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Science Is A Good Servant But A Bad Master An essay i wrote.

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Since ancient times man has been in the eternal quest for knowledge and information. Due to this thirst of his he has gained knowledge in diverse fields. The most colossal field of science. During the ancient times man's wants and cravings were very less but when these started growing man began conceiving new ideas. These ideas soon turned into reality. Sometimes he was fortunate but the rest of his attempts were in vain. But man because of his immense ardor and courage began accomplishing great tasks that would benefit mankind for the rest of eternity. Through science man has miraculous inventions. Science today has made its presence felt in every field of life. In the field of transport, man has made advancements in leaps and bounds. Evidently the first boat on earth was present even before the birth of Christ. The major invention was the wheel apart from the usual cars, ships, trains, planes etc. These have evolved into the current forms that are seen today.
Science has also made communications simpler and faster. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, he probably had no idea that it be so revolutionizing. When Charles Babbage thought about the computer he too might not have foreseen it to dominate every other part of life. The telephone and the computer have given us the internet which has given us the e-mail. Also video-conferencing has made it possible for a doctor in one part of the world to instruct his patient's surgery in another part of the world.
Space travel is now a reality with Yuri Gagarin being the first man to enter the huge vacuum. And now with telescopes being made we see the ends of space.
In the field of medicine science has given us life in the form of death combating medicines. This has increased the average life of human being by many years.
Electricity, Science's boon to mankind. Electricity is something that we cannot do without. Electricity powers our lights, fans, computers, refrigerators, TV's. It charges our mobile phones and other gadgets.
Science has also give us what the current education system cannot do without. Paper. Paper is the basic need of the education system. Books, Question papers, RĂŠsumĂŠ's, everything needs paper. The world needs paper.
Science has given us a host of other advantages. It has helped in the field of irrigation, sports, real estate...... and so on. The advantages of science are many.
"But like everything science too has it's drawbacks, it's limitations"
The cars, planes, trains, ships have taken millions of lives since inception. The injuries caused are almost ten times more. The death toll increases daily. In such circumstances there hardly lies any room for error. But we are humans and it is in our nature to err. Most of these accidents are due to human lapse. Cases of drunken driving are often reported. Wrong signals have been given to trains. Airplane engines have failed in mid-air. Ships have been marooned at sea. Ships carrying oil have sunk causing calamities and killing marine lives.
The computer might make work easier but it is also a pain in the... well lets say back. Most computer users do not have the correct posture and this leads to pain in the back, wrist, neck etc. The internet and e-mail are used to transmit deadly virii that can destroy your data, corrupt your files, steal your private information and put it up for the world to see.
Space travel is tedious and also risky with space shuttles crashing ,killing people and causing millions of dollars of damage.
Medicines have increased the life span of a human being and this leads to over-population. The problem of drugs is only a part of the whole picture. Taking spurious medicines is like taking poison.
Electrical energy is good and useful as long as it flows in our appliances. Once it flows in places that are not meant for it, it wreaks havoc. Eg. Our bodies. Electrical shocks play their own deadly role in the death game. Lots of damage can be caused by fires. Anything from faulty wiring to a short circuit can cause this. Today we have also become very dependent on electricity. If the electricity goes it's as if we have lost the light of our lives.(Pun unintended). Not only do we lose our light's but we are hampered. We cant sit on the computer, use the electric razor, watch TV, wash our clothes, iron them. Electricity is a very powerful force. And such a force can be a bad master.
Paper though used for the propagation of education razes our trees to the ground. This in the long run causes many environmental problems like global warming etc.
One of the most destructive force that science has given us is the bomb. There are many forms of a bomb, from a simple firecracker to a full fledged nuclear bomb. It is a force capable of wiping out a country within minutes. One of the display of it's sheer power is well Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the effects of which can be seen for generations as physical deformities in people.
Science is a world in itself, fascinating, dark, huge, unexplored. Science can be used for the good of all if used. A common chain linking everything above is the human factor. The role of humans in this is the most important of all and if anything goes wrong, we can only blame ourselves, I mean they haven't discovered any green aliens for us to blame have they?? Science when improperly used can be molded into a potent force capable of wiping out life and its traces of the surface of earth. Think about it.... we all have a role to play.

