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mac or windows? which do u think is better

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Yes you can get a windows emulator for Mac, but since I don't play games, there isn't that many programmes that are not avalible for mac. Even microsoft has a version of Office for Mac.I really depends on what you are using it for. They both have advantages and disadvantages.

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I personally like windows better, for the general interface is much more attractive and simple to use, the software purchases reflect this. Much more people prefer windows, but I really like the hardware mac uses and the projects such as ipods which are awesome.

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I've been using DOS and Windows most of my life, but just recently I've started using a Mac on a regular basis for audio editing. I find Macs to run smoother, and not crash very often at all. Windows users who have never really used a Mac will say "Windows is better!". No, it's not. It's the worst operating system you can purchase! Full of bugs and security holes, it's a very bad OS. If you have an opporitunity to sit down with a Mac for an hour you'll love it.

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. Although I have to agree that macs have a less chance of getting hacked into since they're less popular...

actually the reason that macs are so secure is because MacOS was trashed... then they made a custom Desktop ENcironment for BSD, and named it MacOSX.

so... basically.. its secure because its an Open Source BSD, like FreeBSD and to a lesser extent Linux.

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I have a friend who stubbornly sticks with his Mac. It really annoys me because i hate them. I always have. Probably because I play so many games and Mac games suck big time. Also as said above windows supports multimedia much better. I think it is more widely used and so, supported to which always helps when getting tech support etc. :P .

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Well, I use both. I have a PC desktop and a Mac laptop. I think this is one of the better arrangements. I use the PC desktop for gaming and for all the different pieces of software that come out. For my laptop, I use the Mac. I use my laptop to get work done, not play games. Few laptops are good for games and also good as portable computers, at least to the degree I need. Macs don't crash with OSX, and they don't get viruses, and they don't get spyware. So, for having a computer I put my work and data on, its perfect. As a desktop machine....if you do print or publishing or graphics or film/video editing then the mac is the correct choice. Otherwise not so much. One thing to be aware of is that while the mac doesn't have the AMOUNT of software as the PC, the software out there for it tends to be of higher quality. If you are a person who pays for your software, then in many ways difference in the cost of the computer will rapidly be made up in other factors(like software, the continual productivity vs. dealing with things crashing, and so on). But yeah, if you a person who doesn't need supreme mobility and likes to play games, don't get a mac. If you are like me and need something that gets 5 to 6 hours of battery life, WHILE DOING WORK, not just sitting there, and need something that wont give you any crap, then a mac laptop is a good choice, since the ibooks are not much more expensive(the low end ones are very cheap for the hardware actually). For a desktop, only go mac if you do video editing or serious graphics work.

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well put, I can't really put to much info in on mac because I have only used the ones at my school from like 10yrs ago :D but it was good I liked it, as for windows for $$299$$ you would think it would work half the time but nope nadda 95 to 2000 was good but then the ****ed up ^_^ IE has some many damn holes in it, it looks like swiss cheese SP2 was a joke. So I would go with Mac over windows but not linux :P

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well macintosh is mostly used for the graphics design of sides of computers and windows is used for programming, software and networking and all of those things to do with windows

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The comparison is now mostly useless. Sure, you can argue all you want, but in the end, PCs are cheap enough that you can easily own both and not break the bank.


For graphics, multimedia, and other artistry, I still stand by the belief that nothing beats a Mac. Since Apple's purchase of EMagic, the success with Final Cut Pro, Adobe's solid commitment to Mac Photoshop, and the development of Maya and other great applications, you really can't go wrong. Most everything that you need can be done on a Mac. Hell, while recently watching the Elf DVD, sure enough, for the entire editing process the editor used a Powerbook G4 with Final Cut Pro. No more afterschool vid projects for Apple, no sirree.


It's true that PCs will always dominate the gaming world. I'm fine with that. I really don't have the time nor interest in gaming anymore. So go ahead, gloat all you want about having Xero-robotron 3004A.D. or some other random game I've never heard of.


And really, with the advent of Mac OSX 10 and Windows XP, crashing has become a thing of the past. At least for me an OS X that is. If you're still crashing under XP, then oops, too bad.

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and I choose neither. I have used macs in the past and really loved them. I have used windows and appreciate some of it's nuances (am forced to use win2000 at the office). But, my all time best system is a linux/unix one. I really enjoy the opensource nature, the freedom and the learning that one develops out of it's use. I do a fair amount of writing and graphic design and have found that there is nothing I can't do on my *nix systems. I frequently trade files from the office to home and encounter zero issues.my vote - unixcheershashbang

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Frankly, if anyone is having their Mac crash under OSX, it is the owners fault(or whoever is admining the machine). FreeBSD, as a general rule, doesn't crash. If PROGRAMS are crashing, thats the program's fault. OSX doesn't use shared memory, so other programs can't be the cause of it, none of that cascading crash BS like on windows.

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