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Php Simple Login Tutorial Learn how to make a simple login

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I am very much new to PHP..When I tried this CODE ...till registration it is working fine. But when I moved on to login page I am getting "Couldn't Log you in. Wrong Login Information" error messsage for both correct and incorrect Login information. It means it never allows me to go to members.php. So I request you to help me with your valuable advice to go forward.When I tested without username and password I am getting the message "You need to provide a username and password." But if I am putting Correct/incorrect login i am getting same error message as I stated in Paragraph 1.

Edited by phpnovice (see edit history)

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phpnovice,Are you using the password function of MySQL in both the insert and the select statements? And did you make sure that you typing in your password exactly as you did the first time? You could perhaps store the password into the database as plain text i.e. without the password functions in the select and insert statements to ensure that you are entering the right password - phpMyAdmin or a similar tool to query the database should show you what the password is.

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Excellent tutorial and I learnt a lot from it

I liked the tutorial as it explains clearly the basic logic of a login system.

I aslo learnt how to present a tutorial in the first place.

I agree with Jez about security issues and password hashing

I might suggest using FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL for the email input.

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I am having a really hard time adding this database using phpmyadmin. PLEASE help



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I keep getting loads of errors:


[b]Warning[/b][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=4]: session_start() [[/size][/font][/color][url="http://johns-webdesign.com/client/Sleg/function.session-start"]function.session-start[/url][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=4]]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/tweezy/public_html/client/Sleg/index.php:11) in [/size][/font][/color][b]/home/tweezy/public_html/client/Sleg/index.php[/b][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=4] on line [/size][/font][/color][b]30[/b]

[b]Warning[/b][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=4]: session_start() [[/size][/font][/color][url="http://johns-webdesign.com/client/Sleg/function.session-start"]function.session-start[/url][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=4]]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/tweezy/public_html/client/Sleg/login.php:12) in [/size][/font][/color][b]/home/tweezy/public_html/client/Sleg/login.php[/b][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=4] on line [/size][/font][/color][b]27[/b][b]Warning[/b][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=4]: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/tweezy/public_html/client/Sleg/login.php:12) in[/size][/font][/color][b]/home/tweezy/public_html/client/Sleg/login.php[/b][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=4] on line [/size][/font][/color][b]32[/b][color=#000000][font='Segoe UI'][size=4][center]User ID:[/center][/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font='Segoe UI'][size=4][center]Username:[/center][/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font='Segoe UI'][size=4][center]Logged in: 12/31/1969[/center][/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font='Segoe UI'][size=4][center][url="http://johns-webdesign.com/client/Sleg/logout.php"]Click here to logout![/url][/center][/size][/font][/color][b]Warning[/b][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=4]: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/tweezy/public_html/client/Sleg/login.php:12) in[/size][/font][/color][b]/home/tweezy/public_html/client/Sleg/login.php[/b][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=4] on line [/size][/font][/color][b]53[/b]

Here is site in question: (Not my designing helping a friend)


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I tried to login but failed. I see the message "Sorry, could not log you in. Wrong login information."[/font]


I have followed your all instructions but no work. Register and input data I see on mysql database file (e.g. username, password, email) but I can't login.


What's the problem?


Please let me know.






I have been quite busy lately, trying to design and code my site (far from done XD). And after having learned how to make a simple login, I will try to write my own tutorial, for you Posted Image


the tutorial


Step 1:

The first step in designing a member system is to plan out exactly what you need. A common impulse among programmers is to jump right in and start coding. I'll be honest and admit that I'm guilty of this more so than anyone. However, since I'm in control of this conversation (yes!), you'll have it all planned out by reading through this before you even see any code.


What will you need to start?

First of all, you need a server that supports a CGI or Server-side language. For this tutorial, it's PHP. I won't be directing any attention to any other language at this time, so although the concepts will be similar, the code will be entirely different than something you might use in Perl or ASP. As a side note, it is possible to perform a member system simply using Javascript, but it would not be remotely secure because Javascript is client-side (thus able to be viewed by anyone), and even if you had a one-way encryption script it would not be feasible because of the pain of hard-coding usernames and encrypted passwords into the HTML document.


Second, at least for our purposes, you need a database. Preferably MySQL. PHP and MySQL go hand-in-hand, so a lot of servers tend to match the two up. Thus, since we're talking PHP, we may as well talk MySQL.


Third, you will need 4 blank PHP web pages entitled: register.php, login.php, members.php, and logout.php. After you have these pages created and open, we're ready to start.


Step 2: Database


If we want to design a members system, we'll need a database. So all we need to do in this step is to create the table we will use to manage the user's login information. Note that the schema we use here is quite simple, and is only simplified to help you see how it works.


Name the table "dbUsers." It will need 4 fields:[I]Name Type Addition[/I]id int(10) Primary Key, AUTO_INCREMENTusername varchar(16) Uniquepassword char(16)email varchar(25)

Once you've made the database table, you're ready to design and code the registration page.