Ps:- If anybody feels that this is for credits, then by all means delete it!!
Edited by yordan
Quoted the text copied from http://www.allfreeessays.com/essays/Science-Good-Servant-But-Bad-Master/19916.html (see edit history)

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Since ancient times man has been in the eternal quest for knowledge and information. Due to this thirst of his he has gained knowledge in diverse fields. The most colossal field of science. During the ancient times man's wants and cravings were very less but when these started growing man began conceiving new ideas. These ideas soon turned into reality. Sometimes he was fortunate but the rest of his attempts were in vain. But man because of his immense ardor and courage began accomplishing great tasks that would benefit mankind for the rest of eternity. Through science man has miraculous inventions. Science today has made its presence felt in every field of life.

    In the field of transport, man has made advancements in leaps and bounds. Evidently the first boat on earth was present even before the birth of Christ. The major invention was the wheel apart from the usual cars, ships, trains, planes etc. These have evolved into the current forms that are seen today.

    Science has also made communications simpler and faster. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, he probably had no idea that it be so revolutionizing. When Charles Babbage thought about the computer he too might not have foreseen it to dominate every other part of life. The telephone and the computer have given us the internet which has given us the e-mail. Also video-conferencing has made it possible for a doctor in one part of the world to instruct his patient's surgery in another part of the world.

    Space travel is now a reality with Yuri Gagarin being the first man to enter the huge vacuum. And now with telescopes being made we see the ends of space.

    In the field of medicine science has given us life in the form of death combating medicines. This has increased the average life of human being by many years.

    Electricity, Science's boon to mankind. Electricity is something that we cannot do without. Electricity powers our lights, fans, computers, refrigerators, TV's. It charges our mobile phones and other gadgets.

    Science has also give us what the current education system cannot do without. Paper. Paper is the basic need of the education system. Books, Question papers, RĂŠsumĂŠ's, everything needs paper. The world needs paper.

    Science has given us a host of other advantages. It has helped in the field of irrigation, sports, real estate...... and so on. The advantages of science are many.

"But like everything science too has it's drawbacks, it's limitations"

    The cars, planes, trains, ships have taken millions of lives since inception. The injuries caused are almost ten times more. The death toll increases daily. In such circumstances there hardly lies any room for error. But we are humans and it is in our nature to err. Most of these accidents are due to human lapse. Cases of drunken driving are often reported. Wrong signals have been given to trains. Airplane engines have failed in mid-air. Ships have been marooned at sea. Ships carrying oil have sunk causing calamities and killing marine lives.

    The computer might make work easier but it is also a pain in the... well lets say back. Most computer users do not have the correct posture and this leads to pain in the back, wrist, neck etc. The internet and e-mail are used to transmit deadly virii that can destroy your data, corrupt your files, steal your private information and put it up for the world to see.

    Space travel is tedious and also risky with space shuttles crashing ,killing people and causing millions of dollars of damage.

    Medicines have increased the life span of a human being and this leads to over-population.  The problem of drugs is only a part of the whole picture. Taking spurious medicines is like taking poison.

    Electrical energy is good and useful as long as it flows in our appliances. Once it flows in places that are not meant for it, it wreaks havoc. Eg. Our bodies. Electrical shocks play their own deadly role in the death game. Lots of damage can be caused by fires. Anything from faulty wiring to a short circuit can cause this. Today we have also become very dependent on electricity. If the electricity goes it's as if we have lost the light of our lives.(Pun unintended). Not only do we lose our light's but we are hampered. We cant sit on the computer, use the electric razor, watch TV, wash our clothes, iron them. Electricity is a very powerful force. And such a force can be a bad master.

    Paper though used for the propagation of education razes our trees to the ground. This in the long run causes many environmental problems like global warming etc.

    One of the most destructive force that science has given us is the bomb. There are many forms of a bomb, from a simple firecracker to a full fledged nuclear bomb. It is a force capable of wiping out a country within minutes. One of the display of it's sheer power is well Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the effects of which can be seen for generations as physical deformities in people.

    Science is a world in itself, fascinating, dark, huge, unexplored. Science can be used for the good of all if used. A common chain linking everything above is the human factor. The role of humans in this is the most important of all and if anything goes wrong, we can only blame ourselves, I mean they haven't discovered any green aliens for us to blame have they?? Science when improperly used can be molded into a potent force capable of wiping out life and its traces of the surface of earth.  Think about it.... we all have a role to play. 


Ps:- If anybody feels that this is for credits, then by all means delete it!!



The title of your post drew me in and I actually read every word for your essay. Is this for school or just for fun? My guess is that it's just for fun, as the grammar is casual and easy to read. I found the essay to be very interesting. I always hear people complaining about how technology is destroying us.


