

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I definately could not survive without computers. My dad is always yelling at me to get a life and go out with my friends. Well when friends are busy and they have to stay home its still possible to talk to them. He should buy happy that I am not raising the phonebill by talking to them on the phone. Computers are one of the most useful tools there are. You can basically do anything on one. It is like a book with every single piece of information you could ever need. Plus, it serves as entertainment and a communication tool. I wish he could understand just how important they are. :(

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AHHHHHHH......Life without a computer I could not go on OMG, I can;t even bear to think about it no Instant Messengers, I use 4 of them by the way I just couldn't take it and evne though I have a social life I still love going online and checking the Forums, newest info on games, and Deviant Art, what would happen to thoughs poor people ghee, and all that art would be gone it would be a sad, sad world without a computers.... :(

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Life without a computer is quite possible. Numerous people in third world countries have no access to computers. But for anyone who has ever been able to use a computer, I think it would be impossible for them to live without a computer.

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I couln't live without a computer (at least, I wouldn't want to). But also a computer without internet access is almost just as bad! Four of the five applications I use most, Safari (browser), Mail (email client), Adium (IM client), Cyber Duck (FTP Client), Taco HTML Edit, all need to require internet access to be useful. The only one that doesn't use the internet is Taco HTML Edit, but what's the point of web design if you can't use the internet?People used to be able to live without computers, then they started to rely on them. Computers used to work fine before the Internet, now they need it.

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I didn't own a computer for all of my first year of university and half of my second. It's possible, but requires some ingenuity to work around. I had to use campus computer labs for typing up my projects and lab reports, which meant I had to be really organized to get things done during computer lab hours. Of course, this was before I had msn, or posted on internet forums, so the only websites I went to were for checking my email (every few days) or checking course websites. In terms of going completely without using any computers, I've done that before too. It's hardest right at the beginning, but once you get used to it, it's not that bad at all. I found that I spent more time outside, or doing things like playing piano or cooking interesting things, just generally doing the things I like to do, but forget that I like to do them when I'm spending time online.

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First time I've got a computer, I realised that the real world is not interesting for me anymore. I played games, used variuos programs, like photoshop, word, excel just for fun, like a little chicd a toy. After few years, when my computer became old and I couldn't play newer games anymore, I found it to be boring for me...BUT when I've got my first Internet connection (it was shared with 4 other people in LAN), I realised, that computer maniac (it was me :D) was back. Internet has no limits, and I played with it at first. I enjoyed entering random URLs in address bar and seeing a web page opening :( After that, I found mIRC somehow. And Counter-Strike too :)It was old 1.5 version, worked laggy on my PC... Anyway, many sleepless nights were waiting for me again...When internet wasn't working or just got borried, I played with my firends in LAN. we tried out almost everything: shooting, strategy, racing, arcade, etc. But my computer was old at that time and it got borried again. Then I've got new computer, whick could run every game (maybe not at best graphics, but all the games were working perfectly). The most of my time I was spending playing Counter-Strike, becouse it worked at 100fps (with old one PC only 10-20fps - tragedy...).About a month ago I stopped playing CS, becouse it was taking too much time from me, and I began to live in other, 3D world. So I'm back to the real one. No more gaming, just working: learning scripting, programing, earning money online, etc.Now I could live without computer, but why should I do so? Computer is not forbiden :D

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If the internet were to suddently crash right now, we would all die. Everything from our Atomic Weapons to the cash register would not function, causing our encomony to crash. Any country can attack us and we would have to take time changing everything to make it right. Video Games and Movies would be harder to make and edit. And, you would not be able to talk with people and get help on the web.I would live, since the Internet is not very important. It would take a long time to get use to, but soon enough I would get use to it. I could find many other ways to have fun, like play games and watch T.V.

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I think I can live without a computer, but I cant leave without the Internet. Much of my activities in front of the computer revolve around the Internet; without the Internet, I cant check my emails, keep up to date with my discussion groups, know what's going on in the blogosphere, maintain my website, and so on.

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Well, if my parents took off my account, I don't think I would survive it, neither they did. :( I just can't live without a computer, I use it for everything i can; homework, getting information, games etc. I already almost die when we go on holiday because my parents don't allow me to take a computer with me (bit hard, we only have 1 laptop, a P100 with Windows 98 (that i installed btw by myself :D ) , about 4GB and no internet :D. Since we have a new computer (about 1 1/2 year ago) I play a lot of games and now we also have ADSL i can finaly play online games, I especialy like RuneScape and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Because I played to much my parents gave me a time limit, 2 hours a day *sniff*, my dad still have a hell of a pain in his leg, i don't gonna tell you why.

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Yes, a life without a computer would be a life without oxygen.. Pathetic, huh?I mostly use my computer to draw and play games and, of course, for internet access. With that order. Drawing is essential to me, so it’s drawing programs I cannot live without. I have grown a little tired of gaming those past few months, so internet will come to second place of my PC priorities. However I can get internet out of home too, but it’s a little hard to draw or play anything when I’m not comfortable at home.

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Yes, a life without a computer is possible. Look at all those poor saps who lived before the computer was invented :) . However, life without a computer would be very unpleasant, and very different. We'd have very simple automobiles, simple machinery, simple aircraft, and we'd still be using dial-in telephones. Definitely no space flight. Not to mention the abacus would be used in place of the calculator...My point is that without computers, life would be pretty primative, but not entirely unlivable.-Kyle

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Aye yes. Life without a computer is indeed possible but now, in the age of such great technology we ask ourself: do we ever WANT to live without a computer? lol. As I read these posts I see alot of feedback and I thought I would reply again. I think everyone should be made availiable to a computer. We live in such an age of technology that computers shouldnt cost $500+. And the internet is a wide source of fun and information. I will bet if every child had access to the internet, test scores and grades would slightly rise. And now all these computer classes in schools and such, proves we live in the age of computers. We will only invent more knowledgeable and ingenious tools thruout the century.

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