Create a File to Connect to your Database


Create a new file and name it dbConfig.php. This file will contain the PHP code that will connect to the MySQL database, and select the correct database. Make sure you have added users to your MySQL database with read/write or admin access, then place this type of code into the dbConfig.php file:


<?// Replace the variable values below// with your specific database information.$host = "localhost";$user = "UserName";$pass = "Password";$db = "dbName";// This part sets up the connection to the// database (so you don't need to reopen the connection// again on the same page).$ms = mysql_pconnect($host, $user, $pass);if ( !$ms )	{	echo "Error connecting to database.\n";	}// Then you need to make sure the database you want// is selected.mysql_select_db($db);?>

Step 3: Register




On your registration page, you need to create a web form that will allow the user to plugin a username, password, and their e-mail address. Then, also on your page, add code that runs only when information has been passed via the form. Finally, display a "Registration Successful!" message to the user.


<?php	// dbConfig.php is a file that contains your	// database connection information. This	// tutorial assumes a connection is made from	// this existing file.	include ("dbConfig.php");//Input vaildation and the dbase code	if ( $_GET["op"] == "reg" ){$bInputFlag = false;foreach ( $_POST as $field )	 {	 if ($field == ""){$bInputFlag = false;}	 else{$bInputFlag = true;}	 }// If we had problems with the input, exit with errorif ($bInputFlag == false)	 {	 die( "Problem with your registration info. "."Please go back and try again.");	 }// Fields are clear, add user to database// Setup query$q = "INSERT INTO `dbUsers` (`username`,`password`,`email`) "	 ."VALUES ('".$_POST["username"]."', "	 ."PASSWORD('".$_POST["password"]."'), "	 ."'".$_POST["email"]."')";// Run query$r = mysql_query($q);// Make sure query inserted user successfullyif ( !mysql_insert_id() )	 {	 die("Error: User not added to database.");	 }else	 {	 // Redirect to thank you page.	 Header("Location: register.php?op=thanks");	 }} // end if//The thank you page	elseif ( $_GET["op"] == "thanks" ){echo "<h2>Thanks for registering!</h2>";}//The web form for input ability	else{echo "<form action=\"?op=reg\" method=\"POST\">\n";echo "Username: <input name=\"username\" MAXLENGTH=\"16\"><br />\n";echo "Password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" MAXLENGTH=\"16\"><br />\n";echo "Email Address: <input name=\"email\" MAXLENGTH=\"25\"><br />\n";echo "<input type=\"submit\">\n";echo "</form>\n";}	// EOF	?>

Step 4: Login




Now in PHP, first we need to check the username and password against the information stored in the database. Since when the user registered, we encrypted their password using the MySQL PASSWORD() function, we re-encrypt the password the user supplied in the login form and cross-check this with the existing value in the dBase. If login information is O.K., then we need to use sessions to store the user's ID so they can access member-only content.


<?php	session_start();	// dBase file	include "dbConfig.php";	if ($_GET["op"] == "login"){if (!$_POST["username"] || !$_POST["password"])	 {	 die("You need to provide a username and password.");	 }// Create query$q = "SELECT * FROM `dbUsers` "	 ."WHERE `username`='".$_POST["username"]."' "	 ."AND `password`=PASSWORD('".$_POST["password"]."') "	 ."LIMIT 1";// Run query$r = mysql_query($q);if ( $obj = @mysql_fetch_object($r) )	 {	 // Login good, create session variables	 $_SESSION["valid_id"] = $obj->id;	 $_SESSION["valid_user"] = $_POST["username"];	 $_SESSION["valid_time"] = time();	 // Redirect to member page	 Header("Location: members.php");	 }else	 {	 // Login not successful	 die("Sorry, could not log you in. Wrong login information.");	 }}	else{//If all went right the Web form appears and users can log inecho "<form action=\"?op=login\" method=\"POST\">";echo "Username: <input name=\"username\" size=\"15\"><br />";echo "Password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" size=\"8\"><br />";echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Login\">";echo "</form>";}	?>

Step 5: Members Area




Now that the user has logged in successfully, and has his id, username, and login stored in session variables, we can start working with member-only content. A major thing to remember is that any page you want to carry session data over to you must declare a session_start(); at the top of your code.


<?phpsession_start();if (!$_SESSION["valid_user"])	{	// User not logged in, redirect to login page	Header("Location: login.php");	}// Member only content// ...// ...// ...// Display Member informationecho "<p>User ID: " . $_SESSION["valid_id"];echo "<p>Username: " . $_SESSION["valid_user"];echo "<p>Logged in: " . date("m/d/Y", $_SESSION["valid_time"]);// Display logout linkecho "<p><a href=\"logout.php\">Click here to logout!</a></p>";?>

Step 6: Logout




Ah, although it would be nice if our user's never left our web sites, we should give them to opportunity to log out and destroy the session variables if they so choose. It's quite easy to do, and you can just copy and paste this one.


<?phpsession_start();session_unset();session_destroy();// Logged out, return home.Header("Location: index.php");?>

That's about it!. I used many simple examples hoping that you will learn how the internal systems work so you can expand on them and design a system that's just right for your needs. Have fun! Posted Image


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very good tutorial but it's already outdated... so hackers might use sql injection into the code.The safest way here is to escape your strings or use PDO function to manipulate your database instead of old mysql functions.You can also make use of mysqli functions but I'm a big fan of PDO :)Great Job anyway

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