<begin example>This girl at my school was talking about how the mother earth's blood is oil, and she needs her blood just like we do. For us to use technology to drill out her blood is killing this mother earth, and the girl argued that there will be destruction in the future. Many people use technology only for profit. </end example>


I think that it is scary that we have atom bombs. I really think that all nations should destroy the atom bombs and only use nuclear technology for medicine.


I never thought of the world population "problem" being caused by medicine making the life span longer, but I suppose that's true. It's a very interesting point.


Thanks for your insightful post!!!

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Dear lesmizzie,The esay had been typed for my website. I thought if i'd put it here i would me able to get some insights of other people. I believe every word that i wrote and i mean it when i say medicine has played it's part in the over-population today. Regarding your schoolmates point, the more i think about it the more it seems to be true. Hope this can generate some interest in our environment and we can save it for our children. P.S.:- Thanks for reding the entire thing. I've written a few more articles which will be available on my site soon.Cheers :P

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that was a very interesting essay. i enjoyed it quite a bit. i love technology but i also yern for a more simplistic style of life. with all these advances, like in weaponry, come more dangers. this thing that said life on other planets in our galaxy and universe are extremely possible, probably more likely than not. but by the time that our species become advance enough to contact other human life, our weapons and greed lead us to destroy eachother. we need to learn a balance, but unfortunatly i dont think i will be seeing it in my life time. i'm only 18 too.

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I am glad you are trying to be deep and all, but honesty its a known fact that mankind will be doomed by their own destruction... Now I do agree with you that technology could be bad, but in reality it is much more helpful as well... We've got to learned so much about life on earth due to technology.. Eventually mother earth is going to destroy herself with natural disaster world wide, but not anytime near our life-span, our childrens' life-span, and perhaps not even our grandchildrens' lifespan... It is something we are concern about, and there are researches to make human habitat less harsh for mother earth (obviously not what we want, but itll happen)... Yes, atom bombs, etc... shouldnt have been discovered, its insanely dangerous; but honestly, without the atomic bomb, Japan might've conquerred America... We would now be called New Japan or something... Like they say, everything happens for a reason, and the atom bomb was invented for a reason.. Now to mention that nuclear warfare is possible, I doubt that very much so... By starting a nuclear war, everybody would begin to shoot their missile heads and destroy their enemies: all we'll end up is an exploded earth in minutes.... Now, politicians are smart... theyre not going to sacrifice themselves and their family and friends; hence, nuclear warfare is impossible.. Unless every ruler and politicians of every countries have a death wish at the same time... Now why would they do that if they hold the power and the money?? They will not!!!In regards to computer... people should hold themselves more accountable... your back is your own thing, yes you sit on your chair too long and your back is screwed, but thats on you... who told you to sit there and never stand up for a stretch or anything? Or maybe just stand the whole damn time... Anyways, when it comes down to it, computer has contribute to our world in so many ways... you would not be able to do anything, from calling your family out of state to even use your toilet paper (tp's are made by machines ran by computers)...Nakul... you sound like a person that is concern about the earth... and you have two choices... get out there and find a solution to heal mother earth or continue with your argument and not use technology at all... Finally, everything in this world is dangerous... Lighting is dangerous and its not from our technologies... It happens often, you just never hear about it cuz its too common to be on the news... everything has a risk... now I believe we all weighed out the pros and the cons, and the reason technology is still around is because positives are many more than the negatives... But all and all.. nice essay... let us know what grade you got for that...

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It's a pretty good essay, quite realisitic in my opinion.ASR, by the time the nukes were deployed in Japan, she was already on the verge to being defeated. But the Japanese leaders were arrogant and didn't surrender. And US mililitary commanders figure that trying to assult Japan itself would cost ALOT of lives, so they nuked Japan.Anyway, thats the problem with technology, wars are usually the fastest way to discover new technology.

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I agree with all you say there are lots of angles to look at technology and the way is growing, I mean technology is our worst enemy yet our best friend(What I thought you were trying to say in your essay) But yea I do feel the same way about technology. But you see we are all taking a risk trusting computers everyday but the american public is willing to take this risk.. So to me is all about risk. Like Glockmeister said we nuked japan, But we didn't know what was to happen if we did, nuke japan it was suspossed to show us what would happen, the US didn't know the effects would last to today.. So just to prove my point, technology is a risk, just like going outside or driving a car.

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The US probably knew what they had on their hands...
I think Albert Einstein said something like this.
"If their is a third world war it would be fought with nuclear weapons but the fourth would be fought with sticks and stones"

In regards to computer... people should hold themselves more accountable... your back is your own thing, yes you sit on your chair too long and your back is screwed, but thats on you... who told you to sit there and never stand up for a stretch or anything? Or maybe just stand the whole damn time... Anyways, when it comes down to it, computer has contribute to our world in so many ways... you would not be able to do anything, from calling your family out of state to even use your toilet paper (tp's are made by machines ran by computers)...

