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Can't Login To Cpanel Or Email

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I can't login to cPanel or fetch my email. I however can login with SSH. Today I also got email saying that I have used over 100% of my space which is not true.What's going on?

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As far as I can tell, you ran out of credits. I checked and you have 4 credits now. I think that should be enough (perhaps you need a lil more) to have your site reactivated. A script runs every hour, so it should go automatically.As for the email, I don't know about the amount of space you've used so far, nor can I see that info. Only an admin can see that I believe. Sorry that I can't help you much more than this.

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I have the same problem.....Cannot login ot cpanel and cannot access FTP as well..But my website works just fine....still can upload image and update my website...What cause this problem??? is this my problem or the server's problem??

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I also cannot access my cPanel or FTP to my site.I had just accessed my cPanel 12 hours ago and it was just fine.There must be something wrong, I have not changed my password and I still have 7+ credits. My site is still up and is running just fine.I would relly like to post some updates to my site!

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I have the same issues as everyone else. There was a server issue or something, I don't know exactly what happened, but the gist of it is that the passwords don't work anymore. Nils or m^e can't fix it, it's something OpaQue will have to do. So please have patience and he'll fix it asap.

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I am having the same problem. I am trying to log into my cPanel so that I can do somethings for my website but everytime I try to log in it says that my password is not correct. :P What is going on??? (Before anyone asks, I know that my password is correct) :P

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heh.. same for me... as far as I know only main (cPanel and ftp) passwords are affected, since through I can get to ftp through users that I created earlier... Hope this would be fixed quick :P

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I have the same problem.....

Cannot login ot cpanel and cannot access FTP as well..

But my website works just fine....still can upload image and update my website...


What cause this problem???

is this my problem or the server's problem??


Yeah, I can't login to cpanel or my ftp client either. It must be a server problem. Anyways, hope everything is fixed soon. By the way, how can you "still can upload image and update my website" if you can't access ftp or cpanel??? Are you using a php script like php nuke or xoops because in that case you still could update your site. :P

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Yeah, I can't login to cpanel or my ftp client either. It must be a server problem. Anyways, hope everything is fixed soon. By the way, how can you "still can upload image and update my website" if you can't access ftp or cpanel??? Are you using a php script like php nuke or xoops because in that case you still could update your site. :P


Yes, you are partly right. :P

I use drupal for my website...and a upload plugin was installed.

and HTMLarea plugin was installed as well.

The images were upload via HTMLarea..

I feel that I am very lucky.

I still can update my site since people, who has login problem, cannot.


HTMLArea is writen by JAVA, not php... :P

Thats why I said partly right... :P

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Problem was fixed...After a night, now, FTP and Cpanel both work fine...I can upload my files again.Thank you for you guys fixing the problem..I have to sadi Xisto's service is so greate, and it is free....:P

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Spoilt brats!Now everything you use at some point give you trouble right? Now things happen and like moonwitch said a long time ago that something was wrong. So why all the fussing and so many chiming in to state that oh my site is not working.Even paid services have down time so all it need is a little patience.

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