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Clicksor Pay Per Click (CPC) Program Review

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Also known as : Clicksor






They are just like BiDclix. Ads are not relevant but you have to select categories. Thie feature might be useful to some.. but may not be for others. The Pay per click prices are not so good as Google. They claim to pay 70% of the revenue.



Clicksor.com Inc is a division of YesUp Ecommerce Solutions Inc. YesUp was founded in 1999 and incorporated in 2001 under the name YesUp Ecommerce Solutions Inc. Headquartered in the city of Toronto, Canada. YesUp delivers ecommerce solutions to its clients in the areas of high quality design, programming, technical expertise and marketing innovation.


:: PROS ::

Good Support

Online chat reprentative.



:: CONS ::

Low payout rates.

ADs are not keyword relevant.. hence you will have to manually select categories and add keywords.



Payments will be made on the 15th of every month for the earnings of the previous month.



Check, PayPal, Wire Transfer



Clean and professionally designed.

Free of nudity, pornography, and/or adult content.

Not a personal homepage or a free hosted web page.

Any publisher with a good website and with content can signup.

Most applications for their pay per click program will be accepted :-)



yesup ecommerce solutions Inc.

Attn: Clicksor.com Inc.

330 Highway 7 East, Suite 202

Richmond Hill, Ontario

L4B 3P8, Canada

Phone: 905-763-9735

Fax: 1-503-213-6300

Email: sales@clicksor.com



Risky : Please try out their ads and see if they actually have publishers for your category. If you are paid a nice amount, go with them.

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I have another Con, they make these Ads that change random words to links over time, and they are really distracting and typically they don't match your layout, I have also found them to overwrite my own links at times.I haven't found any way around this except using the ads that are graphics only.

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Errm... also add the note that:


$20 for PayPal minimum, $50 for others


That's all. Also, I don't think it's bad for free web hosting applicants. I mean, I tried it with mine and they didn't deny my application request. I only have about a dollar by now :huh: I don't know if the payouts are supposed to be higher or lower but I don't really care about getting paid...


I think it will be more than two years before I get paid $20! Hahaha!

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another con.. 50 % of Your website traffic must be US, UK, Canada or another english country, and your website must be in english.. that's the reason it didn't worked that well for one of my sites cause it's in portuguese.. tho it's working with my gaming site.. and price rates are not that bad.. for people that just need some money to spend online it's pretty good

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Has anyone out there heard about WideCircles.Com. It seems like a way better service then wasting money on PPC. Apparently they are using refering websites ( forums, blogs, wiki, etc. ) and have a viral word of mouth distributed approach to it. My friend told me he got around 100 visits from single post which cost him $0.40c. I am going to give them a try today.-reply by elsphit

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well is clicksor paying you ? i doubt that. that ad network is one of the lowest payment rate network for publishers. i would like to know your initial site reports in order to see how it is doing for you. it is seriously never worked better for me.

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Well there needs to be good content and with that comes lot of patience and hardwork. if you can do that then there is no problem getting some advertisers. but clicksor is the nasty advertisers and it makes it hard for us to get benefit from that cause when you add contextual ads they also add kontera style ads. so it is one of the useless ad network. sorry but not worth my time.

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I never even got in to Clicksor Well I guess that is due to me being to lazy to make my site a good one.

Are there any advertising programs that would still let me in.

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Clicksor seems pretty similar to Kontera, which is what I use and what Xisto/Astahosts currently use for the revenue sharing that they provide. Anyway, it seems like clicksor only wants sites that are of high traffic and high search engine results. For that reason alone, the average webmaster probably will not suit well with them. Though, people with high traffic would!

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