My point about computers or even the entire essay is the overdependance we have built on them. We need to sit..we've made it a habit and a neccesity. I think that's the root of all problems we face today.

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that was a very interesting essay. i enjoyed it quite a bit.


i love technology but i also yern for a more simplistic style of life. with all these advances, like in weaponry, come more dangers.


this thing that said life on other planets in our galaxy and universe are extremely possible, probably more likely than not. but by the time that our species become advance enough to contact other human life, our weapons and greed lead us to destroy eachother. we need to learn a balance, but unfortunatly i dont think i will be seeing it in my life time. i'm only 18 too.


The essay makes a good point, the as joy of our sucesses becomes greater so does the agony of defeat. Quite frankly I belive mankind has over-extended its tecnological nessesity. peoples lives although broad and interesting have become over-complex and frustrating as well. I too would much rather live in a time where man toiled in the feild to feed himself and his family than the time where man toils in the office to pay for gas, electicity, cell phones, newcars, morgatges... but I'm afraid we can never go back. If I may offer some criticizm I found the introduction somewhat boring, the first line seemed over-used, as a result I wound up skimming through most of the introduction. I dunno, just my thoughts.

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Great essay, it is nice to read something that is easily understood.  I read your entire essay and l think your pretty right on the button.  I wasn't writing or even thinking about anything like that at your age. Well done.

-reply by Susan

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A great article under a great title. You have enlightened an important fact that technology has become so advanced nowadays that it is now a sort of master and we are the slaves. There is no comparison of strength of a human and that of a machine with advanced technology. The nuclear power is the worst of all as far as it is in the shape of atom bomb.

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Very interesting reading.Sometimes when watch movies about ancient times, I may think-- wouldn't it be better if I lived in that time?If God send me to old time without changing my personality, probably I would feel happier than live in modern time.I don't really need most of junks in our time. The only thing I might miss is the internet.

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I really like your essay, it shows a lot of wisdom on your side and has several interesting points that are rarely brought up. Personally I am all for the development and advancement of science and technology, but only as long as we don't become dependant on it. It's when we are no longer capable of producing our own food, building our own homes and surviving as a species without medical advancements that we are truly slaves to science.

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A very well thought statement regarding Science.Science is I think both a servant and a master at different stages of our life. In initial stages we tend to become the master of science since Science is somewhere a genesis of human mind.So we build a notion in our brain that its we who are actual master of Science.Though Science is interpreting the laws of nature and harnessing it according to our need. But then all of a sudden when we get ourselves so much used to it in our day to day life that we tend to become paralyzed without having it around. Any new technology comes knocking our door to say hello I am here to woo you and serve you but then we end up becoming a slave of it.It seems that Ray Bradbury's imagination in a novel about a robot is a good instance,where he is telling about a robot a husband used to keep inside his home to entertain his wife so that she can pass her time well but then the robot falls in love with his wife. Another good instance is computer viruses. We create computer viruses to cripple other's machine in the world of internet.And then we find these viruses render our machines to go in a direction where we find it difficult to control it.So undoubtedly we can imagine of a new world where things made by us will govern us.

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I could add to the topic, that if in the past Religion was something to explain the purpose of our life and how we need to live that life and more serious things, today it seems that Science took that role, because when you think about it you could compare Religion and Science. Today Science talk a lot about things they don't know, they say: it's like that and that and you need to believe in it just like in a Religion.A scientist says that our universe is endless or a black hole works like that and that, but it's just a theory, one hypothesis of many and etc. And people needs to believe that. In religion, in the past, it was like that to, you need to believe in something what was told by somebody, now most of us needs to believe in science even though they could be totally wrong, but most of the things are told as true and not false statements.Well, I think I told my view point, if physics work like that in our scope, it might work differently in another scope, but if a scientist says it's like that, you better believe him, as their given evidence is always acceptable, but it's like that. Same with History, from several facts, sometimes it seems that historians interpret that and that and create a fact which you need to believe that it was like that, but in many considerations, THEY DON"T KNOW ANYTHING AT ALL, they guess and say that it's the truth :DNevertheless, facts like world is round and not flat is a good fact and I can believe in it, but when scientists start talking about things they don't know or can't even check, it's some kind of a religion for me in which you need to believe. But if looking at science with open mind, it's quite fun and interesting to explore all those considerations, but Science should not become a Religion and some things could be told differently.

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